Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Slash Kunpeng, escape from the sky in the purple moon, destroy the power of Qinglia

A large amount of blood mist gushes, like a rain of blood pouring down!

The blood kunpeng who had been cut off a wing was howling miserably, and everyone's scalp was numb with the stern sound.

No matter how to say Xue Kunpeng, it is also a world-famous evildoer in the alien restricted area. Its strength is so strong that few of the younger generation can stand by it.

But now, he has been ravaged by the madman of Chu so far!

The wings were cut off.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't mean to stop here.

He stepped forward, his eyes were cold, and the Kunwu sword in his hand was cut out again, and the huge sword shadow of millions of feet condensed again, and the other wing of the blood kunpeng was also cut off!

"Too cruel."

"Tsk tusk, dignified alien, it's too miserable to be reduced to this appearance."

Everyone talked about it, and their fear of Chu Madman was even more intense.

"Madman Chu!! I won't let you go in the alien restricted zone!"

"As soon as the young master of the restricted area appears in this world, he will definitely break your corpse into pieces!!"

Knowing that he couldn't live anymore, Xue Kunpeng roared in a deep voice, venting his hatred for the Mad Man Chu.

Shao Zun in the restricted area, that is the most powerful evildoer in the restricted area.

Not every age can have a young master, and every young master is undoubtedly a world-famous evildoer!

Even among the demons of the world, it stands at the apex of existence!

It's just that Madman Chu didn't take it seriously, and Kun Wu in his hand slashed, and the huge sword shadow fell again, completely killing the blood kunpeng! !

Forbidden area evildoer, fall!

"You can save other people, but you can't save yourself."

In the past, Xue Kunpeng shot and rescued Long Xuan from Madman Chu, but now, he was ravaged to death by Madman Chu, which is a bit ironic.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the others.

The enchanting Tianjiao who tried to kill him, such as Zhuanxu's heir, Dongjun **** son, and Da Si Ming goddess, could not help but shudder and was extremely frightened.


Without any hesitation.

There was only this thought left in everyone's heart, and they fled in all directions in an instant.

But I don't know when, countless silver-white Dao patterns have been shrouded in all directions, turning this world into a huge cage.

Under this power of time and space, everyone has become... a turtle in the urn! !

The madman Chu's eyes were like electricity, locked on the **** son of Dongjun, raised his hand and cut out with a sword, the domineering sword light, hesitating Dao lines.

"Emperor Prince, save me!!"

The **** son Dongjun screamed in horror.

"East Emperor covers the palm of the sky!"

The emperor Faxiang behind the **** son of the Eastern Emperor raised his huge palm to cover Jianqi!

The two forces converged, and the **** son of the Eastern Emperor retreated a few steps, his face was extremely dignified, he looked at the purple moon sky, and the other party also understood.

After seeing the madman Chu's strength, they have basically stopped the idea of ​​killing each other here.

The most important thing now is to leave!

But the surroundings were sealed by the madman of Chu, if you want to leave, you must first break the seal!

"I think of a way to stop him for a moment, and the Eastern Prince, you are responsible for breaking the seal!" Ziyue Changkong said.

"Okay!" The Eastern Emperor nodded slightly.

"Brother, I can't avenge you for the time being, sorry."

Ziyue Changkong thought to himself.

Then, on the ancient bronze mirror in his hand, an incomparably bright fairy radiance burst out, and a light beam that shakes the soul flew out, locking the Madman Chu!

This is his soul attack with all his strength!

Coupled with the immortal weapon in his hand, he believed that even if the madman Chu's soul realm was above him, he would be affected.

When the time comes, under the distraction of the other party, they will definitely not be able to take into account the seal!

They can defeat it in one fell swoop!

But on Madman Chu's forehead, the brilliance of the green lotus imprint flashed by, and the soul beam dissipated when it approached Madman Chu.

"how can that be?!"

Ziyue Changkong's pupils shrank, feeling incredible.

His soul attack has no effect on Madman Chu? !

How could such a thing happen? !

"Oh, people in the soul forbidden zone, do you think it's fun to touch me again and again?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He stepped forward, without saying anything, Xian Yuan and Da Luo Yi urged to the extreme, the Kunwu Sword in his hand was cut down, and the vast sword energy enveloped each other in the blink of an eye!

Under the sword aura, Ziyue Changkong only had time to let out a scream, his body burst open, turning into a blood mist.

And from the blood mist, a silver light flew out, fleeing into the void and disappeared.

This silver light actually made Madman Chu's time and space sealing technique unable to block it.

"Oh, interesting, is the soul escape technique?"

"Report that the other party used some kind of soul escape technique at the expense of the body."

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in his mind.

"Oh, it's decisive."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, knowing that it was not his opponent, so he did not resist the sword aura, but instead used the sword aura to attenuate his body, speeding up the method of fleeing the soul.


"We can't wait and die!!"

The descendants of Zhuanxu, the **** son of Dongjun, and others knew that if this continued, they would all be trapped by the madman of Chu in this time and space sealing technique, and they would be killed alive! !

As the enchanting Tianjiao, they naturally cannot wait to die.

"Xuanming Heishui!"

"Rebirth and death!"

"Nine Heavens Demon Slash!!"

Various immortal magical powers erupted one after another, turned into a monstrous torrent, swept out!

Madman Chu stood in place, his expression indifferent.

"Let you see, this new force."

The madman of Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and the surging immortal origin was surging in all directions, and the green lotus imprint on his forehead had a rhyme and flow, which was extraordinary and mysterious.

A green lotus bloomed under his feet, and its brilliance reflected the great thousand.

"Chaos has green lotus, side by side with the avenue, palm creation and destruction!"

"Qinglian, the light of destruction!"

Madman Chu gently raised his hand, and when he pushed it out, a large amount of cyan brilliance spewed out from it!

An unparalleled power of destruction floods the world!

Heaven and earth collapse, everything is gone!

All kinds of immortal magic powers, in front of this blue brilliance, were easily disintegrated!

One by one Tianjiao evildoer, in front of this Guanghua, before even screaming, the immortal body was turned into ashes!

"How can it be!!"

The pupils of the God Child of the Eastern Emperor shrank, and in that cyan brilliance, he felt an unprecedented pressure of death!

At this moment, the people of Jiuge Jiu Ge, his heart is extremely terrified!

"What a powerful destructive power!"

Not far away, Ye Zhu was shocked when he saw it.

He felt that his Zhuxian sword aura was already the best in the world in terms of killing and destruction.

But in front of the light of destruction displayed by Madman Chu, he still didn't look enough.

Not only is the power gap, UU reading also has the most essential Dao, the Dao contained in the green lotus is too unpredictable.

Madman Chu, it is very likely that only a trace of power in Qing Lian was aroused.

But this force is already so earth-shattering.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying the power of this Qinglian would be if it were fully released!

"Not an opponent, not an opponent at all."

"That Qinglian is terrible."

"This is simply power that doesn't exist in this world. Why does he have such a thing in his body!"

All the surviving Tianjiao evildoers were full of horror.

At this moment, the madman Chu looked at the Eastern Prince's son, his eyes were as calm as water, without waves, but it was this calm look that made the other party shudder like a fallen ice pit!

(End of this chapter)

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