Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The descendant of Xuanyuan in the realm of Da Luo, Long Xuan, and 3 great evildoers

"King Chu, you are still so mad!"

A loud laugh came.

Not far away, a burst of golden light broke out, and a man dressed in a golden robe and a golden long sword hung around his waist stepped forward!

This man was filled with a noble and extraordinary aura, like a lofty emperor.

A big Luo Yi, not weaker than Shi Tianxuan, diffused from the opponent's body.

"Oh, the descendant of Xuanyuan!"

Seeing the person coming, Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a touch of playfulness.

"Not just me, there is one more."

The Xuanyuan Chuan said lightly.

boom! !

When the words fell, there was a domineering dragon in the distance sweeping the situation, causing a sensation in all directions!

The chaotic air currents around it rolled and shattered!

I saw a man dressed in colored scales stepping forward with his head raised, his body trembling, and the void shook every time he took a step.

Like an ancient Tyrannosaurus rex, it was incredibly amazing.

"It's him, the first on the immortal list, Long Xuan!!"

Someone can't help but exclaim when they see someone coming.

The person here is the strongest evil in Dragon Palace, Long Xuan! !

And his arrival made the already extremely solemn atmosphere even more solemn.

"Mad Chu, long time no see!!"

Long Xuan looked at Madman Chu, gritted his teeth.

"The defeated general was indeed gone for a while."

Madman Chu looked at Long Xuan and said lightly.

He can keenly judge that the current Long Xuan, its aura is extremely powerful, just like Shi Tianxuan, the descendant of Xuanyuan, have been promoted to the realm of Da Luo!

And compared to the first two, they are even better.

"Chu madman, today I will be ashamed!!"

Long Xuan said in a cold voice, a golden-yellow long knife appeared in his hand, and the body of the knife was engraved with fine lines, and a breath of killing air leaked from it.

Not only that, the Longwei above the blade is even more terrifying than Long Xuan's!

This is a top-notch big compass, and it's only a slight gap compared to the combiner.

"Give you a chance, let's go together!"

Madman Chu looked at the three enchanting evildoers in front of him, and his eyes were full of interest.


He has a hint of excitement.

In front of these three people, one is the lord of the Demon Kingdom, holding the Supreme Innate Origin Supreme Treasure Killing Spear, the other is the Xuanyuan Heir, holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and the other is the world-familiar evildoer, the black dragon of the dragon race, and one is placed in the outside world. It is enough to cover the rain and cloud, and become the scorching sun of an era.

Now, he has to face these three at the same time.

They are still the golden immortals of Daluo, how can he not feel excited?

Invincible's heart, there was a ripple,

Not far away, one by one, Tianjiao appeared, looking at the conflict that was about to erupt, with solemn eyes.

"Do these three people have a way to defeat Madman Chu?"

"I don't know, but these three people are the top enchanting evildoers, and now they are all Da Luo Jinxian, maybe they can fight!"

"Come on, we must defeat Madman Chu!"

Many Tianjiao evildoers looked at this battle with anticipation in their eyes.

Most of them wanted Long Xuan trio to defeat Madman Chu. They didn't want to be crushed by the opponent for the rest of their lives.

"Mad Chu, today, we are about to end your immortal journey and pull you off the altar!!"

Shi Tianxuan said coldly.

With a thought in his heart, the one hundred thousand heavenly magic sword rose into the sky again!

The biting magical sword aura hovered around, and it was possible to rush up at any time.

The descendant of Xuanyuan was indifferent, holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and said coldly: "I still said that, kill you, the emperor is extremely shocking! The emperor's fate, I have to decide!"

Long Xuan's body was bitter, with a golden long blade in his hand, and a strange blood flashed across his eyes.

not far away.

In the crowd, Yin Honghua, who was also attracted by Fuxiqin, saw the blood glow in Long Xuan's eyes, and a strange color appeared in his eyes, "This breath is... the Dragon Emperor's Evil Heart Code!!"

Dragon Emperor Evil Heart Code!

This is a taboo practice in the Dragon Palace. The old golden ancient dragon used to practice this practice in order to stabilize his position.

But because of this, the soul demon Shura blood dragon breeds!

And Yin Honghua is pregnant with the ancient golden dragon, and the power of the Shura blood dragon is naturally very familiar with the breath of the Dragon Emperor's Evil Heart Code.

"I didn't expect that Long Xuan's hatred for the king was so deep, he would not hesitate to practice this banned Dragon Palace secret code!"

Yin Honghua whispered.


At this time, the battle has started!

Shi Tianxuan shot again, manipulating the 100,000 Heavenly Demon Sword to shoot towards Madman Chu, while the other side stood still, screaming with sword aura, and violently colliding with the sword formation.


The Xuanyuan Chuan screamed coldly, without saying anything, when he shot it, it was a Xuanyuan sword qi!

Golden sword aura, overwhelming the sky, shocking the sky!

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the immortal yuan within his body whizzed out, the golden jade and immortal brilliance were mixed in it, and the sword was cut out, and it was the innocence of the sword of Zhou!

The two sword auras collided violently, and the descendant of Xuanyuan was forced to retreat by dozens of feet.

But on him, there are intertwined golden sword auras, which actually isolates Wudao sword aura.

That is Xuanyuan Jiangang!

After Shi Tianxuan and the descendant of Xuanyuan, Long Xuan made a move.

As a world-famous evildoer, he was shocked when he shot, and his momentum was much greater than the other two.

"Dragon Emperor evil heart, evil dragon cut!!"

Cut it down with a knife, and saw a ferocious black dragon swallowing the sky and the earth, disrupting all directions, and biting away towards Madman Chu.

This blow shattered the surrounding chaotic air currents.

"Tread through Lingxiao!"

The madman of Chu cut Kun Wu in his hand, and his fighting spirit burst out. He used the sword to replace the cudgel, and used the sword to perform the fighting technique!

The huge sword shadow slashed on the black dragon, and the surrounding sky and the earth blew up and exploded directly.

But this is not over yet.

The three enchanting attacks, this has just begun!

Three big Luo Yi, broke out one after another!

"Kill the spear, bury the gods and Buddha!!"

Shi Tianxuan's shot spurred the power of Taoism contained in the Killing Spear, and the terrifying spear light seemed to bury the gods and Buddhas one by one!

And the Legend of Xuanyuan also shot.

Seeing him coldly screamed, he also inspired the Taoist rules of Xuanyuan Sword in his hand with a big Luo Yi.

The golden sword aura spreads over the sky, revealing the scene of a **** and Buddha kneeling down.

"Xuanyuan Jianqi, gods and Buddhas are all ministers!!"

The terrifying spear light that destroys everything, and the domineering sword energy that shook all directions, these two forces, one from the left and the other, flew towards the Madman Chu with infinite power.

"Oh, it's great!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

When the words fell, billions of immortals rose into the sky on him, yin and yang big Luo Yi, reincarnation big Luo Yi urged one after another.

These two forces spewed out, intertwined with a splendid fairy light!

Yin and Yang good fortune divine light, reincarnation catastrophe light!

The two supernatural powers merged into one, bursting out, and the surrounding chaotic air currents were crazily shattered.

The world shook, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is shocked in all directions!

Divine light, sword energy and spear light, these three forces collided, and the violent energy spread wave after wave like a tide.

The descendants of Xuanyuan, Shi Tianxuan and the two bear the brunt and fly out.

The Madman Chu stood still, but he was still standing still, like a sacred mountain that could not fall down!

Seeing this, Long Xuan raised his hand to attack again!

The long blade in his hand waved, **** blades light, like an endless gust of wind.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Great World!"

Madman Chu urged the world of reincarnation, and the power of reincarnation shattered the light of the sword like a turbulent wave hitting the shore.

"Do you have any other tricks, just use it."

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