Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Weapon card, Xuan Nvzong collects style, the army opens

Latest website: In the Yin Cao Difu, you Da Neng are figuring out how to deal with the madman of Chu.

Although the three major underworlds are constrained by a force and cannot be directly shot in the underworld, those underworld families and races can.

Besides, the reincarnation mechanism of Fengdu Jifu is already being watched by various forces.

As long as they pushed a little bit behind their backs, Fengdu Difu would become a target of public criticism, and by then, Madman Chu would have to directly confront all forces.

But when the Yin Cao Jifu was planning, a news suddenly came out from within the capital.

Fengdu is gathering forces and preparing to conquer the Zhong family!

This news caused an uproar in the underworld.

You know, the previous Feng has never taken the initiative to send troops, and one target is the Zhong family, one of the best in the underworld!

"This Fengdu ghost emperor is so courageous, he dared to send troops to deal with the Zhong family."

"Tsk tusk, although I don't know what method he used to kill Zhong Yun, it's just that besides Zhong Yun, the Patriarch, there are still many masters in the Zhong family. Did Feng win all of them?"

"The show is about to kick off."

All forces are staring at this battle between Fengdu and Zhong's family.

And in Fengdu.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a weapon card."

Madman Chu drew a prize after refining the new reincarnation seal.

This time, it was a card he hadn't seen before.

He took a look at the introduction, Weapon Card, which is a card that allows him to use weapons without hindrance and maximize the power of a weapon.

This made his eyes shine.

If he used this card, wouldn't he be able to use the power of the Combination Device to gain the power equivalent to the Combination Path? !

"Yes, this will be a good hole card."

Madman Chu was quite satisfied with the lottery.

Then, he left the barrier, and the Skull Yin General was also ready to send troops.

In this expedition, apart from Madman Chu himself, he didn't take away too many powerful men in Fengdu, leaving the Eighty Demon Generals behind Fengdu guard.

He didn't want to be stolen as soon as he went out.

The Eighty Demon Generals are now extremely powerful, and even the existence of the Da Luo Realm is jealous of the Heavenly Demon Formation mobilized under their joint hands.

It couldn't be more appropriate for them to guard the rear.

"Ghost Emperor, the Zhong family's background is not small, if you don't bring the Eighty Demon Generals, I'm afraid it will be a tough battle."

Skull Yin Jiang said with some worry.

"It's okay, it's enough."

Madman Chu said lightly, there are still many hole cards in his hand, enough to deal with a Zhong family.

"Ghost Emperor, there is the dead soul of Xuannvzong outside asking to see him."

At this time, a Yin soldier walked into the imperial palace and said.

"Xuan Nvzong?"

Madman Chu seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, "General Skeleton, aren't you afraid of not having enough troops? I'll find another force for you."

"The ghost emperor is talking about Xuan Nvzong?"

In the old days, a large number of dead souls of female cultivators swarmed into the capital.

The strength of this group of female sisters is not bad, and there are even some golden immortals among them, but these people have stayed in Liuhun Street after entering Fengdu. They rarely show up, and there is no tendency to reincarnate. The strength is not bad, the skeleton Yin will avoid conflict, so they are ignored.

Ghost Emperor, want to subdue them as combat power? !

"Yes, let her in."

Madman Chu said lightly to the Yin Soldier.

In a short while.

A slender and graceful female nun dressed in a colorful skirt came to the front of Madman Chu.

"Xuan Nvzong gathers style and has seen the ghost emperor."

Picking the wind and saluting the madman in Chu slightly.

And Madman Chu also felt the strong aura fluctuating in the opponent's body, this is a dead soul who retains the strength of the golden immortal!

The battle between the monks is very fierce. Generally, the dead party will wear away even the soul, and there is little chance of reincarnation.

Even if you are lucky enough to keep your soul after death, unless you are a monk who specializes in soul power during his lifetime, his soul power will not be too strong, or it will gradually weaken with the passage of time until it dissipates, or it will follow the guidance in the dark. Came to the underworld, ready to reincarnate.

But the monks of Xuan Nvzong are different.

These monks, because of a certain obsession, were willingly transformed into the body of the dead by the Xuannvzong's great formation, and even their cultivation level was transformed.

They didn't turn into dead souls after death.

Instead, he voluntarily turned into a dead soul before his death, and lived as a dead soul in the Xuannv sect, protecting the treasures of opportunity left by Queen Mother of the West.

It was not until the arrival of the mad people of Chu that they were extradited to the Fengdu Underworld. Under the reincarnation mechanism of the Fengdu Underworld, their sanity gradually recovered. However, there was still an obsession in his heart, so he was not willing to reincarnate, but stayed in Liuhun The street seemed to be waiting for Madman Chu to arrive.

"Fairy Caifeng came here, but to inquire about Xuan Nvzong?"

Madman Chu asked lightly.

"Exactly, when the ghost emperor extradited us to Fengdu, we must know what happened to Xuannvzong. Whoever got the things left by Queen Mother Xi?"

Caifeng's eyes were worried.

It seems that he is afraid of the treasures of chance that he and others guard, and he is not entrusted with it.

"You can rest assured that the things you are protecting have been taken away by those who should take it."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Ghost Emperor means..."

Caifeng is still a little puzzled.

Madman Chu raised his hand to release the breath of the Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body, "The inheritance of Queen Mother West was taken away by a woman with the same physique as me."

"This is... Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body!!"

When Fairy Caifeng saw Madman Chu's physique, his face changed drastically, and then he was overjoyed.

"Unexpectedly, two Jinyu Jade Lake Immortals appeared in this era!"

"Did the Jinyu Jade Pool take away the treasure of the Queen Mother Xi's chance? That must be the man of the fate that Xuannv said, great, our mission is completed."

Caifeng's heart loosened, as if a big rock had been put down.

She bowed to the madman of Chu, "Thank you Ghost Emperor for letting me know."

"It's okay, that Jinyu Yaochi body is my friend. You have guarded her treasures for many years. Let me say something for her. You have worked hard."

"It's a matter of course, by the way, I heard that the ghost emperor is planning to go on a march?"

Caifeng asked suddenly.


Kuangren Chu's eyes lit up. He was about to lead the topic in this direction. Unexpectedly, Caifeng himself would mention it first.

"If the ghost emperor doesn't dislike it, my Xuannvzong would like to help Fengdu!"

"That's great, I'm acting on behalf of Fengdu, thank you Xuannvzong."

"I have been chatting for a long time in Fengdu, and I should do my best."

Caifeng smiled faintly.

Then the two exchanged, and they were very happy.

"Unexpectedly, it will go so smoothly. The charm of the ghost emperor is really unstoppable."

After Caifeng left, Skeleton said with admiration.

Madman Chu rolled his eyes, "How can I say that I am betraying my hue."

"I'm talking about personality charm."

"Well, it's pretty much the same."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, then he looked into the distance, his eyes gradually cold, "Okay, now everything is ready, you can go to the expedition!"


The skull flickered the two green flames in the eye sockets ~ ~ also revealed an icy color.


Under the attention of all forces, Fengdu's army drove out, mighty, and went straight to Zhong's family! !

There are millions of Yin Soldiers headed by skeletons, and some are headed by Caifeng. Although the number is not large, all of them are the dead souls of the Xuannvzong female cultivators.

The other part is the Yin army formed over the years.

"Tsk tsk, it is said that Fengdu Jifu is the bottom of the three big Jifu, but even the bottom Jifu, this is also a Jifu, there are many capable people."

"Yes, there are so many dead souls pouring in every day, how can there be fewer talents?"

"Look, that group of charming female cultivators, the weakest ones have the cultivation skills of immortals, where did the ghost emperor of Fengdu find such a maiden army?"

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