Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Sword cuts the clock tower, what if I say no? No day comes

The ringing of the Buddha's bells echoed between heaven and earth.

Anyone who hears the bell is bewildered by it, trapped in an indescribable whirlpool, and manipulated by it.

This bell is not aimed at hearing, but even hit the soul of man.

Therefore, even the closed five senses are useless.

This is the trump card of Tianlong Pure Land, a secret weapon that has been prepared for countless years!

However, now this secret weapon is of no use to Madman Chu.

The ubiquitous bells didn't affect Madman Chu at all.

"Is that the mark of the green lotus?"

Unable to frown, he noticed that the green lotus mark on the opponent's forehead had invisible Dao Yun flowing.

In fact, he guessed right.

The chaotic green lotus is not invaded by all methods, and can protect the soul and mind.

At the time of the Chaos Fragment, the enchanting Ziyue Changkong in the soul forbidden area launched a soul attack on him, and he couldn't hurt him at all.

The bell is the same.

"Sure enough, this person is the biggest variable in the plan."

Can't whisper.

In Tianlong Pure Land’s plan, there is no Chu Madman, but the other party suddenly appeared in this extremely western land, which even exposed their wealthless identity. They were a little caught off guard, and the plan had to be advanced. Originally, they felt this. The plan has been planned for many years, even if there is an additional Chu Madman, it will not affect the final result.

However, seeing Madman Chu's performance now, and thinking of all kinds of rumors about the other party, he couldn't be shaken a little.

"That's it."

Madman Chu said suddenly.

Just now, he swept hundreds of millions of miles with Immortal Consciousness, and had already locked the source of the bell.

I saw him jump up, the Kunwu sword appeared in his hand, his eyes were like electricity, and he locked onto a golden tower far away!

That high tower is the source of the bell!

"No! He wants to destroy the clock tower!"

Unable to change his face slightly.


At this time, Scarlet Bo Xunxiang who was destroying the Buddhist language barrier not far away also noticed Madman Chu's intentions, turned his direction, and blasted towards Madman Chu! !

The extremely overbearing palm strength rendered the sky a **** color.

But when the madman of Chu raised his hand, the newly realized compassionate Luo Yi urged, a golden palm condensed from the light of Buddha fell from the sky and blasted towards Bo Xunxiang.

A sense of compassion and compassion floods the world!

This is one of the many Buddhist practices that the madman of Chu has obtained from seeing the Xing Buddha. With his comprehension and the preaching of the seeing Xing Buddha, the first time he uses it, he has achieved a level of proficiency.

With a bang, the blood-colored Bo Xunxiang and the golden giant palm crashed!

The world is turbulent!

All directions are shaking!

The **** Bo Xunxiang clicked and shattered directly, revealing a young monk in a golden red robe.

The young monk is the same as incapable, with a blood-colored **** hidden in his eyes, which is obviously one of the seeds of annihilation of the Buddha. He is the descendant of the Tianlong Pure Land, and his name calls for no virtue!

"This is the compassionate palm of Liuli Pure Land! Liulimu has been destroyed for many years, how can this guy practice the practice of Liulimu?!"

Wude said uncertainly.

At this time, the sword pressure on the Madman Chu had continued to the extreme. He saw his eyes condensed, and on the body of the Kunwu sword in his hand, the runes were lit up, and a vast and infinite force burst out directly. Created as a huge sword shadow of immortal brilliance, containing countless lines, cut straight towards the distance!

It is the sword of Zhou, no way!

"What a terrifying sword pressure!"

No, the Wude two couldn't help being a little shocked when they saw this.

That sword gas actually gave them a death threat, making them afraid to step forward to stop it.

Boom, boom! !

Wherever the sword gas went, the space was directly torn apart!

The huge sword shadow flew tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye and came to the golden high tower. It seemed that he felt threatened. The tower body shook crazily, and the defensive barriers formed automatically.

In the blink of an eye, eighteen barriers emerged out of thin air!

But it is a pity that the power of this sword is too strong, just a moment's time, the first twelve of the eighteen barriers almost shattered at the same time!

The following six paths only resisted for a while, and then they were disintegrated one by one!

The giant sword fell on the tower, accompanied by a loud noise, smoke billowed, and mountains and rivers shattered!

Tower, broken!

The bell that echoed between heaven and earth disappeared.

But Madman Chu knows that things are far from simple.

In his immortal consciousness perception, this high tower was spread over most of the extreme west, and what he had destroyed was only one of them.

It won't be long before the bell sounds, I'm afraid it will come again.

"It is possible to build so many high towers and cover such a wide area. This Tianlong Pure Land has a huge plan. It seems that it has been planned for a long time."

"It can be called a Buddhist catastrophe."

Madman Chu murmured, becoming more and more curious about this Heavenly Dragon Pure Land.

"Chu madman, the devilish evildoer, really deserves his reputation!"

"Not only that, this person is not affected by the bell of the extinguishing Buddha, it is too weird."

No, Wude couldn't help being shocked after seeing the power of that sword.

Then, he couldn't put his hands together at Madman Chu: "Friend Chu, this is my Tianlong Pure Land with Buddhism. Please don't interfere and leave."

"What if I say no?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

"Then there will be one more dead bone on the road to destroying Buddha!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

In the distance, a burst of **** demonic energy soared into the sky, almost turning into a substantive black cloud.

And in the dark clouds, a young man dressed in blood-colored armor and filled with unknown devilish energy slowly descended!

"It's Brother Wutian!"

"he came!"

Seeing the youth of the War Armor, the two of them couldn't and Wude were happy. The arrival of the other party brought them great confidence.

Madman Chu also showed a playful smile, "It's not only a seed for exterminating Buddha, but also an enchanting evildoer. It's interesting."

The man here is actually a world-famous evildoer!

His cultivation base had already been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, and he was afraid that he was only strong or weak compared to Blood Kunpeng.

"No one can stop this road to the extinction of Buddha, Madman Chu, you are no exception!"

A dark red long knife appeared in Wutian's hand, pointing at the madman of Chu, with a cold tone, surging demonic energy, almost turning into a terrifying demon!

It was just this devilish energy that made the Buddhist enchantment that had been damaged not far away even more shaky.

"I'm curious, if I really want to stop it, how can you stand me?"


Wutian had no other words, his eyes were cold, and the dark red long knife in his hand was directly cut out!

A huge **** knife shadow came tearing the sky!

Kun Wu from the hand of Madman Chu also directly cut out.

The light of the sword, the light of the sword, the two forces struck each other, the surrounding space exploded, and the mountains and rivers shattered! !

An endless storm of energy, rolling in all directions!

As soon as Quartz recovered from the impact of the bell, he encountered the impact of this energy storm and was shaken back dozens of feet on the spot.

"Guanyin descendant, die!"

At this time, Wude, unable to make a sudden move by the two of them, moved towards the quartz attack.


Quartz snorted coldly, the Buddha's light manifested on his body, and all kinds of Dharma and supernatural powers were displayed one after another, shaking the two of them forcibly.

"Give it to me!"

Wude waved his hand. Behind him, the group of manipulated monks swept towards the quartz, yelling the words...destroy the Buddha!

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