Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The third magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, enter the river of thr

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"A person with no life pattern does not exist in reincarnation, does not enter reincarnation, and you have the celestial body in reincarnation, so I thought that in the future you might be able to help me get rid of the vortex of reincarnation."

"Even if this hope is extremely slim, it is better than nothing."

Hua Wuai looked at Madman Chu and said lightly.

"That's it."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then he said lightly: "Help each other, I have always been happy, and now I just have something to help fellow daoists."

"My current cultivation base can only contend with Da Luo at best. I can't help you much in dealing with Yin Cao, but I can ask the other side to help you as much as possible."

Hua Wuai seemed to know what he was going to say, and said first.

Madman Chu smiled faintly when he heard the words, "Thank you very much."

He was very satisfied to get such a reply.

Hua Wu'ai is on the banks of the Sansheng River, and indeed has the ability to be comparable to the Dao, but it is only limited to the banks of the Sansheng River.

Out of here, she was just a big Luo Jinxian.

"How many years are there until your next reincarnation?" Madman Chu asked curiously.

"Two thousand five hundred years."

"Three thousand years in a cycle. It took you less than five hundred years to repair your mobile phone to Da Luo Jinxian. Is it really worthy of being the first flower from the other shore in the world?"

The madman of Chu was amazed.

It is estimated that few people would dare to think about this kind of thing in the outside world.

"This life happens to be reincarnated in the other side of the clan, awakening the memory of the other side flower. In addition, this life is a world of change, and Tianjiao evildoers are endless. Although it is difficult to cultivate Da Luo in five hundred years, it should not be so difficult for some people. It's something." Hua Wu'ai glanced at Madman Chu.

She could see that the opponent's cultivation time was much shorter than hers, but the cultivation base had also approached Da Luo, and his combat power had even surpassed some Da Luo.

"There is one more thing for you to come to Sanshenghe this time. Your reincarnation of the celestial body, your last supernatural power, is there a sign of awakening?"

Reincarnation celestial bodies have three magical powers.

Reincarnation catastrophe, the six worlds of reincarnation, the last supernatural power, call the world of reincarnation!

The degree of mystery is far above the other two supernatural powers.

"I haven't awakened yet. It is estimated that when I break through to Da Luo, I should be able to wake up."

"In the past, the emperor of the underworld did not awaken this third supernatural power when he was in the realm of Da Luo."

Madman Chu frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Daluo Realm can't awaken this third magical power yet, is it necessary to reach the Hedao realm?"

"I don't know, but I know how the emperor of the underworld awakens."

"Oh, could it be..." Madman Chu suddenly thought of something, looking at the Sansheng River full of the power of reincarnation of life and death, "It has something to do with the Sansheng River?"

"You are quick to respond. In the past, there were no three major underworlds in the underworld. After the death of the world's creatures, they came to the underworld. They all fell into the three-life river, washed by the river, and howled all day long, and finally dissipated in the vortex of reincarnation." Wuai seems to be frowning when thinking of the scene of being disturbed by the wailing voices of the dead all day long in that period of time.

Then, she continued: "Later, the emperor of the underworld came and discussed the way of reincarnation with me. He lost to me, but he was eager to win at that time and was unwilling to leave, so he pestered me to continue talking about the Tao. I was impatient. He threw him into the Sansheng River, unexpectedly, he actually awakened the third magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, and created the mechanism of the reincarnation of the underground palace."

"Oh, so to speak, the reincarnation celestial body is not only the supreme immortal body, but is the key to the reincarnation mechanism of the underworld?"

Madman Chu seemed to know some incredible secret.

"Yes, if you can awaken the third magical power, you may use it to fight the Yin Cao. As for the Yin Cao, there is that high priest, so you should be worry-free."

"Such the best."

Madman Chu got up and walked towards Sanshenghe.

"The Sansheng River contains the power of reincarnation of life and death. Except for me, even if Daluo falls into it, he will be engulfed by that power, and it will be difficult to break free until the body and soul are dissipated."

Hua Wuai said lightly.

But the madman Chu didn't stop, and continued to walk forward, "If I don't enter the tiger's den, I won't be able to go today. If I am greedy for life, I will not be able to walk today. How can I help me in the mere Sansheng River?"

He walked slowly to the middle of the big river, and then a wave hit and drowned him.

"Tsk tusk, you said that if this kid dies in Sanshenghe, can my master and servant contract be cancelled?"

Looking at the tumbling river, Desire Flower couldn't help but look forward to it.

"If he dies, my hope of getting rid of the vortex of reincarnation will be gone, and then I will take you out of my breath."

"Ah, it's my shit."

The flower of desire pouted.

Three lives in the river.

When the Madman Chu was submerged by the river, the majestic and endless power of reincarnation roared out, madly crushing his body.

Rao could not help being violently turbulent with his flesh body that was condensed with Da Luo Yi, and the Dao Marks on his flesh body were constantly being worn away.

Not only that, but the power of reincarnation in the river sucked his soul into it like a vortex.

In an instant.

His soul began to reincarnate.

In the first life, he was reincarnated as the prince of a country, and he had no worries about food and clothing since childhood, but later, the enemy's army crushed the border, and the other country was ruined and became a subjugated slave. He suffered humiliation and died.

In the second life, he was a knight who fought a sword, and later became the leader of the martial arts, and he died before becoming famous.


In the eleventh life, he became a brothel geisha. Many people came here because of his great piano skills. One of them was a royal family who liked her, but she committed suicide by taking poison because she was unwilling to betray her body.

In the fourteenth generation, he was a wealthy businessman, and he fell into trouble in his family and stayed for a lifetime.


In the thirty-first generation, he became a monk. He had a younger brother who admired himself, a younger brother who admired him, and a elder who loved him. But then, his talent disappeared for some reason. The younger sister transferred to others. The elders who ridiculed him in every possible way and loved him became extremely indifferent. In the end, they were attacked by their enemies and died with hatred.

In the thirty-second generation, he became a giant of the magic path, killing countless people, wherever he went, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses, and he was finally condemned to death.

The fiftieth, fifty-first, sixty-sixth...

The madman Chu's soul is constantly reincarnating, and he has tried various lives.

He has fallen, risen, struggled, struggled...

Be an emperor, beggar, wealthy businessman, powerful...

And every time in reincarnation, his soul power will be weakened once.

If he continues to reincarnate in this way, his soul will die completely before he goes out of a hundred lives.

When the soul dies, the will is of course also gone. Even if there is an immortal body, it is of no avail.

And in the eighty-first century.

Madman Chu became a wealthy son, happy and carefree all day long.

"My son, here comes the sweet-scented osmanthus tea you want."

A maid who looked exactly like Lan Yu walked to him slowly and smiled.

But Kuangren Chu turned to look at her, but his eyes were indifferent like never before. The maid was a little apprehensive and said, "My son, what's wrong with you."

" nothing."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "It's just that I suddenly understand the flowers of the other side. This endless cycle is indeed extremely boring."

"My son, what do you mean by this?"

"Thank you for your care over the past few years, but I should leave."

Madman Chu said lightly.

In the next instant, the scene around him shattered like a mirror, turning into countless spots of light.

When he opened his eyes again, he was still in the Sansheng River, with blisters surrounding him, where the scene changed, and each blister represented every life he had experienced.

"It's just a dream after all."

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