Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Compassionate Da Luo Yi, and then enter the glazed soil to confirm the conjecture

"This big Luo Yi is..."

Madman Chu sat in the Zen room, with a golden light flowing in his palm.

A ray of light, holy Da Luo Yi permeated from it.

"Compassionate Luo Yi!"

The madman of Chu chuckled slightly, this big Luo Yi is exactly the compassion big Luo Yi that most Buddhist monks can condense!

And when the madman of Chu condensed the compassionate big Luo Yi, the fluctuations suddenly spread, and many monks noticed this power and couldn't help being surprised.

"This is Da Luo Yi, has anyone been promoted to Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Is it quartz?"

"No, the source of this great Luo Yi seems to have come from the Buddhist room where Fellow Taoist Chu lived."

The immortal knowledge of many monks converged, and when they determined the source of this great Luo Yi, they couldn't help showing shock. Magic Summoner

Madman Chu? !

That decisive, arrogant and boundless enchanting evildoer can actually condense the unique compassionate meaning of Buddhist monks? !

Did you make a mistake? !

This is too far-fetched, as if someone told them that Bo Xun was actually the Tathagata.

"An odd number is an odd number, so you can't figure it out with common sense."

Yun Lanfo shook his head and said with emotion.

Then, he looked at the high monks in front of him and said lightly: "How about the investigation of Tianlong Pure Land?"

"Return to Yunlan Buddha, Tianlong Pure Land has indeed acted strangely over the years. This is the information we have collected. Please see."

A monk took out a jade slip and handed it to Yunlan Buddha.

Yun Lanfo took a closer look. Catalog of works by my Taoist friends in the devil

There are three main quirks of Tianlong Pure Land.

First, the rapid development of believers in the Pure Land cannot be described by leaps and bounds.

Second, in addition to the development of believers, Tianlong Pure Land has built pagodas in various places over the years, saying that it is to support relics. The number of pagodas has almost spread throughout most of the extreme west.

Third, in Tianlong Pure Land, there seems to be a great power of harmony, but I don't know where it exists, only that person, who claims to be Sin Tathagata.

The first two points are not yet clear.

But the third point is the point that Yun Lan Buddha cares most about. No matter what tricks Tianlong Pure Land is doing, as long as they don't have the power of harmony, Yun Lan Buddha is not afraid.

But once there is harmony, it will be troublesome.

He Dao means, unpredictable, is the same existence as him, if such an existence wants to do things, even he has to be cautious. Catalog of the works of the goddess

"There are many tricks in the development of Tianlong Pure Land. This time the lack of money came to argue with the Buddha, and it has exposed the identity of the seed of the extinction of the Buddha. With this reason, we will send people to the door to test. If they are willing to stop the development, then everything There is nothing wrong with each other, if otherwise...I don’t mind taking tough measures."

Yun Lanfo said.


Everyone discussed it.

On the other side, within the Tianlong Pure Land that Yun Lan Buddha was worried about.

An old monk with a skinny figure was meditating, holding a string of blood-red beads in his hand. If you look closely, the beads are actually a reduced version of a skull.

The old monk chanted strange scriptures of unknown meaning, fiddled with the skull beads in his hands, everything was strange.

At this time, a monk came in, knelt behind the old monk, and said: "Abbot, I am dead without money." After the book was passed, the male protagonist next door always came to guest without pop-up window.

Hearing this, the old monk paused for a while, and then asked faintly: "Who did it?"

"The news came that it was Madman Chu."


The old monk was even more surprised, "It's actually him who is overwhelming the world."

"Abbot, the plan is just around the corner, but Madman Chu has suddenly appeared in the Pure Land of Bliss. Does it need to be delayed?"

The old monk groaned for a while, and then there was a **** light in his eyes, "After preparing for so long, the heart, the location, and the timing are all in my hands. How can I give up halfway because of a madman of Chu? If I give up now, then I don’t. I know when I will have this opportunity."

"Yes, I understand."

The monk nodded, "Then I will prepare now, and the plan will be formally implemented in three days." Catalogue of works returned from Naruto World

"Well, go ahead."

After the monk left, the old monk holding the blood-colored skull rosary looked at a four-handed blood-colored Buddha statue in front of him, and murmured: "The bell of extinguishing the Buddha is about to ring!"


Within the Pure Land of Bliss.

Kuangren Chu got up to wash, and soon, under the leadership of a monk, he ate a meal unique to the Pure Land of Bliss.

Then Quartz took him, ready to go to Liuli Earth.

On the road, I just saw the two groups of forces fighting. As the descendant of Guanyin, Quartz would not sit back and watch such things happen in the Pure Land and go up to mediate.

I only found out after inquiries.

The two groups of people accused each other of believing in a false Buddha, so they fought.

Catalog of works of Dragon City flying generals of the Anti-Japanese War

"This is not the first time."

After the mediation, Guanyin Chuanren said helplessly.

Under her explanation, Chu Kuang knew that this kind of thing rarely happened in the original five pure land. Everyone is a believer of the Buddha and is usually kind to others.

Even some spiritual forces are well organized.

However, after the appearance of Tianlong Pure Land, the atmosphere of this extremely western land became a bit chaotic.

Because of their beliefs, various forces often fight against each other.

Even if it is not for faith, sometimes for some spiritual resources, there will be a lot of bloodshed, which may be common in other places.

But in the extreme west, so frequent is not normal.

"Tianlong Pure Land, there are weird." The latest chapter of the first suspect

Quartz said lightly.

"Does the Wufang Pure Land care?" Madman Chu asked.

"Naturally, you have to take care of it. UU Reading However, the strength of Tianlong Pure Land is not simple, and there seems to be a great power in harmony. It is not a simple matter to deal with them. This time, no wealth is exposed. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to extinguish the identity of the seed of Buddha, and I would like to thank you, fellow Daoist Chu, for speaking of it."

Quartz said.

"It's okay."

The two of them were chatting, and soon came to the Liuli soil.

The huge Buddhist language barrier is still there, and under the golden light of Buddha, it is extremely sacred.

The two entered.

The world of desire is suspended above the head, and the power of the world of desire is permeated.

"Why are you here again?"

The Desire Realm Flower on Madman Chu's arm said puzzledly.

"Come and throw you back to the world of desire."

"do not."

Desire Flower suddenly became reluctant. The outside world of Huahua was so beautiful, and all kinds of desires were waiting for her to enjoy it. How could she be willing to return to the world of desire.

Apart from the group of heavenly demons, there was nothing else there.

Moreover, those demons didn't dare to approach her, she was too lonely there.

Madman Chu smiled and didn't say anything, and the flower of desire also saw that the other party was here and that there was another important thing, not really wanting to throw her back to the world of desire, and he was immediately relieved.

At the same time, he gritted his teeth a bit. Is this guy always playing tricks with her like that? Is it fun?

In a short while.

Madman Chu and Quartz came to the place where the Liuli Earth Powers suppressed Lingshan.

Lingshan was in another dimension and didn't show up, but the green lotus mark on Chu Madman's forehead was flashed by Huaguang, seeming to be throbbing.

He also felt the movement of Chaos Qinglian.

It seems that he sensed the existence of the Golden Lotus of merit, which confirmed his conjecture.

His chaotic green lotus can promote his own growth by absorbing the precious treasures made by the golden lotus and other green lotuses!

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