Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : The method of swallowing ghosts, the hunger of the flower of desire

The latest website: the body of the big Luo Yi hard to kill the ghost sword!

The two forces crashed, and Zhong Yun backed away dozens of feet, staring at Madman Chu as if he was looking at a monster.

The physical body Da Luo Yi, an existence that cannot be cultivated as a golden immortal, actually cultivated into a physical body Luo Yi? !

Is it possible that the flesh is his main attack?

No way?

With Qingye Jiantong, a supreme immortal body such as the reincarnation celestial body in his hand, he will actually attack the physical body. What an idiot did!

More importantly, has he cultivated into a big Luo Yi with a physical body? !

It's incredible!

But anyway, Madman Chu's combat power was extraordinary, and Zhong Yun finally faced his opponent squarely.

"Boy, report your name, I will kill an unknown ghost under my sword!"

"Madman Chu!"

"Very well, I remember this name, then you should also remember it, the name of the person who killed you is called Zhong..."

Before Zhong Yun finished speaking, Madman Chu had already taken action.

His figure swiftly flew out like an electric light, and he came to Zhong Yun in the blink of an eye. The big Luo Yi exploded, punch after punch.

With every punch, the power is broken! !

"Asshole, you don't speak martial ethics, you actually attacked me!"

Zhong Yun's face changed, he was furious, brandishing a ghost-killing sword to resist Chu Madman's offensive.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of remembering the name of the dying person."

Madman Chu said while attacking.

"Damn, kill the ghost sword, kill me!!"

The ghost-killing sword in Zhong Yun's hand was cut down brazenly, and the endless fairy radiance was reflected, as if under this sword, the ghosts died out, and the world was broken!

"God Thunder Fist!"

Madman Chu didn't retreat, his five fingers clenched into a fist, and he slammed it out, blasting on the blade of the Killing Ghost Sword.

The big Luo Yi of the flesh broke out, and the endless blood burst out, turning into thousands of thunder! !

The two forces exploded in an instant.

Zhong Yun flew out, surrounded by **** thunders, and was madly impacting his Da Luo fairy body, "What a terrifying power!"

On the other side, the sword aura of the Killing Ghost Sword lingered around Madman Chu, raging against him.


With a soft drink, the body shook, and the ghost-killing sword gas immediately dissipated and entered.

"Use me, I will help you."

At this time, the flower of desire on the back of Chu Kuangren's hand spoke.

She looked at Zhong Yun with a look of desire in her eyes, "The desire of a big Luo Jinxian will definitely taste wonderful."

"not needed for now."

Madman Chu said lightly, he also used this Zhong Yun to test whether he had the power to kill Daluo.

After speaking, his figure flew out again.

This time, it's not just the physical body.

All kinds of immortal magical powers are also displayed one by one.

For a time, the incomparably gorgeous Dao pattern, and the various fairy techniques exploded in the sky above Fengdu.

The madman Chu was circulating the fairy radiance of life and death, the power of reincarnation, and the sword fingers together, it was the supreme sword energy, and when he raised his hand, it was the yin-yang life and death chart, the world of reincarnation!

All kinds of immortal methods, all kinds of physical supernatural powers, can be described as easy to come by in his hands, without any duplicates.

The countless souls looked dazzled and shocked.

"Is this our ghost emperor? That's amazing!"

"There are so many physique and supernatural powers, how on earth did the Lord Ghost Emperor do it? This is incredible."

The souls were amazed again and again.

The Skull Yin Generals, Million Yin Soldiers, etc. have endless fanaticism in their eyes.

"Is this the strength of Lord Ghost Emperor? As expected, Lord Ghost Emperor, really powerful!"

After a fierce fight, Madman Chu relied on unparalleled physical strength and immortality, unscathed.

On the other hand, Zhong Yun's breath was sluggish and he suffered a lot of injuries.

There was a look of shock on his face.

"It's impossible, you are a golden fairy, how can you have such a terrifying combat power?!"

Jinxian and Daluo are far apart.

It is basically impossible for Jin Xian to defeat Da Luo.

This is the common sense of the immortal world, and now Madman Chu has broken this common sense abruptly and refreshed Zhong Yun's cognition.

Madman Chu ignored the shock of the opponent, and between raising his hands, life and death matched reincarnation, the wheel of life and death in all realms, and the reincarnation of light. The two supernatural powers merged together, and then they blasted out!

With the boundless power of reincarnation, Zhong Yun once again blasted back on the spot!

Immediately afterwards, the big Luo Yi of the flesh exploded, blasted out with a punch, the boundless qi and blood formed thousands of blood thunder, which continuously blasted Zhong Yun's body.

Bang bang bang...

Zhong Yun's breath continued to wilt.

"No, if this continues, I'm afraid I will... die!!"

Zhong Yun's complexion changed, and his heart was terrified.

On the body of a golden immortal, he actually felt the threat of death! !

Thinking of this, he looked at the Zhong Jiayin soldiers behind him who were crushed by the power of the ghost emperor, and his eyes showed a touch of decisiveness.

"Bring you here, you must help a little bit, just use your useless body to pave the way for my hegemony!!!"

Zhong Yun let out a low growl.

I saw on him, an extremely powerful force burst out, and that power was actually mixed with a strange suction!

With countless Yin Soldiers and Yin Generals under this force, their bodies flew towards Zhong Yun involuntarily, and were directly inhaled by the opponent!

"No, Patriarch doesn't want it!"

"My God, the Patriarch is crazy."


The screams were endless, and countless souls saw this scene, and they only felt cold all over their body.

This Zhong Yun actually swallowed a large number of Yin Soldiers!

"In the rumors, Zhong Kui feeds on ghosts. It seems that the rumors are true."

Bai Mei said with solemn eyes: "This is the Ghost Swallowing Dafa passed down by the Zhong family from generation to generation!"

As countless Yin Soldiers will be sucked into his body, Zhong Yun's breath has risen to an extremely terrifying level. On his body, countless strange patterns emerge, and in a vaguely screaming face, every Yin soldier will appear, which looks incomparable The terrifying horror makes the scalp numb to those who see it.


Zhong Yun let out a full hiccup, and what he vomited was a deep and incomparable resentment.

A dead soul ran out of his mouth, but was grabbed and stuffed directly back into his stomach.

Madman Chu's eyes became even colder, "In front of me, devour the souls of the dead, you are courageous!"

"Boy, I am not what I used to be."

Zhong Yun felt the incomparably surging power in his body, and his face couldn't help showing a hideous smile.

"Quick, let me do it!"

"So many dead souls are gathered together, what a strong desire this must be!!"

On the back of the Madman Chu, the Flower of Desire couldn't help it, and the vines spread out, dancing around the Madman Chu, and he couldn't wait. U U Reading www.uukānshu.cOM

And Madman Chu didn't stop him, "He is yours anymore."

Whoosh! !

The tentacles flew out suddenly, flying towards Zhong Yun.

"What is this?"

Zhong Yun frowned slightly, he had an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He blasted out with a punch, smashing countless vines, but the broken vines were filled with a weird fragrance, which actually penetrated into his body.

Not only that, there were three dark magic hooks flying out of the void, entwining him.

An inexplicable force made Zhong Yun shudder.

"You will be immersed in the vortex of desire, and then die."

Madman Chu said lightly.

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