Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Going to the extreme west, Qinglian's growth conditions, rich monks

After returning to the shallow void, Madman Chu shattered the shallow void and returned to the original space.

But when he saw the scene outside, the corners of his mouth twitched, because the place he is now is not chaotic fragments at all, but another unknown place.

"Sure enough, when I was in the deep space, I was taken to other places."

The deep void is the flow of time and space.

When Madman Chu was in it, he was naturally in a state of flow, and when he came out again, he would naturally not be there anymore.

At this time, the jade slip on his waist shook.

It was Lan Yu and others who were contacting him.

"My son, where are you now?"

"I don't know for the time being, but I'm safe, you don't need to worry, what happened to your side?"

Madman Chu asked.

"We have nothing serious."

After confirming the situation with Lan Yu and confirming that everyone was fine, Madman Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

After turning off the communication, he looked at where he was, "Okay, let's find out where you are now."

With a move of thought, the immortal consciousness is like a flood, pouring out, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

Countless information flooded into my mind.

Soon, he confirmed where he was, and it was not unfamiliar, even he had been here before.

It is the extreme west of the fairy world.

"I don't know how far it is from the Chaos Fragment. I didn't expect that it would take me a while to enter the deep void before I came here."

Madman Chu shook his head.

He had heard before that the void is the most unfathomable place, but most monks only wander in the shallow void, so it is difficult to understand the mystery.

It now appears that this is indeed the case.

"Since you have come to this extreme west, let's drop by and visit Quartz."

Madman Chu thought for a while.

In the old days, when he first came out of the gossip stove, Quartz once sent him condolences. Since he is here, it's okay to see him.

"I just don't know, how is my lovely junior girl now."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and his figure disappeared instantly.

When he went to the Pure Land of Bliss, where Quartz was, he was also familiar with the power of Chaos Green Lotus in his body.

This time, with the help of the chaotic air in the chaotic fragments, he successfully hatched the Chaos Qinglian, and this Qinglian is indeed extraordinary. Although it is still in the growth stage, it has given him a powerful defense that does not invade. And the power of creation and destruction.

For example, when Ziyue Changkong attacked him with soul means, he was able to resist it with Qinglian's defense.

As for creation and destruction, these are the fundamental abilities of Chaos Qinglian. These two powers are extremely powerful, even powers beyond the control of this universe.

Even Madman Chu has only mastered the fur now.

"Although Chaos Qinglian has hatched, it is still not a simple matter to grow."

"In the first place, chaotic air is still needed for continuous irrigation, but chaotic air is rare. I don't know if there is anything similar to chaotic fragments in the world..."

On the way to the Pure Land of Bliss, Madman Chu was also thinking about how to make Chaos Qinglian continue to grow.

In the past, the Chaos Qinglian that had grown to its peak had absorbed enough Chaos Qi in the Chaos Junior High School before the Dao Dao was born.

But now, it would be nice to be able to incubate in this world.

Where is there enough Chaos Qi to let him nurture this thing to its peak?

"Perhaps, there is another way."

Madman Chu whispered.

He remembered one thing. When the Chaos Qinglian was bred in the Chaos Fragments, this Qinglian was actually the World Extinguishing Black Lotus that had taken the initiative to refine him to... absorb it!

Yes, his best innate treasure, the exterminating black lotus, was absorbed by Chaos Qinglian!

There is no scum left.

It is precisely with the help of the black lotus that destroys the world, the power of the chaotic green lotus becomes the bud state that has just hatched, and it turns into the growth stage of the lotus state.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it is just a bud.

"According to the rumors, the first chaotic green lotus in this world is so powerful that it cannot be completely wiped out by the Great Dao. After it is broken, its power is divided into various treasures. The black lotus that destroys the world is exactly one of the lotus seeds. Hua, because of this, can it be absorbed by Chaos Qinglian?"

"If that's the case, can I find the treasures transformed by other Chaos Qinglian, can it also be absorbed and provide nutrients for the growth of Qinglian?"

Madman Chu thought about it, the more he felt feasible.

The treasures that the chaotic green lotus turned into flashed in his mind one by one.

The four congenital lotuses made of four lotus seeds, the sharp-killing spear made of rhizomes, the celestial tripod made of lotus tents, the Hetu Luoshu made of lotus leaves, the innate five square flags, the twenty-four sea pearls...

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are still many treasures that can provide the growth of Chaos Qinglian."

Among other things, in the glazed soil of this extremely western land, there is a Nine-Rank Merit Golden Lotus, which is also one of the Four Congenital Lotus.

"If you can, stop by and take a look at Liulitu."

It's not that he really missed that meritorious golden lotus.

After all, that golden lotus is now suppressing Dao dyed black energy, if it is taken rashly, what will happen.

The reason why he wanted to see it was mainly to prove his idea. If the idea is feasible, then Chaos Qinglian should respond to the merit golden lotus.

"Have you heard? The Buddha from Tianlong Pure Land went to the Pure Land of Bliss to argue with the Buddha."

"Tsk tusk, Tianlong Pure Land is amazing. Over the years, they have developed rapidly. It is said that there is a Buddhist power behind them."

"Nonsense, if you don't have the power of Buddhism to support you, how can you dare to offend the Pure Land of Chaos?"

Madman Chu was on his way to the Pure Land of Bliss when he heard someone talking, he couldn't help being a little curious.

Tianlong Pure Land?

There is no one heard of this pure land in the Five Pure Lands.

Where did this come up.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, before this trip, he went to the Pure Land of Bliss, just to visit friends. This Heavenly Dragon Pure Land has nothing to do with him.


Within the Pure Land of Bliss.

A large group of young monks are gathering together.

On a high platform, two monks were debating the Dharma. One of them was dressed in a blue monk's clothes, very simple.

The other one is wearing a gorgeous golden red robe, which is woven with extremely precious fairy silk, and is dotted with immortal crystals and gems, giving the whole person a jewel of jewels.

It seemed that he did not look like a monk, but rather a very extravagant rich and noble prince.

However, this rich monk looked indifferent, and various Buddhist scriptures were readily available, refuted, or asked questions. UU reading www.uukā seemed relaxed, but it was pressing every step of the way.

After a while, the Tsing Yi monk who was arguing with him was already sweating profusely.

"You, you speak wildly and despise Buddhism, you are not worthy to call yourself a Buddhism!"

The Tsing Yi monk trembling hands, pointed at the rich and noble monk on the opposite side and said angrily.

"Why am I not worthy? Buddhism has no form, and all living beings are buddhas. Don't I look down on it, so I don't deserve to enter Buddhism? If so, it is contrary to the theory of Buddha.

The rich and noble monk, the old god, was saying: "The Buddha's heart is so narrow that he doesn't allow others to question it at all?"

"you you……"

The Tsing Yi monk was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"You or you, your cultivation is not enough, let's step back!"

The rich and noble monk casually swept his sleeves, lifted the opponent out, and then glanced over the monks present, "Who else is going to come up to debate?"

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