Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The curse of Yasha, I want it all, dark tentacles

"The Yasha tribe doesn't treat guests well, please forgive the ghost emperor."

That glamorous Yasha said lightly.

Madman Chu didn't take it seriously, and said indifferently: "This emperor is not such a narrow-minded person."

"The ghost emperor came to visit, don't know what happened?"

"Are you sure you want to say it here?"

That Yasha glanced around, the barren mountains and ridges were not a place to discuss things, so he welcomed the Madman Chu into the territory of the Yasha tribe.

On the way, Madman Chu also learned that the beautiful Yasha's name is Yeyunluo, who is the current patriarch of the Yasha clan.

In the territory of the Yasha tribe, the Madman Chu saw many Yashas. The male Yashas were all hideous and blue-faced and fangs, while the female Yashas were all enchanting and beautiful.

The gap is really big.

Madman Chu thought to himself.

"And, what is this strange breath?"

From the bodies of these Yashas, ​​Madman Chu felt an extremely peculiar aura, that kind of aura was very weird, and he had encountered it for the first time.

Moreover, this kind of breath is only present in the body of a male Yasha.

"Xiao Ai, analyze it."

Madman Chu asked Xiao Ai to conduct a comprehensive analysis of these Yashas, ​​trying to find out the source of this strange aura.

And Xiao Ai didn't let him down either.

In the process of communicating with Ye Yunluo, Xiao Ai has almost resolved this peculiar breath.

"Ghost Emperor, now you can express your intentions."

Ye Yunluo said lightly.

"Naturally, I came here this time for only one thing, I want to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Yasha Clan!"

Madman Chu had almost checked.

The location of the Qin emperor's yin figurines is in a forbidden area of ​​the Yasha tribe.

"Are you going to enter the forbidden area?" Ye Yunluo frowned and said, "No one can enter anywhere. The reason why my Yasha clan lists it as a forbidden area is because it is very dangerous. Even if it's me, Don't dare to get involved easily, what is the Ghost Emperor going there for?"

"Fetch something."

Madman Chu glanced at Ye Yunluo, wanting to see if the other party really didn't know about the Qin emperor's shady figurines.

Ye Yunluo's eyes flashed, and said lightly: "The forbidden area of ​​the Yasha clan, not everyone can enter."

"Sure enough, it seems that you do know about the Qin emperor's shady figurines!"

Madman Chu didn't hide it anymore, and he opened the skylight to speak brightly.

"Sure enough, the ghost emperor really came for the Qin emperor's yin figurines."

Ye Yunluo glanced at Chu Madman with a weird look, "But only the descendants of the Qin emperor can know that the Qin emperor is a descendant of the emperor, is it possible that the ghost emperor is the descendant of the Qin emperor."


But I killed the descendants of Emperor Qin.

Of course, the madman Chu did not rashly export the latter words. Who knows if this Yasha tribe has anything to do with the Emperor Qin.

"The Qin emperor's yin figurines are of great importance. My ancestors of the Yasha tribe discovered it by accident. Therefore, I established a tribe here. Emperor, do you have the confidence to obtain it?" Ye Yunluo said lightly.

"Or give it a try."

"In that case, it is not impossible to let the ghost emperor give it a try, but I have guarded the Qin emperor's yin figurines for many years.

Ye Yunluo said.

The Yasha tribe has spent countless efforts to obtain the Qin emperor's yin figurines, but they have always achieved nothing. If possible, Ye Yunluo wants to fulfill this wish for the ancestors.

"I want everything from Emperor Qin!"

Ye Yunluo couldn't help showing a touch of astonishment when she heard the words.

She thought that Madman Chu would at least make a roundabout with her, but she didn't expect that the other party would have no room for negotiation at all, and I just wanted to talk about it!


The Qin emperor's yin figurines are now in the territory of her Yasha tribe, not in Fengdu!

Where did this ghost emperor come from such a big tone?

Ye Yunluo's face gradually became a little ugly, and the big Luo Yi on her body faintly appeared, "Since this is the case, the ghost emperor please come back. If you want to go to war, my Yasha clan will never be afraid. You can come with a million Yin Soldiers, the big deal, it's just a dead fish and a broken net!"

The Yasha tribe beside Ye Yunluo also stared at Madman Chu coldly, with very unfriendly eyes.

Bai Mei clenched the Ghost Killing Sword in his hand, his eyes were cold, fearing that these Yasha tribes would suddenly do it.

Rumor has it that Yasha has a strong temperament, as expected.

If I knew it, Master Skull should have come with him.

Compared to Bai Mei's nervousness, Madman Chu appeared much calmer. He sat in the same place, the old **** drinking tea.

The face of the Yasha tribe is even more ugly.

This guy, didn't take them seriously?

At this moment, they looked at Madman Chu's extremely handsome face, how obstructive they looked, and they wanted to tear it apart.

"Yasha, how long have you been cursed?"

Just when Ye Yunluo and the others were a little impatient and planned to rush people directly, Madman Chu suddenly made a noise.

Ye Yunluo's face changed abruptly when she heard this.

"Ghost Emperor, what do you mean?!" Ye Yunluo asked.

"The Yasha tribe, male Yasha looks hideous and ugly, while females are enchanting and charming, even if they were born to the same mother. Everyone thinks this is taken for granted, but they don’t know that this is actually a...curse!! Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, Ye Yunluo's emotions gradually calmed down, and the eyes of the rest of Yasha were puzzled.

Obviously, except for Ye Yunluo, the rest of Yasha didn't know anything about the curse.

In their opinion, the Yasha clan is enchanting women and men are fierce, this is a matter of course, and they have never studied the reasons for this.

Could it be that they weren't like this in the first place?

Is it all because of being cursed?

Thinking of this, the male Yasha suddenly became agitated.

"Patriarch, what the **** is going on?"

"Patriarch, what the ghost emperor said, but is it true?"

Ye Yunluo said in a cold tone: "Nonsense, come, blast him out for me!"

The Yasha looked at each other, and finally chose to believe in their patriarch. After all, Madman Chu was just an outsider.

But at this time, a sword suddenly appeared in the hands of Madman Chu.

A sword with countless weird runes engraved on it!

And the moment this sword appeared, many Yashas only felt something trembling in their bodies.

Kuangren Chu held that sword and swiped at a male Yasha!

This sword is too fast!

No one thought that Madman Chu would suddenly make a move. Even Ye Yunluo’s reaction was slow for a The long sword crossed the body of that Yasha, but the strange thing was that this sword was not given to that. Yasha caused any harm.

What countless Yasha saw was that a dark tentacles suddenly appeared on the male Yasha's body, and those tentacles were all broken under the sword of Madman Chu!

And the male Yasha suddenly let out a long roar, and then, black anger came out of him.

When the black air dissipated, the originally hideous Yasha turned into a handsome young man.

This scene stunned all Yasha.

This, what is going on?

But Ye Yunluo's pupils shrank and she looked at Madman Chu with shock, "You, can you break the curse?!!!"

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