Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Chaos Demon God? The son needs help, come quickly! !

When someone found the source of the Chaos Fragment's abnormal movement, they couldn't help being a little confused.

Because they saw an...egg!

The giant egg is suspended in the chaos, and the chaotic air around it enters it endlessly.

"What is going on, causing the chaotic fragments to change, is it actually an egg?"

"It's... kind of weird."

"Are there any treasures hidden in this egg?"

Everyone looked at each other, but none of them dared to act rashly.


At this time, sword energy swept across the world, and saw a man in a green shirt holding a blue long bamboo stepping slowly into the air, full of a biting breath.

Seeing this person, everyone was a little surprised.

"This is, Ye Zhu!"

"Qingye Jiantong, Ye Zhu, he is also here, this kind of breath, he won't also break through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian."

"No matter how you say it, it's the Supreme Immortal Body, it's not impossible."

Everyone talked a lot, and when Ye Zhu arrived, he saw the dome standing in the chaos, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"An egg?" Ye Zhu showed a pensive color. "In ancient rumors, when the chaos was not opened, the world was in chaos, and there were countless demon gods, and these demon gods are like chickens. It is impossible for them to become this giant. There is a Chaos Demon God in the egg.

Many people heard what he said, and they were shocked.

Chaos Demon? !

That is an extremely incredible existence.

You know, at the beginning of heaven and earth, the Great Dao was not born, and the existences born in the chaos, without the suppression of the Great Dao, were born with a natural grasp of various Dao.

In other words, these Chaos Demon Gods are all natural fitters!

Can it not be scary? !

"My dear, is there really a demon **** in the realm of harmony in it?"

"Impossible, the chaos opened up, the avenue has been born, these innate chaos demon gods have already died completely, how can there be leftovers?"

"It is said that Dadao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, everything has a ray of life, maybe this is the one that escaped?"

Everyone has different opinions, but there is no result, it is all speculation.

"According to my opinion, what is hidden here should be a treasure of innate origin!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes brightened, and they thought it was very possible.

Compared to the Chaos Demon God that has never been seen before, the possibility of Innate Origin is even greater.

"Yes, it is possible that some innate essence treasures will also absorb the Qi of Chaos autonomously before they are born. This should be an innate essence treasure."

"Well, this is much more reliable than the Chaos Demon God."

"I agree."

"It's just that this Primordial Supreme Treasure has been absorbing the Qi of Chaos. How can it be taken out? What if the Supreme Treasure is destroyed by violence?"

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor, Jinwu Shaozu and others also came.

When they looked at this treasure, they couldn't help being a bit embarrassed.

"Why do you want to do so much, first open this dome, take out the contents inside, and then talk about it, the innate origin is the treasure, it is not so easy to be destroyed!"

Xue Kunpeng said faintly, and he was also decisive in his shot, and he blasted out a punch directly!

The blood-colored fist strength turned into a blood-colored Kunpeng god, and it slammed into the dome fiercely, but before it fell on the dome, a series of restrictions emerged around it.

Bang, bang! !

The **** fist hit the restriction, and a series of loud noises erupted.

"This is a ban? And it's not a natural ban. It's more like an artificial ban. Is anyone protecting this dome?!"

Xue Kunpeng couldn't help but said in surprise.

Lan Yu, who had just arrived, saw the restrictions that emerged, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly, "The restrictions are..."

Others don't know, but Lan Yu, who has been with Madman Chu for the longest time, doesn't know.

That restriction was clearly set by the madman Chu.

Could it be that the existence in the dome is the son? !

No, if the son is in the dome, he must be doing something important, and he must not be disturbed!

There was a touch of determination in Lan Yu's eyes.

Looking at so many monks in the field, she knew that she could not stop everyone alone, so she quickly took out the jade slips and sent out a message.

The son needs help, come quickly! !

Suddenly, these messages were sent to all directions, traveled in the Chaos Sui film, and people who were familiar with Madman Chu received one after another.

"What?? Fellow Daoist Chu needs help? I am not mistaken, am I?"

Yuzhi blinked her beautiful eyes, looking at the message in her hand, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

That invincible and outstanding Chu Madman actually needs help?

Thinking about it carefully, I was actually a little bit happy.

"Ha, Fellow Daoist Chu rarely needs my help. It seems that it won't work if I can't help."

Yuzhi smiled faintly, his figure flashed, and disappeared into a stream of light.

In the chaos, there is a place where the fire is soaring into the sky.

I saw a beautiful divine phoenix waving its wings, and the overbearing phoenix fire roared out, shaking the surrounding area, and flying all the provocative monks away.

Then, a touch of surprise appeared in Divine Phoenix's eyes.

"Brother needs help? What's the matter?"

Chu Hong was stunned for a moment, and then ignored the monks who had been burned to the ground by her, turning his head and turning into a flame and flew away.

"Wang, wait for me!"

Jue Wu Shen walked out of the chaos, wherever he went, the domineering spirit of the gods and demons shook the world, and the world was shattered!

The surroundings turned into nothingness.

And behind him, followed by monks in the same line of gods and demons, vast and mighty.

Where the Chaos Dome is located.

Xue Kunpeng looked at the restriction, with a strange color in his eyes, but immediately snorted, "No matter who set this restriction, I am going to decide on the things in this dome!"

I saw him raise his hand to make a fist, and the extremely violent Da Luo Yi circulated between his fingers!

Just when he was about to make another shot, a burst of celestial glory burst out in the chaos, and a bright aura came over the sky, and the gray chaos was like daylight at this moment!

Everyone looked at the source of white light.

I only saw a woman in silver armor with wings on her back, and stepping forward with her head held high, her long silver hair like a galaxy, her appearance was peerless, her temperament was sacred and inviolable.

It's like a high Valkyrie!

When someone sees it, they can't help but lose consciousness.

"What a nice view."

"She is... Lan Yu!!"

"Ranks the top in the immortal list, and is also Lan Yu, a follower of Madman Chu."

"Yes, UU reading is her."

Lan Yu's reputation is not unremarkable in the immortal world, and it is not much worse than that of the world-familiar evildoers like Long Xuan.

After all, it was Madman Chu standing behind him.

Moreover, her own aptitude is also ranked top among the enchanting evildoers, the Ultimate Bright and Immortal Body, which is comparable to the Supreme Immortal Body, is not a joke.

"Who is this woman?"

Xue Kunpeng looked at Lan Yu, and it was rare that there was a hint of throbbing in his heart.

But when he heard the comments from the crowd and knew that the other party was a follower of the Madman Chu, his eyes suddenly sink.

Madman Chu...

It's this name again, so annoying!

This made him more determined to get rid of Madman Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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