Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Breaking the prohibition, detonating 6 dust and devil hooks, and punishing the evil

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

The ringing of the Buddha Extinguishing Bell echoed, rushing towards the Madman Chu!

Even those immortal powers who used the immortal sense to spy on the extreme west were in danger of disintegrating after hearing this bell.

They have no doubt that if their deity is here, it is really possible to be controlled by this bell.

"Madman Chu, can you stop it?!"

"Even if he is in the realm of Da Luo, but facing this kind of attack, it is estimated that he is very suspended."

"The sound of the Buddha-extinguishing bell is really weird."

I saw Madman Chu standing in place, letting the ringing of the Buddha-extinguishing bell echo.

And the green lotus mark on his forehead, there is a bright light flowing, revealing an extraordinary rhyme.

"It's so noisy!"

Madman Chu's eyes condensed, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the green lotus mark on his forehead blooming, and a chaotic green lotus slowly unfolding under his feet!

"Qinglian, the light of destruction!"

Madman Chu had a blue light flowing in his hands, and a green lotus destructive force that was beyond the avenue broke out!

Not only that, except for the power of Qinglian.

The power of the small universe in his body also started to circulate, and the two detached powers merged into one, and unexpectedly burst out an incomparably wonderful reaction.

Hundreds of millions of Xianhui spread out centered on the Mad Man of Chu, setting off him like a **** who transcends everything.

"How is this power possible?!"

The abbot Tianlong screamed, with an incredulous look in his eyes.

"In this world, there is no restriction that can stop me! You alone are not enough!"

Madman Chu said in a cold voice, the power of destruction of the Qinglian in his hand, the power of the small universe burst out, and the unparalleled fairy radiance, like a divine light bursting out of chaos, annihilated everything!


This light fell on the Tianlong prohibition.

This prohibition, which claims that even the five-qi realm of Da Luo will be unbreakable for a while, under the blow of Madman Chu, it collapsed and burst into pieces!

The boundless torrent of energy vents out!

Impact the entire Tianlong Pure Land!

The monks who provided assistance to the Tianlong Abbot, trapped Yunlan Buddha under the impact of this energy, were lifted out one after another, and fell to the ground in various directions.

Upon seeing this, the celestial powers couldn't help but be amazed.

"It's the power of Chaos Qinglian!"

"As expected to be the most precious treasure of chaos, this thing is indeed infinitely magical, it seems that this thing blocked the chime of the Extinguishing Buddha for the madman of Chu."

"This thing actually has the effect of protecting the soul."

Everyone talked a lot.

But at this moment, Yun Lanfo, who was controlled by the Six Dust Demon Hook, opened her eyes suddenly. After sensing the power of the illusion decreased, she stabilized the Buddha's heart, intending to break the power of the illusion in one fell swoop!

"How can I let you succeed!"

The Abbot Tianlong snorted coldly, and the blood-colored Buddha light surged into his body, injected into the hook of the Six Dust Demon, intending to use his own power to restrain Yun Lan Buddha again.

At this time, Yun Lan Buddha had not completely freed himself from the illusion, it was not impossible for him to do it.

But suddenly, three dark magic hooks flew out!

It was actually entangled with the magic hook of Abbot Tianlong, and the Dao pattern on it collided with it, which actually produced a certain sense of resonance.

"This is, the other three Six Dust Demon Hooks are actually in your hands!"

Abbot Tianlong was extremely surprised.

The Six Dust Demon Hook is Bo Xun's combiner. Abbot Tianlong exhausted his life's efforts to find three of them.

He never expected that the remaining three roots would be in the hands of Madman Chu!

"Are you surprised?" Madman Chu said lightly.

"Okay, I want to thank you for sending this Six Dust Demon Hook in front of me. Originally, I was not sure to contain this Yun Lan Buddha. I didn't expect that you had the opportunity to send it in front of me!"

Abbot Tianlong laughed loudly.

He wanted to **** the Liuchen Demon Hook from Madman Chu's hand.

With his strength, plus the three Six Dust Demon Hooks he already had, as long as he snatched it, he could use it.

At that time, it will definitely be able to contain Yunlan Buddha!

Just when Abbot Tianlong made up his mind and was about to do it, he saw a sly smile on Madman Chu's face, "Do you want this six dust devil hook? Here you are!"

I saw that he would let go and threw the Six Dust Demon Hook out.

Abbot Tianlong was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know what Madman Chu's idea was, so he gave himself such a treasure?

But then, he saw the Dao pattern flickering in the Six Demon Hook thrown by Madman Chu.

An astonishing surging energy is accumulated in it, and it seems to erupt!

At this moment, there was a look of horror in his eyes!

"not good!"

He had already guessed Madman Chu's plan, the other party was actually going to detonate the Liuchen Devil Hook!

Detonate a Combiner? !

Even if it is an incomplete Combiner, the power that bursts out in that instant is definitely enough to razing his entire Tianlong Pure Land to the ground!

In just an instant, the Abbot Tianlong reacted. With a long roar, the surging Immortal Yuan whistled out, tore a huge crack in the void, and bursts of void storms rolled out!

That is, the deep void!

The Abbot Tianlong threw the Six Dust Demon Hook into the deep void, then closed it, and even the Six Dust Demon Hook in his hand was also thrown away.

Because these six dust demon hooks are resonating, it is difficult to separate for a while, so he can only do this.

I have to say that he is very decisive!

Because in the next instant, a violent to extreme force suddenly erupted from the deep void, and it broke through the deep void and the two barriers of the shallow void, sweeping towards the abbot of Tianlong, even if it was just a combo device. His little power still made him feel tremendous pressure.

"Devil Buddha is going to kill, Ten Thousand Laws Heaven Burial!"

He urged the blood-colored Buddha light to block the power of the synthesizer.

But he was still blasted thousands of feet away, with bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his face a little pale.

This is just a little bit of power from the combo device. If he reacted slowly for a moment, or hesitated, he would definitely die forever!

"Madman Chu, you lunatic!"

If he hadn't thrown it out of the deep void just now, the Madman Chu who was on the scene would definitely not be spared!

He, the Da Luo Consummation, couldn't withstand that power, let alone the Madman Chu, the Da Luo Sanhua realm.

In other words, the behavior of Madman Chu just now seemed to everyone to be suicide!

If you don’t agree, you will die together!

This is not a lunatic, what is it? !

Abbot Tianlong looked at Madman Chu with palpitations in his eyes, he was really scared.

Because in addition to the six dust demon hook.

Kuangren Chu still had a synthesizer in his hand, and that was the bronze halberd in his hand.

He looked alert, afraid that the other party would do the same thing again.


"Woke up!" Madman Chu smiled faintly.

As soon as his words fell, he saw Peiran's Buddha light rising into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, covering most of the extreme west, and among them, there were Taoist shining in it. UU reading

It's Yunlan Buddha!

She awakened from the illusion.

"not good!"

Abbot Tianlong's face changed slightly, he lost the six-layer magic hook, and the rest of the monks were knocked to the ground by the Mad Man of Chu. Now he has almost no means to check and balance the way.

"Evil Buddha, be punished!"

Without any extra words, after Yun Lan Buddha broke free from the illusion, he raised his hand to the huge palm of the boundless Buddha light and pressed it directly towards the abbot of Tianlong!

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