Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : 9-color soul body, Da Luo Guixian Ye Luosha, he can't move

Sky Cloud City, in the city lord's mansion.

Peerless evil spirits descended, and a horrible atmosphere filled the entire city lord's mansion.

In the city lord's mansion, a burly man with a golden robe and a majestic face opened his eyes angrily, showing an expression of anger, "Damn Ye Rakshasa, he is here again!"

With the extremely majestic Luo Yi, Luo Tianyun stepped out with his head high!

Behind him, there are also a group of masters from the City Lord's Mansion, each of which has a golden immortal level of combat power, very powerful.

It's just that when these people saw the countless dead souls that flooded the world, their eyes still couldn't help showing a solemn color.

"Ye Luosha, you are endless!"

Luo Tianyun looked at Ye Luosha and said in a cold tone.

"I said, hand over the nine-color soul body, otherwise, I won't let it go easily."

Ye Luosha sneered.

If anyone hears this, he will be very shocked.

The nine-color soul body, that is the supreme immortal body in the rumor, is the most suitable physique for practicing the way of the soul in this world!

It is said that the owner of this kind of supreme immortal body will not be awakened at birth, and may even remain hidden until the owner dies, and may not be able to awaken.

Once awakened, this physique is bound to attract countless ghosts and ghosts.

For them, the nine-color soul body is a peerless tonic!

If they could absorb refining, it would be enough to make their souls sublimated in essence.

Now, in this city lord's mansion, there is an awakened nine-color soul body!

Ye Luosha licked his lips. Even though he was a Golden Immortal-level existence, this nine-color soul body still had a great temptation for him. Once swallowed and absorbed, it could not only break through the current realm, but even use this physique in the future. , The cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds, it is not impossible to prove the Dao with the soul body!

When he thought of this, his heart was fiery, but when he thought that the nine-color soul body had been stared at by the adult, he couldn't help but dispel the thought.


Such a good thing is not yours.

"I said, my city lord's mansion does not have the soul body you said! Get out of here!"

"Don't want to lie to me, the fluctuation of the soul body is clearly transmitted from your city lord's mansion, you can't hide it! Since you toast and not eat, don't blame me!"

Ye Luosha sneered, and then waved, the countless ghosts and ghosts behind him suddenly hoarse towards the master of the city lord's mansion!

"Come on, afraid of you?"

"Hmph, a bunch of ghosts, I want your souls to disappear!!"

The masters of the City Lord's Mansion have fought these evil ghosts several times in the past month, and they are already familiar with their attacks.

A fight broke out suddenly.

And Luo Tianyun and Ye Luosha looked at each other, and immediately started a battle!


In the first fight, Yin Qi and Xian Yuan crashed together like two big stars, and the void exploded, and cracks spread out like shattered mirrors!

In the air, there was an icy yin air.

"Luo Tianyun, let you see my true strength today!"

Ye Luosha gave a long roar, and the Yin Qi on his body rolled frantically, and blasted out with a palm. The terrifying Yin Qi and Dao Mark intertwined in the void, turning into a big hand that covered the sky and sun!

"bring it on!!"

Luo Tianyun was awe-inspiring, and a golden sword appeared in his hand, with Dao patterns densely covered on it. This is a top-notch big compass!

Cut out with a single knife, the golden sword vigorously, overwhelming!

The giant palm and the sword qi are madly intertwined, destroying everything around them like a world-destroying storm.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

A sick girl looked at this scene, extremely worried.

She clenched her fist, the blue veins on the back of her smooth hand, and her eyes were unwilling.

"If my cultivation base does not disappear, I can help my father, damn, **** it!"

The girl said unwillingly.

In the past, her talent was definitely the first in this Heavenly Cloud City. Although she had not reached the Great Luo Jing for a thousand years of cultivation, she was not far behind.

But now she can only watch the battle from a distance here, and can't even get close. That random burst of energy is enough to tear her body apart.

Bang, bang, bang! !

The torrent of violent energy was venting wildly.

Knife and palm, Yin Qi and Xianyuan, Ye Luosha and Luo Tianyun, the two have fought for no less than dozens of rounds.

Both of them are at the pinnacle of Daluo's Three Flower Realm, and they are almost the same from the Five Qi Realm.

Moreover, I have played against each other several times before, and they know each other well. It is really not an easy task to win each other.

"Sky Cloud Jue, the sea of ​​clouds is surging in the world!!"

I saw Luo Tianyun soaring into the sky, the golden sword in his hand burst out to the extreme, and a terrifying sword light spouted from it!

Like those layers of clouds, one after another, it seems to shatter the world!

Ye Luosha, who was enveloped by this horrible knife light, took a deep breath, then raised his hand to urge Yin Qi, his five fingers pressed down, his eyes condensed, and he urged him to move!

"Nine days of ghosts!!"

In his palm, a cloud of dark yin air gathered and turned into a huge energy ball.

And in it, there seemed to be a sorrowful dead soul whistling.

Pushing forward with his hands like withered bones, the huge energy ball and the blade light fiercely bombarded together, the gorgeous Dao pattern intertwined and collided, and the energy rolled out!

Luo Tianyun and Ye Luosha flew out together.

Available at this time.

A figure shot out from the void and came in front of Luo Tianyun secretly, punching his chest with a punch, only to hear the sound of bone cracking, Luo Tianyun was severely wounded and vomited blood on the spot!

"City Lord!!!"


Many experts in the City Lord's Mansion and the sick and weak girls in the distance could not help but exclaim.

A guard from the City Lord's Mansion looked at Ye Luosha and the figure that attacked Luo Tianyun, gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable!!"

"Oh, it's not deceitful for soldiers."

Ye Luosha sneered, then he looked at the attacking figure beside him.

This is also a dead soul.

Moreover, his cultivation has reached the realm of Da Luo, and his name is called the Night Ghost King, just like him, he is a ghost.

It was also his biggest reliance when he came to find Luo Tianyun this time.

One is constrained by the Ming, the other is waiting for an opportunity in the dark, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, Luo Tianyun's defeat is normal.

"Luo Tianyun, take it to death, when you die, I will personally search the entire city lord's mansion to find the nine-color soul body!"

Ye Luosha sneered and said, he was sure that the supreme immortal body was in this city lord's mansion.

Just when he was about to make a move, a heart-piercing exclamation came from a distance, "No!!"

Immediately afterwards, a treacherous wave emerged The souls present couldn't help being shocked, seeing the sick girl first.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with this breath, you are the nine-color soul body!"

"Unexpectedly, this physique actually appeared on a woman."

Ye Luosha looked overjoyed.

"Yue'er, leave soon!!" Luo Tianyun roared.

"Haha, I want to go, it's too late!"

Ye Luosha was very sure that the Nine-Colored Soul Body was this young girl, how could she let the other party leave easily, and then grabbed her with his hand up.

But the next moment, his face changed.

Because, he can't move!

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