Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : 1 Drought, please do not shoot, wild mountains and seas

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

Many people are coveting this thing in this world.

Within a mountain range, there is a dark yellow barrier lying across it, and there are countless mysterious runes lingering in this barrier, which is amazing.

Here is where the book from the earth appears in this world.

"The book from the earth is present in this world, and it has evolved into a world of mountains and rivers on its own. If you want to get the book from the earth, you must enter this world of mountains and rivers and find the core of the book."

"Tsk, the world of books, mountains and rivers, is extremely mysterious, and the opportunities are endless. Compared with the chaotic fragments of the last time, I am afraid it is almost the same."

Outside the world of books, mountains and rivers, many people gather, ready to enter it at any time.

And just now.

In the void, there was a sudden flow of black and white fairy radiance, intertwined with the runes of the road.

An extremely powerful, almost suffocating coercion flew from a distance, and came to everyone in the blink of an eye.

The endless black and white Xianhui converges, all converging on one person.

It was a young man in a black and white robe, with a slender figure and a handsome face.

It's just that for some reason, this person has an aura that makes this world Tianjiao feel heart palpitations. Their Tao, in front of this young man, actually feels suppressed.

"Who is this person and why does it give people such a weird feeling."

"I know him. This person calls himself Yin and Yang robbery, but he is a monster that recently appeared. This person has an extremely powerful cultivation base. He has many evil evildoers who have been defeated in his hands, and he is ruthless and terrible. He is called an evil evil killer by everyone. , You must stay far away when you meet him."

"I've seen him make a move, that kind of aura is too weird and terrible."

Some evildoers looked at Yin Yang Jie and couldn't help swallowing saliva, showing a look of horror.

Facing the catastrophe of yin and yang, they felt like they were facing natural enemies.

And Yin Yang Jie didn’t have any interest in these ordinary enchanting Tianjiao. He looked at the world of mountains and rivers evolved from the book of the earth and smiled, “This treasure can evolve into a world of mountains and rivers. It is extraordinary. If it can be obtained, it will be extremely helpful to me. Big, maybe you can compete with that monster!"

That monster naturally refers to Madman Chu.

These days, the frequency of his shots has decreased a lot, because he faintly noticed that the guy has returned to the fairy world.

Although I don't know how that guy got out of the blood.

But he had to guard.

He must improve himself as soon as possible to be able to compete with the opponent.

"The book from the ground may help me."

Yin Yang Jie whispered, and then his figure flashed and quickly entered the earth book world.

After he entered, the various Tianjiao evildoers also followed, entering one by one.

There is a Fahai monk who holds a golden Zen stick in his hand and a purple golden bowl in his hand. The Buddha's light manifests on his body, as if the Buddha descended.

There is a vision of thousands of troops and thousands of horses appearing behind him, and one person becomes an army, like the fairy court gou Chen Shaoyu, who is coming with a mighty imposing manner!

There are also the **** sons of the eastern emperor, coming with the emperor's air flowing all over!

Each one, at least, is a majestic and even world-famous evildoer, and ordinary Tianjiao evildoers are simply beyond the reach.

boom! !

The world broke apart, and an incomparably terrifying aura permeated.

In the air, an extremely hot temperature suddenly spread, and millions of miles of mountains and rivers turned into dry land in the blink of an eye.

The vegetation withered, the rivers dried up...

Many enchanting Tianjiao felt that the blood in their bodies had to be evaporated, which was terrifying.

"Look, where is it!"

Someone pointed to the distance.

Everyone looked along the source of the temperature, and saw a woman with a rugged figure, a charming face, and long aqua-blue hair walking slowly.

This woman has slender legs, fair skin, and looks very watery.

But the temperature permeating her body made everyone present feel extremely horrified.

"In this scorching breath, there is an indescribable yin air faintly mixed in, she, she is a zombie drought!!"

Someone guessed something, and couldn't help exclaiming.

According to ancient rumors, there are immortal creatures outside the six realms in this world, whose name is zombies!

There are four oldest zombies, Han Yan, generals, post officials, and win hooks.

And the zombies behind are mostly inherited from these four veins.

The woman in front of her was filled with scorching temperature, and the characteristics of the Chidi Qianli where Drought Yan went, it was basically certain.

"The evildoers in the Zombie Forbidden Zone are here."

"Oh my God, this breath is terrible, this is definitely a world-famous evildoer."

Everyone looked at the woman who slowly walked in, only feeling that her body was about to turn to ashes, and they quickly retreated.

And the woman ignored the people, and walked into the world of books and mountains.

After she left, the surrounding temperature persisted for a long time.

"This time the dispute between books from the ground, I am afraid it will be very fierce."

"Yeah, but, will that person come?"

Suddenly, someone mentioned that person.

And hearing this, everyone's heart moved, as to who that person is, like a mirror in their hearts.

It is also clear that if that person comes.

This book from the ground is very likely to fall into the hands of its people.

"The person you are talking about is not him."

At this moment, a Tianjiao said with a trembling tone.

Everyone looked.

I saw two figures approaching a man and a woman not far away.

The man walking in the forefront, dressed in white clothes like snow, didn't have a strong breath on his body, and it could even be said to be ordinary, without showing the mountains or dew.

Compared with the previous appearances of the powerful evildoers, it was far worse.

But everyone knows that this person does not need to appear too fancy, as long as he appears, he will naturally become the center of this world, the focus of everyone's attention.

As he arrived, many gasped.

"He really came too."

The person who came is naturally not someone else, but a man of Chu.

He came to the front of the Earth Book Mountain River World, glanced at everyone, and smiled faintly: "Everyone, I want this book, if you see it, please don't make a move, so as not to hurt your peace."

Hearing this, everyone didn't know whether to say he was confident or arrogant.

But they all understand that the other party definitely has the confidence and qualifications to say such things.

"Yes, Daoist Chu is absolutely right. This time I explored the world of books from the ground, looking for their own opportunities. As for the books from the ground, of course it belongs to Daoist Chu."

"Yes, except for Fellow Daoist Chu, who is eligible to get this book from the ground."

"Friend Chu, don't worry, we won't compete with you for this book."

What a joke.

Competing with Madman Chu for treasures, they still want to live longer.

And Madman Chu smiled faintly when he heard what everyone said, "If that's the case, then I would like to thank you all first."

After speaking, he took Lan Yu and walked into the world of books from the earth.

After crossing that layer of mysterious yellow barrier, what came into view was the vast world of the other side!

The mountains and clear waters heaven and the earth are full of aura, almost turned into essence.

There are mountains towering, clouds covering the mist, faintly gleaming fairy lights, and many fairy trees contain them, which is amazing.

There are vast blue waves, dotted with many islands, like stars.

Among the mountains and seas, there is not a peaceful and peaceful one.

Vaguely, there were many strange beasts flooding them, with low roars, tears of flesh and blood, and the sound of teeth grinding faintly.

This is a wild mountain and sea!

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