Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Let the Lord Shiva kneel down, there is a loophole in this wall

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

"My lord, Lord Shiva, please see me."

In the Tathagata Hall, which was renamed the Ghost Emperor Palace by the Madman of Chu, Po Yazhi came to report.

Madman Chu was studying how to leave the sea of ​​blood. He wanted to let Po Yazhi dismiss it, but suddenly his heart moved slightly, "Goddess Shiva, high priest of the Asura clan."


"It is said that this person is very knowledgeable, and the eyes on his forehead are all over the sea of ​​blood, even glancing at fate and predicting the future?"

"Yes it is."

"Interesting, let her in."

Perhaps, this goddess Shiva can help him.

In a short while.

I saw the goddess Shiva, who was dressed in a gorgeous robe and had a stunning face, was no less than the ghost mother, walked into the imperial palace.

When she saw Madman Chu, there seemed to be a divine eye opening on her forehead, but it only flashed slightly, and then closed by herself in the next instant, but this instant was enough to shock the goddess.

"Meet the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood!"

The goddess Shiva bowed and saluted, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Kneel down!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently, with a cold tone.

Hearing what he said, the eyebrows of Lord Shiva couldn't help frowning. You must know that she is the high priest of the Asura tribe. She is extremely noble and can be treated equally in the face of King Asura.

Even more.

But the new Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood made her kneel when they met, which made her a little unhappy.

"I made you kneel, are you deaf?"

Madman Chu emphasized once again, and a surging coercion spread out, covering the entire Ghost Emperor Palace.

And on his forehead, the green lotus imprint shone with dim light.

A detached force covers all directions!

Shiva's delicate body shook slightly, and in the end she could only lower her noble head, knelt on the ground, and said stiffly: "Meet the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood!"

"Are you not convinced?"

"Don't dare."

"Oh, I have heard of you from Po Yazhi. You are the youngest and most talented high priest of the Ashura tribe. Now you are under a thousand years old and you are already in the realm of Da Luo. Well, this can be considered a realm in the immortal world. It's a monster, it's not bad, but this is not the reason you can offend me!"

Madman Chu said later, his tone gradually became cold.

The divine eyes on the opponent's forehead flashed by just now, although it was secret, even Po Yazhi didn't even notice it.

But how can it be hidden from him.

Just now, he felt like he was being spied on. Although the other party didn't go deep, it was enough to make him unhappy.

Shiva's delicate body trembled, and her little action that she didn't want to hit herself was discovered by the other party.

"Do you know that just because you offended the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood just now, it was enough for me to kill you!" Chu Kuangren said lightly, not caring about the identity of the other party's high priest.

On the contrary, Po Yazhi's face changed slightly, she wanted to ask for affection, but she didn't dare to speak.

"I offended, please forgive me from the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood."

Goddess Shiva said.

"Let's talk, come to see me today, why? Kneel and say!"

Madman Chu seemed to stand up when he saw the other party, and said lightly.

The goddess Shiva, who had just stood up helplessly, knelt on the ground again, "As a high priest, it is reasonable to come to see the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood."

"Oh, then you have already paid a visit, how do you feel."

"The Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood is young and promising. He was already a golden fairy at a young age, and he mastered the Sea of ​​Blood. In time, he will be able to surpass the ancestors of the Stygian River and lead the Sea of ​​Blood to create greater glories!"

The goddess Shiva said lightly, but she didn't know her since she was not sincere.

Madman Chu heard the compliment from the other party and chuckled, "Do you think that two good words can offset your offense?"

"This is not a good thing, but the truth."

"Nevertheless, I heard that there are four major disciples under the Ancestral Seat of the Styx Church, Bo Xun, Brahma, Shiva, and Demon Lord. Although Shiva is nowhere to be found, the latter has a heritage in the sea of ​​blood, and is the high priest of Asuras in the past."

"You who carry the inheritance of Shiva should know a lot of the secrets of the sea of ​​blood. I ask you, do you know how to leave the sea of ​​blood?"

Madman Chu said slowly.

After hearing his words, Goddess Shiva did not answer immediately, but said: "The Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood knows that Netherworld was also a part of the fairy world long ago."

"Oh, funny, you keep talking."

"In the Immortal Ancient Period, the Great Tribulation came, and the Stygian Cultivator, as a co-dao, was the first to bear the brunt of the Great Tribulation. In order to protect the blood sea from the disaster, he stripped the entire Nether Blood Sea from the immortal world. , Exiled into the deep void, so that the four great demon generals, King Asura, enter into deep sleep, and the blood **** son guards in the sea of ​​blood...until Sin Tathagata comes and unifies the sea of ​​blood."

"What's the use of you telling me this?"

"The reason why the sea of ​​blood cannot blend with the immortal world is due to the prohibition of the ancestors of the Styx from staying in the sea of ​​blood. If you break the prohibition of the ancestors, you can return to the immortal world."

"Can't Sin Tathagata do it?"

"Can't do it, because although he is in harmony, he is still not as good as the ancestor, but you are the lord of the sea of ​​blood, you may be able to."

Madman Chu groaned.

After refining the sea of ​​blood, he indeed sensed a force that bound the space of the sea of ​​blood.

This force is extremely powerful.

It is much stronger than the prohibition of Ziweixing!

There are also strengths and weaknesses in Hedao. There is no doubt that the Styx Cult is standing at the apex of Hedao.

Even the distance from Hunyuan is only one step away.

The ban he left behind was naturally extraordinary, and could not be broken by Sin Tathagata at all.

"Although I master the sea of ​​blood, my power is still far behind the ancestors of the Stygian Cult. I cannot break the restriction left by him. No, Sin Tathagata can't break the restriction. Then how did he make the sea of ​​blood blend with the immortal world, and almost succeeded. , Is it possible to shake the power of the Stygian Cultivator just by relying on the power of faith in the Extreme West?"

Madman Chu was lost in thought.

He has seen the power of faith collected by Sin Tathagata. Although it is powerful, it definitely does not reach the level of top-level harmony.

Then why can the other party promote the fusion of the blood sea and the immortal world?

Among them, there must be something tricky.

"I want to go out!"

Madman Chu said lightly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the imperial palace.

And the goddess Shiva, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at Po Yazhi, her face was bitter, "Can I stand up?"

"You have to ask our new Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood about this."

Po Yazhi shrugged and said.

On the other side, Madman Chu's figure flashed and came to the sky above the sea of ​​blood.

The huge immortal consciousness spread out like a tide, shrouded in surroundings, and endless information rushed in.

He saw the floating islands in the sea of ​​blood, and the Asura tribes on the landing ground...

The 480 million blood gods wandering around in the sea of ​​blood...

Also, the invisible restriction imprinted on the sea of ​​blood by UU reading!

These restrictions are everywhere, forming a huge invisible wall, so that the entire blood sea can only wander in the deep void, but cannot return to the fairy world.

"Xiao Ai, analyze this prohibition!"


Under Xiao Ai's analysis, Madman Chu gradually discovered that this invisible wall was not so complete.

"Sure enough, there are loopholes in this wall!"

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