Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Entering the memory storm, the 9-petal soul condensing flower appears in this world

There are too many memories in a person's life, and these memories are mostly fragmentary.

But there are some memories that are very deep, such as own name, relatives, etc.

The life of a practitioner is many times longer than that of a mortal. Their memories are even more trivial, but there are some things that can always be hard for them to forget, and they are even deeply engraved in their minds, such as their own treasures. , A practice method that is more important than life!

In this spiritual **** cave, the trivial memories of ancient power have turned into a storm of memory that swept across the world, but in it, there is an extremely rigorous and clear practice!

"It is indeed a practice method, but it is contained in the memory storm and is difficult to comprehend."

Lan Haifang shook his head and said.

After Lingshen Dongtian, occasionally such a situation occurred, and some people wanted to understand the practice in the memory storm, but they all failed.

The practice that can be remembered by this ancient power is by no means simple, how can it be easy to comprehend?

Most of the time, people are torn apart by the storm of memory before the practice method has been comprehended.

"Oh, how can I know if I don't try?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and he stepped forward in one step and flew towards the memory storm.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Young Master Ziyue, no!"

"Too dangerous!"

Everyone was extremely shocked, thinking that Madman Chu was too impulsive.

The memory storm, is it possible to go casually?

For many years, I don't know how many people want to gain powerful practice in this memory storm, but all of them have failed, and no one succeeded.

The more serious one is that there is no bones left.

"Young Master Ziyue, after getting the Nine-Colored Soul Body, is it too bloated?"

Young Master Qingtian sighed and said.

Then I felt a little distressed. You are going to remember the storm, and I can't stop it, but I have to leave the soul crystal first!

"Follow up."

Lan Haifang said, following Madman Chu.

The others followed, there was no way if they didn't follow, all the soul crystals were on each other's body.

And when Madman Chu came to the memory storm, a terrifying soul fluctuation emerged from it. This soul fluctuation, even turned into substance, could have a huge impact on the body.

Just a memory storm has this power.

Madman Chu guessed that the soul that turned into the spirit **** Dongtian must at least be the pinnacle of freedom, or even the chaos-level soul realm.

He didn't think too much about it, there were nine colors of brilliance flowing around his body, covering his body to resist the impact of the soul's power, and then stepped out and entered the memory storm.

Numerous pictures flashed in front of him immediately.

It is messy, unable to form a complete logic, most of which are trivial memory fragments, which have no reference value.

He used the nine-color divine soul light to resist the impact of the power of the soul, came to the depths of the storm, in front of the purple brilliance, looked at the clear characters in it, and began to comprehend the practice recorded in it, and the practice. For him, it is almost familiar.

For other people, they will be torn apart by the memory storm if they haven't succeeded in enlightenment, but for him, before the memory storm hurts him, he has long understood this practice.

"Brother Changkong has entered a memory storm."

Lan Haifang, who was following the memory storm, saw the gleaming group of nine colors in the storm.

That is the nine-color divine soul light of the madman Chu.

"With the Nine-Colored Soul Body, maybe Brother Changkong can successfully comprehend the practice recorded in it."

Lan Haifang said.

The young master Qingtian who followed did not think so, "The practice method that can be remembered by an ancient power is at least the Hedao method. Even if it is the nine-color soul body, no matter how strong the understanding is, it takes a lot of time to participate. Wu, but before that, the memory storm would have torn him apart long ago."

This is also the reason why no one has been able to comprehend the practice from it since ancient times.

"Brother Changkong shouldn't do things that are uncertain."

"Heh, Ziyue Changkong is proud and arrogant. Who said he wouldn't do anything unsure? Otherwise, how could his body be destroyed by Madman Chu?"

Young Master Qingtian chuckled lightly.

He felt that Ziyue Changkong, who was ruined by the madman of Chu, had not changed his arrogant and arrogant temperament. On the contrary, he had gotten even worse after obtaining the Nine-Colored Soul Body.

Even in this memory storm, it is said that it will be a breakthrough.

"Humph, Madman Chu, this Madman Chu again, how many times do you have to mention this person in front of me?"

"I know that this person destroyed Brother Changkong's body. If I meet this person, I will definitely let him taste it, the feeling of being devoured by ghosts!"

Lan Haifang said coldly.

Around her, evil spirits emerged one by one, filled with fierce resentment.

Young Master Qingtian said lightly: "Young Master Blue Ocean, you haven't been out of the soul forbidden zone. I don't know the reputation of this person in the immortal world, so we haven't mentioned that much."

There was a touch of jealousy in his eyes.

Even if it is a monster in the restricted area, after knowing the record of Madman Chu, he still couldn't help feeling a kind of chill.

Does that kind of character really exist? !

"Well, let's not talk about this person, let's talk to Brother Changkong first."

Lan Haifang said, continuing to chase the memory storm.

And the memory storm was engulfing Madman Chu and was rushing towards the distance.

Lan Haifang and the others only dared to follow from a distance, and didn't dare to approach easily. After following a few days, a memory storm suddenly passed by a grassland, wherever they went, everything was torn apart, and the earth collapsed.

The grassland that was smashed by the storm of memory is a mess, and the land is full of ravines.

But suddenly, a peculiar soul fluctuation suddenly emerged.

Lan Haifang and Young Master Qingtian glanced at each other, both of them were surprised when they saw each other's eyes.

"This soul fluctuation, is it..."

The two immortal knowledge surged, and they soon discovered that in the prairie gully, a strange flower with nine petals was waving in the wind, with immortal splendor on the body and Taoist singing.

"Sure enough, it is a nine-petal soul condensing flower!"

Young Master Qingtian was overjoyed.

After this spiritual **** cave, the nine-petal soul condensing flower can be said to be the top treasure!

This thing can condense the soul, and even the soul on the verge of breaking can be saved!

Whether it's practicing cultivation or saving people, it's a rare thing.

"Unexpectedly, this memory storm led us to find the nine-petal soul condensing flower, haha, there is no white to follow."

Young Master Qingtian laughed.

At this time, three extremely powerful soul powers came from a distance.

I saw three figures as fast as meteors, and came to the scene in a blink of an eye. They were the young masters of the three veins of Yellow Sand, Orange Forest, and Green Plains!

"Sure enough, it is a nine-petal soul condensing flower!"

Young Master Huang Sha had a look of excitement in his eyes.

The entire soul forbidden area couldn't find a few nine-petal soul condensing flowers, and they actually found one here. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"It's just that there seem to be a lot of people here."

Young Master Orange Forest looked at the rest of the people with serious eyes.

"Treasures, the capable ones live there!"

"This thing, give me someone else!"

There was a long howl.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a sky full of fire burning, and in the avenue paved with endless fire, a proud figure in a red dress stepped forward!

It is the strongest of the Seven Vein Young Masters, the Scarlet Star Young Master!

A nine-petal soul condensing flower attracts all veins together!

Everyone glanced around, and the atmosphere was a bit contending for a while!

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