Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Heavenly Sword Prophecy, Sword God King, Wan Jianfeng

  Chapter 1672 Heavenly Sword Prophecy, Sword God King, Wan Jianfeng

   "Chu Kuang's strength is obvious to all, let's talk about your thoughts." Jian Ling Patriarch said lightly.

  Hearing what he said, the elders of the sword spirit clan looked at each other.

"Chu Kuang's strength is indeed formidable. Compared to the former Shen Feihuya, if he can represent my sword spirit clan to participate in the Tianyuan Ancient Star Festival, he will definitely have a good harvest, and he is still For so many years, the only evildoer who has cultivated the Vientiane Sword Art to completion will surely become the pillar of the clan in the future!"

   "Even side by side with the Lord of the Sword God!"

  Sword God King, the supreme existence in the sword spirit family, is also the optimus of this sword spirit family.

  It is precisely because of the presence of the sword **** king that the sword spirit clan can continue to stand firm in the royal family, otherwise, I am afraid that it would have fallen from the royal family's position long ago.

   "Yes, Chu Kuang's strength is indeed extraordinary. Do you still remember... the heavenly sword prophecy!"

  Sword Spirit Patriarch said lightly.

  Everyone's body was shaken, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

  "An ancient prophecy passed down from generation to generation by the sword spirit clan...As soon as the heavenly sword comes out, ten thousand swords surrender, and the heavenly sword is even higher in the sky!"

  This prophecy has been circulated for a long time in the sword spirit family and even the entire sword repair world. It is a prediction made by the sword spirit family who is proficient in the art of deduction after the tribulation of the ten thousand swords.

  It is said that the Heavenly Sword will lead the sword spirit family to the top of the universe and create an unprecedented feat!

   Originally, they thought that Heavenly Sword was the Sword God King.

   But later, the Sword God King personally admitted that he was not the Heavenly Sword, the real Heavenly Sword, and someone else.

  Until now, Madman Chu appeared.

  His strength made the sword spirit patriarch amazed, and even suspected that it was the ancient rumored sky sword.

   "Let me ask Master Sword God King for advice, he may be able to give us the answer."

   "Let's go together."

  The patriarch of the sword spirit came to the giant peak of millions of feet on the ancient star of the sword spirit!

  This huge peak rises into the sky, like a huge sword stuck upside down on the surface, surrounded by infinite sword aura, and a sharp aura rushing towards the face from a distance.

  Sword Spirit Patriarch and others passed through the endless sword aura and came to the top of the giant peak.

  On the top of the huge peak, an old man with a gray robe, white face and no beard, was standing on the top of the mountain, looking around the peaks.

  He stood there, standing with his hand held down, as if the world around him merged into one.

  When everyone saw him, they only felt that they had seen a divine sword that pierced through the sky and the earth. The infinite sharpness of the air made their sword hearts tremble.

   "Meet the Sword God King."

  Sword Spirit Patriarch and others salute respectfully, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

  Because the old man in front of him is the support of the sword spirit clan that can still stand on the royal clan, without him, there would be no sword spirit clan now.

  "I already know what you are coming from."

  Sword God King spoke lightly.

  Sword Spirit Patriarch and others are not surprised. The Sword God King is the strongest of the sword spirit clan. In this sword spirit clan, how many things can he hide from him?

   "Whether Chu Kuang is a Heavenly Sword, I don't know."

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone was a little surprised.

  Even the Sword God King didn’t even know if Chu Madman was a Heavenly Sword.

  The Sword God King opened his eyes slightly, and a sword light flashed in his eyes, his eyes were like swords, seeming to penetrate the long river of fate, wanting to spy on the fate of the madman Chu.

  But helplessly, what he saw was a weird nothingness!

  In that nothingness, there seems to be a horror that cannot be figured out and cannot be looked at directly. He knows that if he is peeping down, he is afraid that he will be backlashed.

  For the first time in countless years, he encountered such an unimaginable fate.

  Can't even figure out the trace of the opponent's fate, let alone guess whether the opponent is a heavenly sword.

   "Although I don't know if he is a Heavenly Sword, you can ask him to go to Wanjian Peak to take Wudao. The Heavenly Sword suppresses Wudao. If he can take out Wudao, it is likely to be the legendary Heavenly Sword."

   Wudao, this is a supreme divine sword in the sword spirit family, and it is an innate treasure born in this Tianyuan Universe!

  For countless years, no one has been able to make this treasure recognize the master.

  It is said that this sword is waiting for its owner. Some people have speculated that the Lord of No Way is the rumored Heavenly Sword!

   "I'll see it later."

  Sword Spirit Patriarch nodded, and then left.

  And the Sword God King is still standing on the top of the mountain, looking into the sky, "Chu Kuang, Heaven Sword...Interesting guy, it seems that I am a sword spirit family and I am not willing to be lonely."

  In the past few years, the sword spirit clan had him in charge, but he was still unable to make further progress.

   In the final analysis, there are not enough evil evildoers to appear.

  The sword spirit patriarch counts as one, but his talents can be preserved, but it is difficult to make progress. To make the sword spirit clan go further, you need more outstanding people.

  The former Shen Feihu, Shen Feilong and his like, are not enough in the eyes of the Sword God King.

  But the Chu Kuang that appeared right now gave him some hope.

  It's up to him, whether he can pull out Wudao.

   "No way?!"

  The madman Chu had a thoughtful look in his eyes after hearing the words of the sword spirit patriarch.


  If you can pull out Wudao, then your position in the sword spirit clan will be more stable.

If    can’t, presumably it won’t have much impact.

  After all, one's talent and strength are there, and if he can't become a heavenly sword, he will be valued.

   But Madman Chu has a little interest. Over the years, has no one ever been able to draw a sword of innocence? He wanted to give it a try.

   "Are you in Wanjian Peak? I will try it."

  Chu madman said lightly.

  Wanjian Peak, a mountain on the ancient star of the Sword Spirit family, and the Shenjian Peak where the Sword God King resides are also known as the two great peaks of the Sword Spirit Ancient Star.

   And insert this sword upside down on this mountain, some are made by the sword spirit family, and some are admired by the sword spirit family to challenge and fail, leaving their own swords according to the rules.

  This Ten Thousand Swords Peak is not only a place for placing swords, but also an excellent place for practice.

  The sword spirit family practice kendo, and Wan Jianfeng’s sword aura helps them sharpen their sword aura. UU reading refines their own kendo.

On Wanjian Peak, Wanjian Peak, and on the towering Wanjian Peak, countless long swords are stuck on the ground, and the monks of the sword spirit clan practice at the foot of the mountain or under the mountainside. There are only a few Tianjiao evildoers. , In order to resist the endless sword aura to cultivate on the top of the mountain, from this point of view, climbing Wan Jianfeng is also the standard for testing the strength of the sword spirit tribe.

  The higher the strength, the higher the climb.

  And just today.

  At the foot of Wanjian Peak, a young man in white walked slowly, attracting the attention of many sword spirit people.

  The main reason is that the person's temperament is too extraordinary, and there is a kind of transcendence in every gesture.

   "Who is this person, his breath is too deep, right? Why I have never heard of this person in the Sword Spirit Clan before."

  "Tsk, you don’t know, right? It is said that this person came out of the ancestral land of the sword spirit."

  "Sword Spirit Ancestral Land? Is it an ancient evildoer?!"

   "Yes, it is said that the patriarchs have seen each other and praised his strength. It is said that his talent strength is even higher than that of Shen Feihu!"

  (End of this chapter)

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