Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : I've learned this one sword, kill the prince Vine Demon in seconds

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Invincible with a sword!

The sword of invincibility slashed the sky and the earth, a sword that surpassed the ancient and modern slashed on the sky, the extremely huge black cloud was actually cut in half.

Looking into the distance, the sky seemed to be split.

far away.

On the other ancient star, after seeing this sword, Luo Xue, the eleventh enchantment of the gods list, her pupils shrank fiercely, her body was trembling slightly, and the sword intent within her body could not help but spurt out automatically. Dozens of nearby mountain peaks were torn into pieces, and then endless wind and snow enveloped the place.

Although the wind and snow were cold, Luo Xue felt that her cold heart was throbbing at this moment, and the blood in her body was even more restless.

She stared at the distant sky with her eyes, as if she wanted to engrave the sword that smashed the sky in her bones and blood.

"This sword, this sword..."

"I'm done!"

Before Luo Xue had finished his excitement, the dark clouds in the distance burst out!

The terrifying sword aura seemed to explode in the clouds, sweeping over the entire ancient star like a hurricane, and the energy in the dark clouds collapsed.

The sky is blue again.

This sword is considered to be the end here, and its power is stronger than Luo Xue thought.

Among the ancient stars.

The dark clouds dispersed, and the tribulation shattered.

The sun shone on Madman Chu's body, as if he was covered with a layer of golden gauze, which was extremely sacred, like the supreme fairy king!

"Heaven Sword..."

"Is this the legendary heaven sword?"

At this moment, everyone had already guessed the identity of Madman Chu.

There is such a kendo, and there is no way in hand, only the rumored heavenly sword!

"No, I have to leave first!"

The vine demon prince changed his face and flew away towards the distance.

After seeing Madman Chu cut the sky with a sword, he asked himself to be strong, but he was definitely not the opponent's opponent.

Moreover, for some reason, he always felt that the breath of the Heavenly Sword gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which made him unconsciously think of the monster he encountered in the passage between the two worlds.

How is this possible?

Perhaps, I should go to the Divine Machine Clan and let them investigate the origin of this Heavenly Sword.

But suddenly, a figure stopped in front of him.

White clothes are like snow, holding a black sword, not a madman of Chu, who is it?

"Snatching things from heaven, do you think you can leave safely?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Heavenly Sword, behind me is the Vine Demon Clan, don't you..."

"one move!"

Before the prince Teng Demon had finished speaking, Madman Chu held up a finger, "You can block a move, and it's your ability to survive!"

After speaking, Madman Chu threw the innocence in his hands.

The black sword was like a streamer, instantly returning to the scabbard in Han Xing's arms.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being stunned.

What does it mean?

Didn’t you say that you want Prince Vine Demon to block him?

"What do you mean?"

The Vine Demon Prince frowned and asked.

"There is no need to use a sword against you."


The vine demon prince's face sank, and then he urged the Xian Yuan in his body to the extreme, and endless vines spread out with him as the center.

In the blink of an eye, they turned into puppets.

Countless puppets rushed towards Madman Chu, and the vine demon prince was among the puppets. He had already made up his mind to block the next move if he could block it.

If you can't stop it, use these countless puppets to buy time for yourself and leave quickly!

"This trick again..."

Madman Chu smiled faintly when he saw the rushing puppet army. In the secret realm of the passage between the two realms, he had confronted the vine demon prince.

This puppet tactic is not the first time I have encountered it, and I can feel the idea of ​​the vine demon prince.

"Unfortunately, no matter how deep you calculate, you are not as good as a sword in the sky!"

"Sword, wind and thunder!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, his sword fingers condensed, and a sword aura condensed at his fingertips. In an instant, the sword aura at his fingertips turned into thousands of celestial splendor, flying out!

Wherever Xianhui's sword spirit went, puppets turned into sawdust and exploded!

The countless army of puppets was wiped out in an instant, and the sword aura, as if endless, was still raging in the void.

"not good!"

Prince Vine Demon's pupils shrank, and he wanted to leave instantly.

Unfortunately, it is too late!

Thousands of sword qi did not dissipate after destroying the puppet army, but condensed in the air, turned into a huge sword shadow wrapped in storm and thunder, and locked the vine demon prince.

"Do not!!"

After a scream, Prince Vine Demon's body exploded on the spot, completely dispelled!

"Guard against the sky, there is still a way to survive, against the sky outside the sky sword, there is only one death!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, the Xianhui around his body converged, his sword aura dissipated, leaving only a piece of sawdust flying in the air, as if it was announcing that Prince Vine Demon once existed.

"So powerful!"

"Prince Vine Demon, he can't even handle a single move. Is this the power of the Heavenly Sword?"

The crowd looked at Madman Chu and couldn't help swallowing their saliva, a little horrified.

"Are you all right."

Madman Chu took out a few pills for Ling Fei, Han Xingyu, and Feng Qingxue.

The other party just shot, although he was comprehending Da Luo Yi at that time, it was not without any perception.

If it wasn't for the other party to make a timely move and stop the Vine Demon Prince for a period of time, he would have to make a move personally. It would take some more time to comprehend the self-improvement and invincible Da Luo Yi.

"Thank you Heavenly Sword."

Feng Qingxue said with his hands.

"Needless to say, your behavior just now has been recognized by the sky. Next, I am going to the end of this ancient road, Ling Fei, Han Xingyu, the previous levels are not what you can pass, don't force it." Madman Chu After speaking, looking at the end of the ancient road, one step forward, it has disappeared.

"Hey, wait, Heavenly Sword, don't want your sword."

Han Xingyu looked at Wudao in his hand, a little anxious.

Madman Chu went to the end of the ancient road, but he didn't even take Wudao. What if something happened to him?

"Heh, don't worry, Heavenly Sword has no sword in his hand, how many people in this ancient way are his opponents?" Ling Fei smiled faintly.

"It's just that Heavenly Sword doesn't pay much attention to this innocence."

Han Xingyu looked at Wudao in his hand and sighed.

This is a supreme treasure of origin, the strongest sword in the Tianyuan universe.

But Madman Chu didn't care about it at all.

How many people are like him in the world?

"Perhaps, this is the real power of the Heavenly Sword. It is not stagnant to the sword. To him, everything in the world is a sword. Even if he holds a piece of grass in his hand, he can cut down the stars, the sun, and the moon!"

Ling Fei longed for incomparably. UU Reading

When will I be able to reach this point? No, even if it is only one-tenth, I should be satisfied, and this life is worthwhile.

"Who knows what that big Luo Yi is?"

In the void, a powerful man who was watching Madman Chu asked curiously.

But there was silence in response to him.

no one knows.

It was the first time they saw such a big Luo Yi after living so long.

"It can make the Dao tremble, the Da Luo Yi represents the Dao, even more incredible."

For a long time, a great power said.

"Heaven Sword... I didn't expect this legend to be true. Moreover, it is so terrible. It seems that this time the Tianyuan Ancient Star is turned on and another variable has been added."

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