Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The son of Zhan Xiangjun, the incarnation of the son of Zhandong emperor

The latest website: The spirit of gods and demons rises to the sky, stirring the world!

Endless celestial splendor of life and death, pouring out, seems to be about to destroy the realms, and hold the life and death of all souls in the hands.

Boom, boom! !

Several strands of energy violently collided with Xianhui of Life and Death, and the space burst into pieces one after another.

The monster beasts formed by the concentration of water and air were shattered one after another, and the group of phoenix fire was also consumed...

Immediately afterwards, several figures flew out in this endless fairy radiance.

It is Xiangjun Shenzi and others.

Under the impact of energy, they were difficult to resist, and they flew out one after another.

"Mad Chu, really strong!"

Feng Qingtian said with a solemn expression.

The phoenix fire on his body was revolving, and the blood pulse of eight awakenings spurred to the extreme, and the turbulent phoenix fire enveloped most of the sky!

The evildoer in the field, his strongest strength, is the seventh-rank golden immortal, plus the Phoenix bloodline that has been awakened eight times, and the phoenix fire cast, even the 9th-rank golden immortal must be careful.

"The phoenix roars into the sky!!"

The practice of Phoenix Nest is performed.

The endless phoenix fire erupted, intertwined in the void to form a beautiful phoenix, and after a scream, it swooped down towards Madman Chu.

Wherever he went, everything turned into ashes, endless water vapor evaporated, and water mist filled.

"Your phoenix fire is much worse than the sky fire in the gossip furnace."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He has been in the gossip furnace for twenty years, and the six heavenly fires that even Daluo Jinxian can refine can't help him, let alone Feng Qingtian's phoenix fire?

I saw a golden red fire lotus swaying.

Red Lotus Phoenix Fire, now!

The two phoenix fires collided together, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Lotus Phoenix Fire erupted with a devouring characteristic, devouring Feng Qingtian's Phoenix Fire frantically, which caused Feng Qingtian's expression to change, a little shocked.

"How could this happen, your Phoenix Fire is actually stronger than mine?!"

"It's not that my Phoenix Fire is stronger than you, but you...too weak."

Madman Chu said calmly.

The phoenix that has been awakened by blood eight times, where will its phoenix fire go?

The most important thing is that the gap between the two sides is too big.

"The clouds and mist!"

At this time, a low voice sounded.

I saw a large amount of vaporized water gathering together, forming a cloud and mist that enveloped Madman Chu in it.

In the clouds and mist, there are countless mysterious Taoist patterns circulating.

In the next instant, thousands of clouds gathered into a sword, shooting from all directions towards the Madman Chu.

The sword aura is extremely sharp, and contains a certain way of art, this is a sword formation!

It was Yunzhong Jun Shenzi who made the shot.

This person is not on the top of the immortal rankings, but he has shown extremely amazing strength when he shoots. This sword formation might be tricky even if a monster like Feng Qingtian enters.

But unfortunately, what he is facing now is the Madman Chu.

"Report, the flaws in the sword formation are being analyzed..."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded, analyzing the flaws in the formation.

"Don't be so troublesome."

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, his sword fingers condensed, and the majestic sword aura roared out of his body, turning into a vast ocean of sword aura, destroying the surrounding clouds and sword aura completely!

It is the magical power of Aoba Sword Hitomi, Aoba Sword Sea!

The moment the sword formation was broken, a ghost-like figure suddenly appeared in front of Madman Chu.

It is the son of God in the cloud!

The sword formation is just his first ultimate move, and the second ultimate move is him hidden in the sword formation!

The moment the sword formation was broken, he was ready to take action instantly.

A white light passed by, it turned out countless sword auras, and the dense sword power was like clouds and waves, piled up and piled up, and the madman of Chu emerged!

"Oh, stupid, do you really think that I can't find you?"

Madman Chu chuckled, his sword pointed out.

A breath of boundless tyranny broke out, it was the sword of Zhou, tyranny! !

The sword of tyranny destroys the world, and the dense sword aura is disintegrated on the spot!

The **** child in the cloud couldn't help but bear the brunt of his pupils shrinking.

boom! !

Under the impact of the tyrannical sword, the **** of the cloud was unable to resist, the whole person was bombed out, the fairy body exploded, and the skin was ripped apart!

"Yin and Yang life and death chart!"

The meaning of life and death is enveloped, turning into a life and death picture covering the sky.

Under the suppression of this picture of life and death, Feng Qingtian, Xiangjun Shenzi and others felt that they were carrying hundreds of millions of stars on their backs, and their bodies were almost crushed.

"Cao Jian Jue!"

Behind Chu Kuangren, a nine-leaf sword grass emerged.

When the blade of grass moved, the thick sword energy came out, slashed on Feng Qingtian's body, and blasted it directly out.

Immediately afterwards, several sword qis were cut out.

One by one Tianjiao enchanting evildoer was blown up one after another, and it was not Chu Madman's opponent at all.

"It's too weak, isn't there anyone who can fight?"

Madman Chu looked at these so-called evildoers, the goddess of Xian Ting, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

He stepped forward, broke through the endless water vapor, and came to the front of the son of Xiangjun.

The sword's fingers condensed, and then a sword aura swept across.

"not good!!"

The face of the **** son Xiangjun changed wildly, urging Xianyuan to the extreme, and the whole person almost merged with the Xiangshui behind him, as if to resist this sword.

But useless.

Sword Qi crosses, draws the river and divides the sea! !

The huge Xiangshui lake was split in half by a sword, and the water surged.

And the **** son Xiangjun was torn in half by the sword qi, and he died suddenly on the spot in splashes of blood! !

It wasn't until the moment before he died that he knew why the **** son of Dongjun, the goddess of Da Si Ming, was so afraid of Chu Madman.

The strength of the opponent is indeed far greater than that of the younger generation!

The **** son Xiangjun asked himself to have a good cultivation level, but in the hands of the madman Chu, he could not go through three moves and two ways and fell.

With the fall of the son of Xiangjun, the rest of the evildoers felt an incomparable panic in their hearts.

Especially the **** son in the cloud.

Xian Ting and the Madman Chu had an enmity, and he would not be so kind to them, such as the gods of the Xian Ting.

He might be merciful to other Tianjiao!

But for the **** son of Xian Ting, he has only one word at all, that is... kill! !

"Emperor Prince, save me!!"

At this time, Jun Yunzhong directly took out a golden puppet and threw it into the air.

I saw the puppets blooming with brilliance.

In the endless fairy glory, a figure filled with noble and extraordinary aura walked out, and the vastness of the prestige made the hearts of all beings in the world unable to help but feel a sense of surrender.

"Is this the **** son of the Eastern Emperor, who is known as everything in the Eastern Emperor Immortal Court?!"

"What a terrifying breath, it's really extraordinary!"

"The son of the Eastern Emperor, has not yet fully appeared in this world. This is not his deity, but an incarnation."

Many Tianjiao talked about it.

Above the top monsters, there are the world-famous monsters!

And now the world-famous evildoers, except for the number one Dragon Profound in the Dragon Palace, the rest of the world-familiar evildoers have not yet appeared.

The **** son of the East Emperor of the East Emperor Xian Ting, UU reading, the Haotian Shao Yu of the Kunlun Xian Ting...

These two people have been judged by many people to be the enchanting evildoers of the world, and they are the characters who may even affect the entire fairy world in the future!

"Mad Chu, that's it."

After the incarnation of the **** son of the Eastern Emperor appeared, he said indifferently, and he wanted to stop the madman Chu from killing the **** son of Yunzhong.

"When did an avatar dare to speak out in front of me?"

Madman Chu didn't say anything, his sword condensed, and he slashed out with a sharp sword!

boom! !

The boundless sword aura erupts, as if the overlord descends, pushing the world! !

It is the sword of Zhou, Ba Lin!

With a sword falling, the incarnation of the **** son of the East Emperor had no time to say a word before being cut off on the spot!

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