Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The purple moon fell in the sky, the rune was moved, and thunder was thundered in 9

"Why do so many come from? Do you still need a reason to kill you?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, the three big souls rushed up and attacked towards the purple moon sky!

As for the other party, naturally, he wouldn't be caught easily. With the help of the mysterious soul fire formation, although it is only a remnant soul, it still has the power to resist, and various soul methods are used.

"Madman Chu, I'm fighting with you!"

Ziyue Changkong roared.

But unfortunately, although he resisted, his strength was too weak in the eyes of Madman Chu.

Today's Madman Chu's soul has nine colors of divine soul light, one is enough to deal with the other party, let alone three, so much deception, he himself is a little embarrassed.

Even, if it were not for his deliberate convergence of Chaos Qinglian's power, the opponent was afraid that even his spiritual sea would be difficult to enter.

Spiritual sea, soul battle.

But it was a unilateral crush. After a while, the soul body of Ziyue Sky was like a piece of porcelain covered with cracks, and it would be turned into fragments with a light touch.

Madman Chu shot out with a palm of his hand, and the mighty soul power completely smashed the opponent into pieces.

The purple moon sky, fall!

And with the death of Ziyue Zhangkong, countless soul fragments were swallowed by the spirit sea.

Scenes of memories appeared in the minds of Mad Chu.

That is the memory of the other party.

With this memory, he understood the pattern of the soul forbidden zone more clearly.

In the Purple Moon Territory.

In Changkong Mansion, Madman Chu opened his eyes suddenly, "That's it."

After filtering through the memories of the long sky of Ziyue, he finally found the information he wanted.

First of all, it is naturally his primary purpose of coming to the soul forbidden zone, which is to condense the soul!

Especially the nine petals soul condensing flower!

However, the memories of the purple moon and the sky show that Soul Condensation Flower is very common in the soul forbidden area, but the nine-petal Soul Condensation Flower is extremely rare.

Even Ziyue Changkong himself had never used the nine-petal soul condensing flower in his entire life.

This thing has a certain chance to appear only when the Lingshen Cave is open.

Lingshen Dongtian is a secret realm in the soul forbidden area. It will be open every once in a while. At that time, people of the seven veins can enter it to explore and find opportunities. Only in Lingshen Dongtian can there be a certain chance of finding the wild. Nine petals condensing soul flower!

As for the artificial cultivation, it can only grow to seven petals at most, which is far behind the nine petals.

"It seems that it is necessary for this spirit **** to enter the cave. Perhaps the identity of the purple moon and sky can be used."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Immediately, he sent a message to the Yeluosa outside the cave, the night ghost king, and let the two enter.

When they saw Madman Chu, the two looked at each other, wondering why they should call each other, Ghost Emperor? Little Lord?

Because they didn't know if Ziyue Sky's seizure of the house was successful.

"Why, do you think I will be taken away by Ziyue Sky?"

Madman Chu glanced at the other party, a wisp of ghost emperor power permeated.

The two of them immediately shook their expressions, and then knelt on the ground, "The ghost emperor is able to penetrate the sky and the earth, and it is not comparable to the sky in the purple moon."

"Although Ziyue Changkong is dead, from now on, in this soul forbidden zone, you will call me the young master, and treat me as Ziyue Changkong."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The two nodded, and did not ask much, "Understood."

"Well, before Lingshen Dongtian is opened, don't let other people disturb me."


The two nodded, and then retreated to the outside of the cave.

And in the cave, the madman Chu had a variety of soul cultivation methods in his mind, that was the soul cultivation method of the Ziyue line!

Since we are going to fake the purple moon and sky, we will naturally have to be in place.

At least, the practice method that the other party knows, you have to know it too.

With his comprehension, coupled with the nine-color divine soul body, which is naturally suitable for the soul practice, it will take a few days for him to fully understand the practice of the Ziyue Longkong Society.

Moreover, blue is better than blue.

If Ziyue Changkong were still alive, I don't know what it would be like.

A few days later.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a god-level reward to move the rune!"

Move the rune?

Madman Chu glanced at this reward, this rune treasure specially used to escape.

It only takes a thought to start, and it can break through the limitations of time and space in an instant, and move people hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Many spatial treasures have similar effects.

However, this big shifting rune is exceptionally powerful, because once it is used, even if it is combined, it can't stop it!

"This thing is interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Several days passed.

He drew another prize.

And the prize is a kind of rune treasure.

However, what is not necessarily related to the big shifting rune is that this rune is called Nine Heavens Shocking Thunder, which is an offensive rune.

Quite strangely, this rune can be used to place it in any place and detonate at any point in time according to the user's will.

"Isn't this just a remote-controlled bomb?"

Madman Chu looked at the rune in his hand thoughtfully.

At this time, Ye Luosha asked for instructions to enter.

"Ghost... Young Master, the Young Master from the Blue Ocean line sent someone to send an invitation card to invite you to enjoy the flowers."

After Ye Luosha entered the cave, he originally wanted to be called the ghost emperor, but when he thought of the instructions of the Madman Chu, he immediately changed his name to the young master.


Madman Chu's mind suddenly came up with information about this young master of the blue ocean.

Seven channels in the soul forbidden zone, seven young masters, and this blue ocean young master is the only female among the seven, named Lan Haifang.

More importantly, this Lan Haifang is also very fond of the purple moon sky.

The soul method of the Blue Ocean is a method that is biased towards manipulating the souls of the dead, which is a bit similar to the soul-guarding pulse in the magic way, except that the methods are much more powerful.

For example, Ye Luosha, the night ghost king, was given by Lan Haifang to Ziyue Changkong to guard the cave.

Daluo Jinxian-level ghost immortal would give it away as soon as he said it. This shows how much this Lan Haifang admires Ziyue Sky.

"I heard that there is an 18-layer **** in the line of the Blue Ocean, right?"

Madman Chu asked suddenly.

Eighteen layers of hell, this refers to naturally not the eighteen layers of **** in the underworld, but a cell built by the blue ocean line following the eighteen layers of **** in the underworld.

Inside, there are countless dead souls in captivity.

The people of the blue ocean line, let these dead souls fight in it, and degenerate into evil spirits. From the bottom eighteenth floor, layer by layer, but when they rise to the first layer, UU reading www. uukanshu. At this time, the evil spirit of com has become extremely powerful because it has swallowed countless opponents, at least it is also a golden immortal level, similar to raising Gu.

In the end, these first-tier evil spirits will be manipulated by people from the blue ocean and used as tools.


Hearing the eighteen layers of **** in the blue ocean, Ye Luosha couldn't help but tremble slightly, as if recalling some nightmarish memories.

He also came out of the eighteen layers of **** in the blue ocean.

In order to survive, he didn't know how many souls he had swallowed, among them, he even had his own brothers and friends.

Who would have thought that he was also a good soul.

But in the eighteenth-layer **** like a gu, he degenerates into a demon step by step. Although he has grown to the realm of Da Luo, he would rather abandon this body of cultivation than have that experience.

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