Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Do zombies feel too? It depends on your abilities, what a terrible man

Huaxi looked at Madman Chu with a reluctant smile on his face.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but be surprised.

You know, Hua Xi, the descendant of Emperor Wa, what a noble person. In these years, no one has ever seen her smile at a man.

Even the heir of Xuanyuan who was close to her in the legend, the other party is not fake.

But now, he smiled at Madman Chu.

Although this was to save his life, for fear that Madman Chu would be unhappy and cut himself off, it was enough for people to talk about it.

"Tsk tusk, this emperor Wa's successor just wanted to compete for the Kunlun Mirror just like the **** son of the East Emperor, but now, he has changed his words directly. It's amazing."

"Isn't it okay? Madman Chu is here. If she says she wants to grab the Kunlun Mirror, you can see if Madman Chu will pity and cherish jade."

"Although the treasure is good, it must be used for life."

"In this world, it is estimated that only Madman Chu can make this noble goddess treat it like this, or even please it."

Everyone talked a lot.

Madman Chu glanced at Huaxi and said indifferently: "Don't laugh, it's really ugly."

So reluctant, who would you laugh for?

Hearing this, Huaxi's mouth twitched, thinking that she was one of the most noble goddess in the Pangu universe.

Moreover, her appearance can be described as the beauty of the sky and the beauty of the country, noble and glamorous.

In the entire immortal world, there is no one more beautiful than her, no noble than her, no more beautiful than her, no man in this world can make her smile.

But now, she smiles at a man, but she still wants to be rejected by him? !

Is there any reason for this? !

This man is blind!

Huaxi was so angry that the pink fists behind him clenched tightly, and the veins violent, but he still had to keep an awkward and polite smile on his face.

This is definitely the only experience in her life.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh, Madman Chu, forever!

"Let let."

Madman Chu stretched out his hand to push Huaxi to the side, then walked to the Kunlun Mirror and looked at it in his hand.

This is a piece of top-grade original treasure, containing wonderful time and space power. Madman Chu looked at the mirror with a smile on his mouth, "Not bad."

"The son."


When Lan Yu and Chu Hong saw Madman Chu, they walked up with smiles on their faces.

Madman Chu smiled and rubbed Chu Hong's head.

In this world, it is estimated that he is the only one who dared to rub the head of the strongest Phoenix girl in the Phoenix Nest. If this were replaced by someone else, he would have been burnt to nothing.

Some of the others who were familiar with Madman Chu also stepped forward to greet Madman Chu one by one.

"Tsk, your strength is stronger, really good."

The female Yun licked her lips, looked at Madman Chu, her eyes showed strong interest.

She found that after seeing Madman Chu again, the throbbing in her heart had not diminished, on the contrary, it had become stronger.

Seems to be clamoring, let her get this man quickly!

This is very strange and very new. She has grown up so much, and it is the first time she has met a man who makes herself so crazy.

One must get the other party.

The female ghost continued to cheer herself up in her heart.

Madman Chu glanced at the female man, and when he noticed the fiery gaze that the other party looked at him, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, "You shouldn't be thinking about what you shouldn't get."

"It's natural for men to love women."

"You are a zombie."

"Why? Zombies can't like people anymore? Who made this?" Female Yan continued to say without paying any attention.

Madman Chu was speechless, and his heart moved slightly, "Zombies, do you have feelings too?"

The corners of the female Yan's mouth were slightly raised, and her eyes followed Madman Chu's face, from her chest to her abdomen, and then down, licking her lips, "It depends on your ability."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Chu Hong was a little confused on the side.

"Nothing." Madman Chu coughed twice, "Let's go, this secret realm is very big, let's find out if there is anything else."


Madman Chu took Lan Yu, Chu Hong, and Ye Zhu, and left together.

The female ghost originally wanted to follow, but was slapped by the Madman Chu and flew out, "We are unfamiliar."

"What a violent and cruel man."

The female ghost lay on the ground, looking at the back of Madman Chu leaving, her face was flushed and smiled.

The others looked at each other.

This woman has no hobbies to be abused, right?

How do you feel that this guy is getting happier after being beaten by Madman Chu?

"The most powerful evildoer in the current generation of Drought, you actually look like you, I don't know how the elders of Drought will feel when they see it."

Huaxi looked at the female ghost and said indifferently.

She didn't feel ashamed at all, got up and patted her clothes, and smiled: "If I can take Madman Chu down, those guys probably don't know what they are going to laugh like."


The identity, strength, and talent of Madman Chu are all that this immortal world is the top existence in the entire Pangu universe.

If you can associate with them, or even achieve a marriage, it will be of great benefit to any force.

Do you want to try it yourself?

Huaxi thought to herself inwardly, but then she was shocked by her own thought.

Are you kidding me? !

He is the descendant of Emperor Wa, how could he have the idea of ​​acting like that zombie? !

Huaxi snorted coldly, suppressed the absurd idea, and turned to leave.


the other side.

After failing to compete for the Kunlun Mirror, Prince Vine Demon of the different universe, Wu You and others quickly moved away and came to a mountain peak.

"Did he chase it?"

Wu You asked.

The vine demon prince closed his eyes for a while and shook his head, "Some of the seeds I left along the road have not been triggered. It seems that he has not followed."


Wu You breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, his face became gloomy, he was actually scared? !

For the first time in his life, he was scared to this extent!

Madman Chu!

He secretly remembered the name in his heart.

"This person's strength is too terrifying, compared to the top ten of the gods, I am afraid it is not bad at all."

"Yes, if the goddess of the divine machine clan didn't make the move, we would be inevitable, and Shen Feihu would die in his hands. It would not be wronged."

People in different universes talked a lot.

"One day, I will defeat him personally!" Wu You said coldly.

"No, he can't leave here alive."

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a cold woman dressed in white walking out of the void, but her face was a bit pale, her breath was disordered, and she seemed to have suffered a lot of trauma.

This person, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is the goddess of the Shenji clan.

"Goddess Yu, why are you hurt like this?"

"It's Madman Chu. Although I escaped his last sword aura, I also suffered a lot of trauma."

The goddess Yuxin said with lingering fear.

Facing the Madman Chu’s Zhuxian Jianqi, although she successfully used the space rune to leave, the powerful force still penetrated the space and hurt her.

"What a terrible man."

Tiannv You felt that among all the young cultivators she had seen, Madman Chu was terrible and could definitely rank in the top three.

And this, perhaps not all the strength of the other party.

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