Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Absorb the fire dragon yuan, where the Qin emperor's yin figurines are

The latest website: "I want ten such dragon yuan!"

As soon as Madman Chu's words came out, the corners of everyone present twitched.

Even the Lord of the Dragon Palace couldn't help showing an angry look in his eyes, "What do you think of this Dragon Yuan?! This is the Dragon Yuan of Da Luo Jinxian, and there are only a few Da Luo Jinxian in the entire fairy world."

"Oh, that Dragon Palace was a top giant in the Immortal Ancient Period. The background is extraordinary. You can't even get ten big Luolongyuan?"

"The immortal world is reorganizing after it is broken, do you think how many immortal ancients are there?!"

"Then there should be a lot of big Luo Jinxian in the Dragon Palace, kill them and take their Long Yuan to me, right?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone gasped.


This Madman of Chu is really crazy, he dare to say anything.

"Chu madman, don't deceive others too much!!"

The lord of the Dragon Palace's dragon eyes shrank, and the convergent Longwei couldn't help but escape.

"Oh, just kidding."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, naturally knowing that Dragon Palace couldn't adopt this proposal.

"It's just a dragon yuan that you want to exchange for Long Xuan's life. You worldly enchanting evildoer, it's too cheap."

Madman Chu said lightly, still not planning to let go easily.

After the lord of the dragon palace pondered for a while, he took out two dragon yuan and some other treasures again, "If these are not enough, my dragon palace would rather be in the same vein with your gods and demons, and burn the jade!"

"You guys don't have that ability yet."

Madman Chu said, took a look at the treasures, waved them casually, and put them all into the universe space in his sleeves.

Then he let go of Long Xuan.

"Take a good look at you, the world-famous evildoer. If you confront me again next time, I hope you Dragon Palace will have time to save him."

"Huh, you don't need to worry about it."

The lord of the Dragon Palace gave a cold snort, then stretched out the dragon claws to take Long Xuan away.

After a while, the dark clouds dissipated, and the dragon power between heaven and earth gradually dissipated.

Many Tianjiao around were still immersed in the shock of the battle just now and the madman of Chu extorting the Dragon Palace, looking at each other, their eyes were full of jealousy.

"No. 1 on the immortal list, that's all."

Madman Chu shook his head.

Then, he waited for a few days in the Five Elements Mountain, only to leave after seeing that no one had responded to his challenge.

The Madman Chu declared war on the immortal world, defeated Long Xuan in one fell swoop, and the blackmailing of Long Palace spread quickly.

This time, the entire fairy world was boiling over.

All parts of the fairy world are talking about the Mad Man of Chu, whose popularity is even more astonishing than 20 years ago.

Among them, the most curious is how strong is the Madman Chu who re-emerged after twenty years? !

"Long Xuan's combat power is amazing. After using the scales of the opposite, plus the scales of the four seas, ordinary Da Luo can't defeat him in just a few strokes. Madman Chu can easily defeat him, but he is unscathed. Such power is truly amazing."

In the Immortal Court of the East Emperor, the **** son of the east emperor said lightly to the **** son of Yunzhongjun who had just escaped from the Five Elements Mountain.

"This person is indeed a monster!"

The **** son Yunzhong also said with lingering fear: "His cultivation base has reached the ultimate level of the golden immortal, and I am afraid that he is not far from the flower of condensing immortal origin."

"No, the cultivation base is not the most daunting place for this person."

The Eastern Prince said lightly.

People in the emperor's clan.

"The most troubling thing about this person is his physical body!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan also paid much attention to the battle of the Five Elements Mountain, and naturally also noticed the indestructible body of Madman Chu.


Zhuan Xu's heir nodded, "His physical body is difficult even for Long Xuan to break open. It is said that Ancestor Ape has practiced an incorruptible body in the gossip furnace. Could it be that he also succeeded?"

"Even if it can't be compared with the ape ancestor, but I am afraid, it is not far behind, there is a big Luo Yi above his physical body!"

The Legend of Xuanyuan took a deep breath, with deep fear in his eyes.

"If you want to be an enemy of this person, you must first destroy him, otherwise, everything is meaningless."

Just imagine.

The two sides competed for cultivation, immortality, and magical powers, and finally saw the hope of victory. When your attack fell on the enemy, the other party was unscathed!

How desperate should it be? !

Within the Devil Kingdom, Shi Tianxuan was also thinking about the countermeasures to deal with the madman of Chu.

"It's not enough to break the opponent's physical body. The physical body is big, endless, and even has miraculous effects derived from flesh and blood. The resilience is extremely terrifying, and it can be said that it is difficult to kill."

"In my magic way, there seems to be a method of hemolysis of bones, which has a miraculous effect on the flesh cultivator. It seems that it is necessary to practice."

In this world, there are very few people who have achieved greatness in the flesh.

Many monks have no experience in how to deal with mortal monks like Madman Chu, but some giant forces with immortal heritage can still find several countermeasures.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't know that those supernatural evildoers, and even the most powerful evildoers, were trying to deal with him.

Even if I knew it, I wouldn't care if I wanted to.

He is now in Yige Cave, refining the fire dragon yuan blackmailed from the lord of the dragon palace.

This is a dragon element with fire attributes, and his Drought Man's true body can strengthen itself by absorbing the world's fire. This fire dragon element is of course also possible.

As the Fire Dragon Yuan continued to refine into his body, Dao lines gradually appeared on his body surface.

Streaks of fleshy Luoyi filled it, and it was stronger than the moment when it was first released.

If the physical body is divided into the early stage, the middle stage, the later stage, and the peak, then he is now in the early stage, after absorbing the fire dragon yuan, he has taken a big step toward the middle stage!

"Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who have achieved physical strength."

"And in this world, the most powerful physical combat force is undoubtedly the ancient zombie restricted zone."

In this world, there are restricted areas.

For example, the purple pupil family that Madman Chu had encountered before was the vassal of the soul forbidden zone, and the Hellbird and Hellscream came from the alien forbidden zone.

As for the zombie exclusion zone, as the name suggests, it is the place where zombies live.

The zombie family is one of the best races in this world. It is said that the king of zombies is known as the indestructible bone, which means that the bones are immortal and extremely powerful!

The real body of the Drought Man from the Madman Chu is an ancient zombie king that has been inherited from the ancient times, Drought Man!

"Forbidden area, it's a bit interesting, maybe you can go for a trip if you have a chance. UU Reading"

Madman Chu whispered.

The forbidden area is a fierce place in the immortal world and even the universe, and few people can survive after entering it.

It's just that Madman Chu is backed by the line of gods and demons, and he is a supreme evildoer. Others can't enter the restricted area, but he can.

Even if it is a restricted area, it is extremely afraid of the gods and demons.

"But now I am more interested than the restricted area, but this thing is."

Madman Chu took out an old scroll.

This is the picture he got after killing Qin Tianya. There are countless mountains, rivers and earth on it. It seems chaotic, but there are certain laws hidden.

This is! !

And the location indicated on the map is not simple, it is the location of the millions of yin figurines cast by the Emperor Qin in the ancient times! !

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