Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Gou Chen Shaoyu fights Yin-Yang Tribulation, the little fox is one step fast

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

"How can anyone covet ginseng fruit?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a man wearing a bronze armor, holding a long sword and carrying a long bow slowly walking towards him.

There was an incomparably terrifying aura pouring out of his body, and in a vague way, the scene of thousands of troops and horses intertwined in the void was extremely shocking.

"Gou Chen Shaoyu!"

"It's actually him!"

"Gou Chen Shaoyu, one of the six young masters of Xian Ting, he is now alive."

Everyone's eyes were a bit solemn.

And with the appearance of Gou Chen Shaoyu, other places also showed extremely powerful aura.

Among them, a scorching breath swept over, making the world almost turned into a dry land, a mysterious drought, and a blue-haired woman appeared.

Gou Chen Shaoyu was slightly surprised, "The person in the zombie restricted area, which enchantress are you?"

"Drought stupid, female stupid!"

"It turns out to be a contemporary female ghost, and it's really disrespectful."

The female ghost is the title of the most outstanding tianjiao in the line of the drought, and it has a very high status in the line of the drought.

And as the female ghost appeared, on the other side, a burst of light from the Buddha manifested.

I saw a scene of sky-flowers falling between the heavens and the earth, and an ancient Buddha phantom appeared in the void.

A handsome monk in white, holding a golden Zen stick, and a purple golden bowl in his hand, walked slowly.

Behind him, the Tianjiao evildoers all shaved their hair, and followed Fahai's back with a pious look. Among them, many people were famous in the immortal world.

"Damn it, that's Jueying Sword, how did he become a monk?"

"And Fairy Luohua, where's her hair?"

"What happened, why are all these people becoming monks and monks, and who is that monk in white?"

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help being very surprised.

Gou Chen Shaoyu and the two female ghosts looked towards Fahai, gradually revealing a dignified color in their eyes.

"In Buddhism, when did you appear as a weird monk?" Gou Chen Shaoyu said lightly.

"Amitabha, Buddha of the poor monk at Da Leiyin Temple, Fahai!"

Great Leiyin Temple.

Everyone thoughtfully.

"It is said that two years ago, the Wufang Pure Land in the Extreme West suffered the tribulation of the extinction of the Buddha, and its vitality was greatly damaged. This Great Leiyin Temple seems to have risen at this time."

"Tsk tusk, this Fahai looks very unusual."


At this time, between the heaven and the earth, a burst of black and white fairy radiance came.

I saw an aurora rushing quickly, as fast as lightning, and wherever they went, the mountains and rivers were broken, and many people felt an extremely terrifying pressure.

"Haha, so many enchanting Tianjiao, it seems you can kill a happy one!"

A laugh suddenly sounded.

Yin and Yang Tribulation, here comes!

When seeing him, the expressions of the evildoers present changed.

"What is this weird breath?"

"Why do you always feel that this person has a sense of oppression against me?!"

Yin and Yang robbery is too weird.

He was born by adhering to the yin and yang way, fused with the atmosphere of this world of great calamity, and has a suppressive effect on the creatures of this world.

Fighting him under the same realm is a great loss.

Since he appeared in this world, many enchanting Tianjiao have been poisoned by him, and his actions have made many great powers in the fairy world want to kill them.

It's a pity that this person has seized the will of a realmist from the immortal realm, and he turned out to be a member of the realm.

"Oh, is this the rumored ginseng fruit? Interesting!"

Yin Yang Jie raised his hand to grab the ginseng fruit tree.

However, Gou Chen Shaoyu stood in front of him, slashed out with a sword, and the cold sword light intersected with the Dao pattern, forcing the Yin and Yang Tribulation to withdraw.


Yin Yang Jie glanced at Gou Chen Shaoyu somewhat unexpectedly.

Since his birth, few younger generations have pushed him back, and Chen Shaoyu is the first one.

"Is this the power of the world's monsters?!"

"Very well, let me learn it!"

The yin and yang calamity immediately shot, the yin and yang celestial glory circulated, a burst of yin and yang Da Luo Yi that merged with the atmosphere of the tribulation suddenly rolled out, shattering the void.

Although Gou Chen Shaoyu was surprised by the weird atmosphere of the Great Tribulation, he was not so easy to deal with as a world-famous evildoer. With a long sword in his hand, the sword light reflected thousands of troops.

The two forces converge, exploding into the void!

Yin and Yang robbery, go to Chen Shaoyu, each retreat!

"My great Luoyi power has been suppressed by more than 10%!"

Gou Chen Shaoyu's eyes were solemn, this was the first time he encountered such a strange thing.

Fortunately, even though he was suppressed, he was not incapable of fighting with his strength. Although the Yin Yang Tribulation was strong, his cultivation level did not reach that desperate level.

Even worse than Gou Chen Shaoyu.

It's just taking advantage of the atmosphere of the Great Tribulation.

"Ha, really strong."

After Yin Yang Jie noticed the strength of Gou Chen Shaoyu, his inner pride was slightly reduced.

Although he has the aura of this world's great calamity.

But this breath is not enough to make him reach the point where he looks down on the crowd, and his own strength needs to be further strengthened.

"That ginseng fruit can help people condense the flower of life, this thing is helpful to me, I must get it!"

Yin Yang Jie secretly thought that with Gou Chen Shaoyu and others, it was obviously not so easy to succeed.

"This ginseng fruit is quite a lot, how about we divide it?"

Yin Yang Jie suggested.

Hearing what he said, Gou Chen Shaoyu and the female Yan all expressed their thoughts.

"There are forty-nine ginseng fruit, how to divide it?"

The female ghost said lightly.

"Grab, whoever robs more, no matter who owns it!"

The yin and yang robbery figure is like electricity, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the ginseng fruit tree.

"Huh, do you think you are the only one who is fast?"

Gou Chen Shaoyu sneered.

The rest of the people also took action one after another.

Yuzhi, Ye Zhu and others familiar to the madman of Chu were among them.

In the face of ginseng fruit, they had to be moved.

And outside the Wuzhuang Temple, there are layers of restrictions that hinder everyone from entering.

While breaking the restriction, everyone quickly ran towards the ginseng fruit, but at this moment, a Tianjiao exclaimed, "Look, there is a fox there!"

When everyone looked, they saw that a fox-eared girl was faster than everyone else, and quickly penetrated the bans, and came to the ginseng fruit.

There was a crescent mark on the girl's forehead, showing an extraordinary rhyme.

"It's Moonlight Fox!"

"Moonlight Fox can ignore the prohibition, **** it, you must stop her as soon as possible!"

It was naturally the little fox that quickly penetrated the restriction.

She looked at the people who were breaking the ban and smiled, "You go slowly, I will take this ginseng fruit first."

She reached out to pick the fruit, but found that she couldn't pull it off no matter what.

"What kind of fruit is this, why is it hard to pick?"

"Little fox, this ginseng fruit falls when it meets gold, and it enters when it meets soil. Use metallic objects to pick it up. UU reading must not let it fall into the ground."

Ye Zhu spoke to the little fox outside.

He knew the little fox. When he was in Chaos Fragment last time, he had appeared to help Madman Chu.

It is a friendly army.

"That's it."

The little fox suddenly realized that he took out a small golden hammer and knocked it on the ginseng fruit.

With a bang, the ginseng fruit fell, and the little fox quickly caught it, threw it into the Qiankun Ring, and then happily picked the rest of the ginseng fruit.

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