Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: :Dou Zhan Jue vs. Dou Zhan Jue, only by joining forces can you have a chance

Latest website: At the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, dressed in white, with a stunning woman, the two walked toward the top of the mountain unhurriedly.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, the situation that was originally ready to go, and the sword was suddenly disintegrated.

At this moment, the world is silent, the wind and cloud are silent, there is only a sound of footsteps, resounding in the ears of everyone, and it seems to be stepping on their hearts.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but jump with the sound of footsteps.

One person makes the world quiet.

"He actually came!!"

Yuan Zhan was the first to speak, his eyes seemed to have burning warfare surging.

But he didn't release his fighting spirit, but desperately suppressed it, waiting for an opportunity to explode.

"He is Madman Chu!"

Gu Tiandao had curiosity and fear in his eyes.

Although it was the first time he saw each other, he had seen a lot of portraits of him.

At this meeting, he felt that the knife on his waist was trembling uncontrollably, and seemed to be telling him that the person in front of him... is extremely dangerous! !

"It's him, killed the clan brother!!"

In Ji Feiyu's beautiful eyes, it was cold.

Ji De died in the hands of the madman Chu. Although she didn't like Ji De, the other party was also the evildoer of the Ji family.

"It was him who killed the last strongest evildoer of the Eastern Kings Church!"

Lei Yangzi was also looking at Madman Chu, Zhuo Donglai, he hadn't seen him before, and he didn't even think of revenge for the other party.

However, some of the elders of the Eastern Kings Church are always talking about it. If Zhuo Donglai is still there, he will definitely be a master of the teaching, carrying the heavy responsibility of the Eastern Kings Church.

It can be seen that Zhuo Donglai's talent is not weaker than him.

But such a person died in the hands of Madman Chu.

"Madman Chu!! The king of gods and demons, the chief culprit who destroyed my Qin family!!"

Qin Tianya stared at the Madman Chu with unforgettable hatred in his eyes.

Although it was not the madman of Chu who led the troops to destroy the Qin family, he was the king of gods and demons, and he gave the crown of crape myrtle to Jue Wushen so that the other party had the ability to destroy the Qin family.

He hates the madman of Chu even more than Absolute God!

The other Tianjiao evildoers looked at Qin Tianya and called out good guys.

This madman of Chu has offended several powers in the end!

The few evildoers who came to the top of the Five Elements Mountain, all had enemies with him.

"Overwhelming the world's madman, this name alone has invisibly offended all the world's arrogances, not to mention that some of these forces have died in the hands of Chu Madman."

You Tianjiao couldn't help but said with emotion.

If we say that there are no Chu madmen, then the world will be full of flowers, a hundred schools of thought contend, and all the evildoers will show their magical powers.

But with Madman Chu...

In the face of the madman Chu, who is the dominant family, the other evildoers will unconsciously unite to deal with him.

It can be said that the existence of the madman Chu has invisibly promoted the unity of the evil spirits of all parties.

Madman Chu headed towards the top of the mountain with Lan Yu, seemingly unhurried, but the speed was not slow, and he often stepped a step beyond hundreds of thousands of feet.

After a while, he came to the top of the mountain.

As for all Tianjiao evildoers, their expressions have already reached the extreme.

"It's really surprising that Madman Chu, who is famous in the world, can come to this Five Elements Mountain!"

Yuan Zhan laughed at the Madman Chu.

"Why, isn't it welcome?"

"Ha, of course not, if I can fight you, it would be a great honor!"

Yuan Zhan shook the golden long stick in his hand, laughed, and the battle intent in his eyes almost burst out, "Madman Chu, I am not who I was at the beginning!"

When the Madman Chu went to the Shiwan Dashan Mountain for the little fox, he had a conflict with Tianjiao from the Shiwan Dashan Mountain. Yuan Zhan was one of them. It was just that Yuan Zhan was in the hands of Madman Chu at that time. Without any strength to fight back, he was easily defeated.

"In my opinion, there should be no difference."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Qinghua Shaoyu, the ninth in the immortal list, couldn't hold up two or three moves in his hands.

No, if he is serious, the other party probably won't be able to survive even one move, let alone Yuan Zhan, the tenth in the immortal list.

"Madman Chu, let's fight!!"

Yuan Zhan didn't say much any more, the battle intent accumulated on his body whizzed out at this moment, and the golden long stick in his hand slammed out. For a moment, the world seemed to be turned upside down, and the space was shattered! !

This blow was very powerful.

And Madman Chu is no stranger to this trick, "It seems that you really got the inheritance of the ape ancestor, this fighting technique is displayed in a style."

What Yuan Zhan displayed was the earth-shaking tactic of fighting war!

Madman Chu stood on the spot, facing the giant stick that was smashed down like a mountain, his figure seemed extremely small, but as he raised his hand, an equally tyrannical fighting intent broke out!

With a punch, the rhyme that permeated the Taoist rhyme was exactly the same as Yuan Zhan's!

The same is true, the fighting tactic is turned upside down!

And, more powerful! !

The two forces slammed into each other, the heaven and the earth shattered, the space shattered, and the entire Five Elements Mountain was shaken.

Yuan Zhan backed up a few steps, and the huge figure slammed into a big mountain, "It's such a powerful force, how can you fight the battle trick?!"

"The Purple Star Heavenly Dao Pagoda has been inherited by the ape ancestor."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"That's the case, then give it a try, who is more powerful than our fighting tactics!!"

Yuan Zhan showed unspeakable excitement, and waves of Dao patterns filled the golden long stick in his hand. With Yuan Zhan's waving, he set off a terrifying storm!

"Fighting tactics, overturning the river!!"

It was another shot.

Madman Chu still stood on the spot, punching out, and the same Dao Yun Dao pattern flowed out, blasting on the golden magic stick.

After this blow, Yuan Zhan retreated again!

On the other hand, the madman of Chu, standing in place, looks like a sacred mountain across the sky, motionless!

"Good guy, fighting tactics, break through Lingxiao!!"

Yuan Zhan let out a long roar, and the fighting spirit on his body climbed to the extreme, and the golden sacred stick released an infinite brilliance and blasted out again.

But this time apart from him,

Lei Yangzi actually made a move, his left hand mobilized the power of the sun, and his right hand spurred the tyrant Thunder!

The two forces merged into one card and turned into a huge thunder and fire ball filled with hot temperature, which slashed across the sky like a star, followed the golden stick, and went straight to the Madman Chu!

Upon seeing this, the ancestor ape shrank his pupils and wanted to close his hands, but it was too late.

Two forces, one on the left and the other on the right, directly attacked Madman Chu.

But seeing the other party still standing on the spot, motionless like a mountain, an invisible black hole force field spread out between raising his hands, the blow of the **** stick and the thunder day disappeared.

"Lei Yangzi, what are you doing!!"

Yuan Zhan glared at Lei Yangzi.

In his opinion, this was a fair duel between himself and Madman Chu, and he would definitely not allow others to interfere.

Lei Yangzi's behavior is undoubtedly provoking him.

"Yuan Zhan, do you still know the situation? You are not his opponent at all. Only when we join forces can we have a chance to defeat him!"

Lei Yangzi said coldly, he didn't care about bullying too much, as long as he could beat Madman Chu.

Ji Feiyu, Qin Tianya, Gu Tiandao and others are also eager to try.

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