Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : With the strength of Leng 9 Peak, do you dare to hurt me from the Sword Spirit 1 cl

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After Leng Jiufeng heard the words of Patriarch Hanbing, his expression became extremely gloomy. The cold air on his body turned, and the surrounding void was condensed into ice.

The Frost Clan leader didn't care at all, and he smiled coldly: "In the old days, the ancestors of the Frost Clan were abandoned by you. Now you want to let us go back. You regard us as the Frost Clan. Is it the dog you command? Who is it that is presumptuous here, do I have to say more?"

"It seems that you won't hand over this Frost Sword Body today."

"The Hanshuang Sword Body, I have already decided to go to the Sword Spirit Clan for further training, not your Tianhan Clan!"

Chief Hanbing said with a strong attitude.

"Oh, is it? What if I must take her away today?"

"Then see if you have this ability."

Although Leng Jiufeng is the twenty-first evildoer on the Celestial God List, he is no longer afraid.

There is still confidence in dealing with a Leng Jiufeng.


Leng Jiufeng's figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in the sky above the patriarch of Frost Ice, and with a palm hit, Xianhui flowed, and the terrifying cold air burst out instantly like a mountain torrent!


Chief Hanbing snorted coldly, and immediately shot.

With the same palm, two waves of cold air crashed into one another, as if two huge icebergs were bombarded, and countless ice chips spread out like a storm.

Many people exclaimed and went backwards quickly, for fear of being affected.

After the blow, Leng Jiufeng and Clan Leader Hanbing retreated.

"As expected of the evildoer on the list of gods!"

Patriarch Hanbing looked at Leng Jiufeng with some complicated eyes.

He is a powerhouse in the five-gas realm of Da Luo, and this Leng Jiufeng is only a three-flower realm, but he can still fight against himself, regardless of upper and lower levels. This strength is indeed amazing.

Just a Leng Jiufeng can see how powerful the Tianhan Clan's background is, compared to the Frost Clan, it is much stronger.

"Come again!"

Leng Jiufeng didn't have the slightest fear of the strength of the patriarch Hanbing, his figure flashed, surrounded by cold air, and he attacked the opponent again!

One punch and one kick all contain the power of immortality!

Boom, boom!

The cold air kept colliding, and the two of them hit from the ground to the sky, and the enchanting fairy radiance reflected the sky, freezing the void.

The surrounding rivers, creatures, vegetation, etc. were all shrouded in the cold and turned into ice and snow.

Some monks who also practiced the cold attribute could not help shivering and trembling under this cold air.

"What a terrible cold."

"Is this the strength of the devil's list of the gods?"

Han Xingyu watched the battle in the sky and couldn't help muttering, with a look of yearning in his eyes.

Heavenly God List, this is a list of evildoers in the Tianyuan Universe.

Countless enchanting Tianjiao, all of them are proud of the list, even Han Xingyu is no exception, but she did not have any qualifications to be on the list before, but now she has awakened the Frost Sword Body, as long as she works hard, plus The cultivation of the sword spirit family will not be too difficult to be on this list in the future.

The battle between Leng Jiufeng and Patriarch Hanbing intensified.

"Cold Bingtian Spirit Sword!"

I saw the patriarch of Hanbing suddenly condensed his sword fingers, and Xianyuan turned into boundless sword energy, melted into the cold air, and turned into a huge white sword shadow!

The sword shadow cuts out, Wanchuan freezes!

The entire Frost Sword Star seemed to be torn apart by this boundless wind and snow.

On the other side, Leng Jiufeng also used extreme tricks.

Seeing his eyes condensed, a large amount of majestic cold air circulated in his palm, his hand squeezed the mysterious seal art, the cold air was drawn and turned into huge icebergs.

Nine icebergs lined up in a row, blasting out against the huge sword energy.

Accompanied by a roar, the iceberg exploded one after another, and the sword energy was also disintegrating.


In the end, the sword aura was stronger, and Leng Jiufeng was knocked out, his clothes torn apart, revealing a crystal-clear inner armor.

It is obviously a treasure for the body.

"Ice Divine Armor?!"

Patriarch Frost's face changed abruptly, "This Frost Armor is something that my Frost Clan lost many years ago. How could it be on your body?!"

"Oh, a few years ago, an elder of the Frost Clan came to me with this divine armor and said that he wanted to return to the Tianhan Clan. I agreed. This divine armor will naturally belong to me, the Clan Leader, you Not returning, but there are many people who want to return." Leng Jiufeng said with a cold smile.

Hearing his words, Patriarch Hanbing's face became even more ugly.

Although he is the leader of the clan, it is impossible for everyone to be obedient and obedient, and he can't stop someone from leaving and returning to the Tianhan clan.

"Give you another chance, hand over the Frost Sword Body, I can let the Frost Clan return."

Leng Jiufeng said again.


Patriarch Hanbing said in a cold tone, "Other people want to go back to be dogs, I can't stop them, but who wants me to be a dog, wishful thinking!"

"Unfortunately, you can only die here today."

"Huh, Leng Jiufeng, although you are a monster on the list of gods and have the ice armor on your body, you are still not my opponent, let alone kill me."

Chief Hanbing said disdainfully.

"Who said I was going to kill you?" Leng Jiufeng said indifferently.

As soon as the words fell, two figures came out behind him, one man and one woman, their cultivation bases were all in the Da Luo Five Qi Realm!

Not only that, the auras of these two five-qi realms are even stronger than the patriarch Hanbing!

"They are the ones who killed you."

Leng Jiufeng sneered.

"Heh, Patriarch Frost, the two of us, like you, also condense Tai Chi, Tai Su two Qi, one beat two, how are you our opponent?"

The man among the two who walked out from behind Leng Jiufeng said lightly.

The three-flower border condenses three-flowers.

The five qi realms gather the five qi, which refers to the five qi of Taiji, Taisu, Taishi, Taichu, and Taiyi.

Gathering three flowers, gathering five qi, and finally reaching Dzogchen.

This is the practice of Da Luo Jing.

In addition, the practice of Da Luo Yi is also very important.

"If it's an opponent, just hit it."

Chief Hanbing said coldly, and then shot towards the two of them.

Just as the three Da Luo five auras were fighting, on the other side, Leng Jiufeng's figure flashed and came in front of Han Xingyu, Da Luowei pressure spread out.

How could the cultivation base just step into the Golden Immortal Han Xingyu resist this coercion, trembling all over, resisting kneeling.

"Give you a chance to return to the Heavenly Han Clan with me."


Han Xingyu gritted his teeth and said, even though she has never experienced the humiliation suffered by the ancestors of UU reading, but her father hates the Tianhan clan so much, how can she join.

"If you don't follow, you must die!"

The pressure on Leng Jiufeng's body became even greater.

However, this still couldn't make Han Xingyu succumb. She stood stubbornly at the station with a sword, "Kill if you want to kill!"

"It's a pity, but since it can't be used by me, I can only die!"

Leng Jiufeng snorted coldly, and then shot it mercilessly, a large amount of cold energy turned into a huge iceberg, pressing down like a sky!

"Oh, do you dare to hurt my sword spirit people?"

But at this time, an indifferent voice sounded, and a sword qi swept from a distance, directly cutting the iceberg in half.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming sword pressure fell from the nine heavens, shaking the stars!

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