Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 167: : The lightning rod, the action against the Venerable Xuanqi

   "Master, a few elders follow me."

   Chu Madman said.

   Then he took Venerable Xuanqi and a few people to a mountain, where the surroundings were secluded, and it was the place where Venerable Xuanqi decided to cross the calamity.

   And here.

   There are four black iron pillars, towering at the four corners, and the faces are also carved with mysterious runes.

   A few people came, looking at the four iron pillars, they were a little unclear.

   "What is this thing, I don't seem to have this thing this time."

   "The material of this iron pillar is special, and there is still a kind of Taoist rhyme vaguely, this should be some kind of treasure."

   "Madman, this shouldn't be your arrangement."

   Venerable Xuan Qi said curiously.

   The madman of Chu nodded slightly, "Yes, the names of these four iron pillars call out the thunder needle, which can direct the power of heaven and earth to the earth."

   Hearing this, several people were shocked.

   can guide the power of the heavenly calamity, they have never heard of such a thing, these iron pillars are so magical?

   "Chief, it's not that I don't believe it. It's just that the head of the tribulation is not trivial. Is this iron pillar as magical as you said?"

   An elder said.

   The madman Chu laughed without speaking, and then walked into the four iron pillars and said to the elder: "Second elder, I remember you practiced the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword Art. You can attack me now."

   "This, isn't that great." The second elder hesitated a little.

   "Let's do it."

   "This..." The second elder looked at Venerable Xuanqi.

   "Look at what I do, and the madman asks you to take action, you can do it, and you can hurt him wherever your repair is."

   Venerable Xuan Qi said funny.

   He has learned about the current strength of Madman Chu from the Seventh Ancestor, let alone the second elder, even he can't help Madman Chu.

   Every time he thinks of this, he feels melancholy.

   The apprentice is too powerful, and he is under great pressure to be a master.


   The second elder nodded, and then the sword fingers condensed, and a thunderous rhyme burst out, turning into a thunder sword aura.

   Thunder Sword Qi rushed towards Madman Chu, and Madman Chu stood inside the iron pillar and remained silent.

   When the sword energy approached him, the force of thunder trembled, and was twisted by an invisible force, hit Tie Zhuzhi, and then disappeared.

   "Huh." The second elder snorted, and then shot another sword. This sword was stronger, but just like before, the power of thunder was guided into the ground by the iron pillar, and it didn't hurt Chu Madman at all.


   The second elder rose into the sky, and the horrible thunder rhyme burst out in an instant, with dark clouds gathering and thunder rumbling.

   A burst of radiant power, covering the whole audience, was shocking.

   "Chief, I want to use my best."

   "Please." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

   Everyone watched attentively.

   "Nine Sky Thunder, for my use!!"

   saw the second elder roar, the power of thunder rolling in the dark clouds suddenly condensed into a huge thunder sword above his head!

   The giant sword fell, and the might of the sky shook the earth!

   This sword, even if it is without supreme, dare not neglect in the slightest.

   But Madman Chu was still motionless.

   Boom! !

  The giant sword fell, and the void was turbulent!

   It was just that when the giant sword approached the four iron pillars, the violent thunder force was instantly distorted and directed to the ground again.

   Only pure sword aura rushed to Madman Chu, and these sword auras without the blessing of thunder power did not threaten him at all. Bai Lian Jingshi used it to easily disintegrate the sword aura.

   Everyone was stunned.

   "This iron pillar can actually guide the power of thunder?!"

   "The Tribulation appears in the form of thunder, so to speak, this iron pillar really has the effect of guiding the Tribulation!"


   The second elder slowly landed back to the ground, looking at the thunderbolt, and exclaimed, "Chief, where did you get this baby."

   "Provided by chance." Chu Madman laughed.

   When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

   You got it by chance, and you got this thunderbolt by chance... How come you have so many chances!

   "The chief is really lucky."

   The second elder couldn't help but said with emotion.

   The madman of Chu smiled faintly, who told him to be forced.

   This thunderbolt was also obtained by him from the lottery. Some time ago, he won a lot of good things in the lottery. Some of them have been kept in the inventory without taking them because they are temporarily useless.

   Thunderbolt is one of them.

   After he went back, he still had to take a look, what else could be used in this catastrophe.

   I have to be more prepared.

   Looking at Venerable Xuanqi who was marveling at the thunderbolt, Madman Chu sighed with emotion, the master was overwhelmed, and the apprentice was broken.

   "You Shengshenghuahua Pill and this thunderbolt, I can say that this time I'm sure about it."

  Venerable Xuanqi laughed, and then, as if thinking of something, a cold expression burst into his eyes, "As long as those guys don't get in the way."

   Hearing this, Madman Chu's heart moved.

  He knows that Venerable Xuanqi offended many people when he was in the sky when he was young.

They are all big bosses, no matter whether they are strength or influence, they should not be underestimated.

   Now that Venerable Xuanqi crosses the robbery, will they just sit and watch?

   "There are saints in the Xuantian Sect. If those people want to come and find fault, they will definitely find a way to deal with the saints."

   "The only one who can contend with the saint...the only saint!"

   "There are many sage traditions in the sky stars, but only those who have enemies with Xuan Tianzong, who will come?" Chu Madman thought.


   Inside a restaurant.

   A scruffy man with a broken arm is sitting in a corner drinking alcohol.

  At this time, a middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe came and walked in front of the scruffy man, and said lightly: "Unexpectedly, the kendo talent who was famous in the Azure Dragon Region a thousand years ago fell to this point."

   The unruly man glanced at the middle-aged man, "Who are you."


   "Linghu? A rare surname. In my impression, the most famous clan of Linghu is the kendo family of the Suzaku region."

   The unruly man burped, "Are you?"


   "Come to me for what to Xuanqi is going to overcome the catastrophe, do you know?"


   The wine jar in the hands of the unruly man suddenly burst into pieces, and he stared at Ling Huhong with red eyes, "Don't ask me this name!"

   Linghuhong didn't care about the other party's reaction, and said: "You are here and down. He is the lofty master of the saint orthodoxy. Now he is about to overcome the calamity. Once he succeeds, he will be a saint in the future!"

   "At that time, you and I are just ants in his eyes. Tell me, are you willing to watch this happen? If I remember correctly, your arm was cut by the other party."

   "What can I do if I'm not reconciled? That's the orthodoxy of the saints. If there are saints in charge, can I kill them directly?"

   The unruly man said dejectedly.

   "I have a sage in Linghu's house!"

   "What do you mean?"

   "The saint of Xuantianzong, I have my Linghu family to deal with, you and me will kill Xuantianzong and destroy Xuanqi crossing the calamity. If you are willing to continue sinking here, I will leave now."

   The sloppy man drank the last jar of wine, and suddenly burst into a powerful sword aura, "My broken arm has never been picked up, so that I can remember the shame Xuanqi brought me!"

   "Although I indulged in these years, I have never left to practice. Now, it's time to go to Venerable Xuanqi to settle the account!"

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