Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The change of the sea of ​​dead souls, the fusion of the blood **** son and the dea

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

Under the sea of ​​blood and souls.

Madman Chu is comprehending the Blood God Dafa, and after several days of deduction and analysis with Xiao Ai, coupled with his powerful understanding, he has completely mastered this technique.

"It's really convenient to turn three cleansings into one gas."

Madman Chu couldn't help but said with emotion.

One Qi transforms three Qings, is a practice taught by Three Qings, it is like the origin of a Taoist in the world.

After mastering this practice method, he practiced other magical powers with half the effort, and coupled with his comprehension, the practice of the world is fully grasped in front of him.

Even in the eyes of the outside world, the Blood God Dafa, which takes at least hundreds of thousands of years to master, is no exception.

"let's start."

Madman Chu murmured, and then saw him take out the remnant soul of the ancestor of the Styx River and use the Blood God Dafa to stimulate it.

A peculiar wave, centered on him, spread out, and gradually enveloped the entire sea of ​​blood. Countless blood **** children seemed to have induction, and they all looked in the direction of the sea of ​​death.

"This breath is..."

Among the Asuras, all the four great Asura kings felt it, and looked towards the Sea of ​​Revenant, with a look of uncertainty and suspicion in their eyes.

"This breath is, teach ancestor?!"

"Although it is very weak, it is indeed the breath of the ancestor. What is going on?!"

King Asura was extremely shocked.

Didn’t the Styx Cultivator fall in the last era? Why does his breath appear at this time?

"The direction of the breath comes from the Sea of ​​Souls!"

"Could it be that for so many years, the ancestor has always existed in the sea of ​​dead souls, can't he die without death?"

"Impossible, we have all seen the catastrophe with our own eyes. How can they be safe and sound?!"

"Yes, if we hadn't been hiding in a sea of ​​blood, we wouldn't have survived that catastrophe at the cost of many years of sleep."

Several Asura kings talked a lot, and finally decided to go to the Sea of ​​Souls to see what happened.

And in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, some old monsters who had been sealed for many years opened their eyes, and they looked at the sea of ​​dead souls in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, just like King Ashura, very surprised.

In the sea of ​​dead souls.

The fluctuations of the Stygian ancestor spread out, and the four Asura kings all came to check it out, and the four demon generals lurking in the depths of the sea of ​​blood were all alarmed.

The goddess Shiva looked at the sea of ​​dead souls and murmured: "The sea of ​​blood has changed greatly, here it is!"

She didn't know whether this great change was good or bad for the sea of ​​blood.

But one thing is certain.

There is a forbidden existence, about to be born from the sea of ​​blood!

That is a taboo that is not inferior to the ancestor of the Styx Cult, and even more amazing!

One step faster than the four great Asura kings to reach the Sea of ​​Revenant is the countless blood gods. These blood gods rush towards the Sea of ​​Revenants like crazy. Without the slightest sense of reason, they only know the aura of the ancestor of the Styx. , I didn't care about the countless fierce evil spirits.

The blood **** son, the sea of ​​dead souls.

These two forces collided together like a torrent, and the black resentment and **** evil spirits entangled and swept out, shocking the entire sea of ​​blood!

Countless Asuras saw this scene, they couldn't help being stunned and shocked.

"It's terrible, these blood **** sons and the dead souls in the sea of ​​dead souls, the two most terrifying and uncontrollable forces in the sea of ​​blood, have converged!"

"What the **** is going on?!"

Blood **** children generally exist everywhere in the sea of ​​blood. Although they don't have intelligence, they don't take the initiative to kill them.

They are especially mechanical, only hunting those outsiders who strayed into the blood.

In recent years, in addition to Sin Tathagata, an outsider who is full of power, many people have also strayed into the sea of ​​blood, and they have been strangled clean by the blood **** son.

For the Ashura tribe, the Blood God Child, although uncontrollable, is an important force to guard the sea of ​​blood.

And the Sea of ​​Revenants, this is the forbidden land of the Sea of ​​Blood, no matter who enters, they will be swallowed up by the countless souls!

However, the Sea of ​​Souls exists there, as long as you don't take the initiative to go, it won't happen.

But now, the Blood God Child and the Sea of ​​Revenant meet together, this scene is unimaginable for everyone, they don't know what this will develop into.

Did the Blood God Child who guarded the Sea of ​​Blood disappeared, or did the Forbidden Land of the Sea of ​​Death no longer exist?


In the depths of the Dead Soul Sea, Madman Chu's eyes burst out with a bright light.

I saw him urging the blood **** Dafa, and **** masks centered on him, quickly spreading out!

But this is not over yet!

The third magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, the reincarnation world urges!

An invisible force field similar to the world of six reincarnations, but not knowing how powerful it is, spreads out!

Under this force field, his control of the dead souls has reached the extreme!

Blood God barrier, reincarnation world!

The two big domains are superimposed on each other, and countless blood gods and dead souls in them collide, fight together, and explode with a bang!

The Revenant Shards gradually attached to the Blood God Child's body.

Hundreds of millions of blood **** sons and dead souls are colliding and fighting with each other at this moment. It is indescribable to use the Asura battlefield!

But the weird thing is that these two parties are also blending with each other!

And the Madman Chu, who was in the most center, had an incomparably wonderful feeling at this moment, the true meaning of life, the profound meaning of the body, everything came to mind.

At this moment, he seems to be creating!

Create a new race!

This process is too wonderful, but in this process, the immortal essence in his body is also being consumed at an unprecedented speed.

"If you continue at this speed, I'm afraid it will be less than halfway, and I will be sucked up."

Mad Chu frowned slightly.

And just now.

The green lotus mark on his forehead filled with bursts of cyan glow, and a mysterious force spread out!

It was the opposite power of Qinglian's destruction, and contained infinite mystery and good fortune.

If we say that the power of destruction is for destruction and for extinction.

Then this power exists for creation and rebirth. This is the power of Qinglian's creation!

With the help of Qinglian's power of creation, Madman Chu's speed of fusing the blood **** child and the dead soul greatly accelerated.

"Very good, good baby!"

Madman Chu was overjoyed, and he was more satisfied with Chaos Qinglian.

And above the sea of ​​dead souls, the Asuras looked at the chaotic, black and red entangled in a sea of ​​dead souls like a huge whirlpool, with shocked faces on their faces.

They don't know what changes are taking place in this sea of ​​souls.

However, this change was definitely something they had never seen before, and even Da Luo Jinxian saw the change in this sea of ​​dead souls, and he only felt extremely mysterious, and there was a burst of heart palpitations.

"Who would like to enter this sea of ​​dead souls to check?"

Luo Qiantuo glanced at the surrounding Asuras and said. UU reading www.

No one dared to speak.

The Sea of ​​Dead Souls is normally an inaccessible forbidden area, not to mention that such a strange change has taken place now, who dares to enter.


Luo Qiantuo let out a cold snort.

Immediately he took a deep breath and let out an amazing roar toward the Sea of ​​Souls.

The roar is like thunder, and the majestic evil spirit is rushed towards the sea of ​​ghosts!

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