Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : 3 treasures, folding sword against the sky? I can't see your ability

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Madman Chu looked at this dazzling array of treasures, and asked Xiao Ai to analyze it for herself.

After a while, the role of countless treasures came to mind one by one, among them, there are indeed many that are helpful to him at this stage.

Soon, he locked a treasure.

It was a drop of purple-red blood, which contained an extremely domineering coercion, even if a golden fairy stood in front of this blood, it would be instantly crushed on the ground.

According to Xiao Ai's analysis, this is the blood of the Heavenly Overlord!

In the Tianyuan universe, there are three thousand physiques, and one of them is called the Heavenly Overlord Body!

The congenital emperor body, which is in the same clan as the emperor, is known as the two great gods.

And this drop of blood in front of the madman Chu was left by an ancestor of the overlord family. It is said that when that ancestor was alive, he swept the Tianyuan universe with an overlord body close to Dacheng, suppressing an era, and was praised. As the King of Heaven, that era was one of the most brilliant eras of the overlord family.

But unfortunately, when that ancestor later tried to attack the Hunyuan realm, he was attacked by three **** kings sent by the emperor and eventually died of exhaustion.

Before his death, his blood was scattered all over the universe.

One drop of it was obtained by the Star King, who used means to maintain the power of the blood and put it into this treasure house.

If a member of the overlord clan obtains this precious blood, his cultivation will not be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, but it will definitely benefit a lot.

"This precious blood, I can use the book of constitution to analyze the overlord body and integrate it into the body of the only source."

Madman Chu thought secretly, collecting the precious blood.

Immediately, he locked onto the next target, which was a white fairy fruit with mysterious lines engraved on it, which contained an astonishing aura fluctuation.

The name of this object is called Xianhai Shen Guo.

As the name implies, the immortal power contained in it is as vast as the sea!

It was even equivalent to a twelfth-grade fairy yuan flower, which was extremely useful for Da Luo Jinxian.

"My fairy essence flower has already broken the limit in the unknown void. If you can consume this fairy sea divine fruit, you can definitely advance to several levels!"


Madman Chu collected the Xianhai divine fruit.

In the end, the target he locked was a weird black ring. The material of this ring was special and filled with a vast and simple atmosphere.

"It is resolved that there are remnant soul fluctuations in this ring." Xiao Ai's prompt sounded in his mind.

"It's almost the same as that bead."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"In addition, there are a lot of prohibitions in this ring, which require special conditions to be lifted."

"Can you resolve the conditions?"

"Unable to resolve temporarily."

Xiao Ai has not been connected to this universe for a long time. Facing the knowledge and information of the entire universe, it will take a lot of time to sort out.

And this black ring is not easy, and it is not easy to figure it out for a while.

"It's okay, this ring is a bit interesting, so let's keep it first."

Madman Chu smiled.

He put the ring on his hand casually.

After choosing three more treasures, Madman Chu was also ready to leave.

After he walked out of the treasure house, he found that Luo Xue was waiting for him.

Chu Kuangren frowned slightly, the eleventh evildoer on the list of gods seemed to be a bit too enthusiastic towards him.

"I said, your kendo has become a climate, if you rush to learn the kendo of others, the effect will only be counterproductive."

"I know."

Luo Xue nodded, "I remember the reminder of the Heavenly Sword, but if I have the opportunity, I would like to learn from the Heavenly Sword and confirm my own kendo."

"Competing with the sky, not everyone has a chance."

"I understand, so I will work hard."

Luo Xue had a high morale.

In the past, she aimed at the pinnacle of kendo and practiced hard, but what is the pinnacle of kendo and what is the pinnacle? No one knows, maybe, it's just a vague concept.

But now, Madman Chu appeared.

As soon as the heavenly sword came out, ten thousand swords surrendered, and the heavenly sword was even above the sky!

This legend that has been circulating in the sword repair world for countless years, at this time, stood in front of her genuinely.

Since then, the pinnacle of kendo has a clear positioning.

He is the pinnacle!

And Luo Xue, because he had a clear goal to pursue!

"God, appreciate your fighting spirit."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

The two left the treasure house together, but suddenly, several sword qi cuts towards them at a very fast speed, and the power is so powerful that it is rare in the world!

"Sneak attack? What an inferior trick!"

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and he raised it casually, it was a peerless sword move!

The biting sword aura turned into a galaxy, and in the blink of an eye, the sword aura that struck in the future shattered one by one!

Luo Xue was not an ordinary monk either. Although the sudden sword aura surprised her, she still reacted in time and pulled out the long sword around her waist to resist.


The sword aura exploded, and although Luo Xue was unscathed, she still retreated dozens of miles.

That power made her look unexpected, "This is... Chilongying's sword aura!"

Sure enough, above the ancient star not far away, Chi Longying held the scarlet long sword and looked at Madman Chu with cold eyes.

Beside him, there were Leng Wufeng and Mo Wuji.

The ninth, twelfth, and thirteenth gods list, join forces to besiege the heavenly sword!

This kind of battle shocked many monks who hadn't left the ancient road, and immediately found a place to stop and watch.

"Unexpectedly, there will be such a great finale."

"Not bad, good, interesting."

Luo Xue's face sank slightly, looking at the three people not far away, she stepped forward to help Madman Chu.

But around Madman Chu, countless runes shone out, forming a huge formation enchantment, covering it, and Luo Xue couldn't get in for a while.

The three of Mo Wuji were also in the barrier.

Only then did Luo Xue understand that the few sword auras just now were meant to force herself out of the formation barrier. The only thing the other party had to deal with was Madman Chu, and she didn't want to involve herself in it.

Otherwise, three-on-one will become three-on-two.

With Luo Xue's strength, it might even be possible to reverse the situation that they think they must win.

"It seems that you still can't help but shoot to the sky."

"Hmph, Heavenly Sword, you call yourself the sky, but today, we just want to fold the sword against the sky!"

Leng Wufeng let out a cold snort, and between raising his hands, the majestic and endless cold air spread out around him, instantly freezing the void.

Compared to Leng Jiufeng, his strength is much stronger.


The cold air condensed into an iceberg, UU reading fell from the sky, crushing to the madman Chu!

"Useless tricks!"

Madman Chu stood still, not moving, his sword aura spurted out of his own accord!

A sword gas flashed, and the entire iceberg was divided into two, falling on the ground from both sides beside him, with a roar, freezing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.


The overwhelming sword pressure enveloped an entire enchantment.

Madman Chu stood with his hand holding his hand, the fairy radiance on his body, the posture of the immortal king, shocking people, "Fold the sword against the sky? Heaven, I can't see that you have such capabilities!"

"Then give it a try!"

Leng Wufeng shot again, and the more violent cold air condensed pieces of sharp ice crystal fragments in the air.

The other two people's cents are running, and they are also ready to do it at any time.

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