Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : It’s too clean, Daowang 1 Clan’s Great Perfection, God, how can you take it...

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Yijian's invincibility reappeared, and the shocking energy made everyone present amazed!

And when this sword collided with Mo Wuji and others' extreme moves, it was as if the energy of millions of stars was concentrated and exploded. The turbulent flow of energy almost drowned most of it in an instant. All the ancient roads, the stars burst open one after another under this force, turning into powder!

Large tracts of starry sky dissipated and collapsed one after another under this power.

In this endless fairy glory, several figures flew upside down like a broken kite, smashing and smashing how many meteorites one after another.

These people are the three of Mo Wuji.

However, the situation of these three people is not much better now.

The cold and windless muscles and bones were all shattered, and the whole person was almost like a pool of mud, and the breath was completely cut off.

the other side.

The Red Dragon Shadow is a dragon. Its body is strong, but it can't get better. There is almost no good place on the body. Half of the head is broken. There are almost only two skeletons left in a pair of flesh wings. A dragon scale is more. Nearly 80% of it was scraped off in that terrifying energy, and the whole body was dripping with blood, and it was extremely miserable.

Although still alive, but also dying.

As for Mo Wuji, he also broke half of his arm, and his body was covered with sword marks.

Three evildoers, one death, two serious wounds!

This tragic scene shocked everyone present.

"Hey, how's the Heaven Sword?!"

The three great evildoers are all in this look, so surely the Heavenly Sword will not be any better, right?

Everyone thought this way and looked at the center of energy.

Vaguely, they saw a figure dressed in white amidst the splendid celestial glory, standing proudly, with a peerless style.

It's so clean!

The white dress was not broken or stained with dust, it was too clean!

It's so clean that everyone doesn't know what to say.

And it was this cleanness that gave everyone an unspeakable shock, and they took a breath of air-conditioning, terrified.

Madman Chu was unscathed! !

"how can that be!!"

Some people can't believe it.

The three great evildoers had such a miserable appearance, and Madman Chu was unscathed. This is what everyone, how dare you believe it? ?

"This is the real monster!!"

Someone couldn't help muttering.

The top ten of the gods are considered to be monsters by everyone, but compared with the madman of Chu, it does not seem to be that shocking.

Just because of this person, too detached.

In the starry sky, three great evildoers joined forces to besiege the Madman Chu, but with one death and two severe injuries, the outcome was already known.

Madman Chu, almost with a crushing posture, won the victory!

Since then, no one dares to question the strength of the Heavenly Sword!

"You can survive from the sword just now, you can be considered a bit of strength, but unfortunately, you are not enough to wait for the sky!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Then, his gaze condensed, and the sword at his fingertips turned to lock the red dragon shadow, Mo Wuji.

A death threat immediately caused the pupils of these two people to shrink, and they were extremely shocked.

Just when Madman Chu was about to kill his killer, a cold voice came from a distant starry sky, "Stop!"

I saw a man wearing a golden Taoist robe stepping into the sky, and a powerful Luo Yi pouring out, covering the starry sky.

The Great Luojing of Dzogchen!

Madman Chu's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't listen to the other party's words, and with a move of his sword, his sword aura was cut out in amazement.


The man immediately speeded up, and his figure flashed in front of the two of them, raised his hand to slap a palm, blocked his sword aura, and looked at Madman Chu with cold eyes.

"Do you want to shoot?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

In the distance, the Wudao sword in Han Xingyu's arms trembled, and then, it turned into a stream of light, and in the blink of an eye, it swept across the starry sky and came to Madman Chu's side.

Wudao descended, and the shocking sword pressure seemed to echo the sword pressure of the madman Chu, sweeping out, covering the world!

At the moment when they saw Wudao, many people realized that with the sword just now, Madman Chu had never used a sword from beginning to end!

As a swordsman, he doesn't need a sword!

This is undoubtedly the biggest insult to the opponent, but it also shows that Madman Chu did not give his full strength in the previous battle!

Good guy...

Is there any limit to the strength of this guy?

"What a heavenly sword, there is a great guy from the sword spirit clan!"

The man in the golden robe looked at Madman Chu with a look of jealousy and cold killing intent in his eyes!

He was the elder of the Dao King clan, and he happened to be doing something nearby, so he could rush over in time when Madman Chu wanted to kill Mo Wuji.

"The ability of the Heavenly Sword, do you want to try it yourself?"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, Wudao suspended next to him, and no one doubted that when he held this sword, his combat power would increase by a notch!

A legendary swordsman, holding a legendary sword!

This combination has made countless sword repairers extremely look forward to.

Even if they think it is unlikely that Madman Yi Chu will win the Great Perfection with his current strength, they still look forward to the occurrence of this battle and want to see all the strength of the Heavenly Sword!

"Oh, a big Luo Sanhua Realm, dare to provoke me?"

The golden gun man narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was killing intent surging in his eyes, and the Xian Yuan in his body was already surging.

He is actually a little unbearable to do it!

However, thinking of the sword spirit family behind Madman Chu, he suppressed this killing intent.

The Dao King clan is not afraid of the sword spirit clan.

After all, the Dao King clan's background is stronger than the sword spirit clan who has experienced the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation, and it is a rare ancient royal clan!

However, there is a sword **** king in the sword spirit clan!

A long time ago, this sword **** king was also a monster of the gods list, and his strength became more and more unpredictable when he became the **** queen.

Even if the strongest of the Dao King clan faced this person, he did not dare to say that he was 100% sure.

It is precisely because of the Sword God King, the sword spirit family, who has experienced a thousand sword calamities and suffered heavy losses, can continue to maintain the title of the royal family and deter all forces.

"Have scruples, you are not strong enough."

Madman Chu looked at the golden gun man and sneered.

"Heavenly Sword, I advise you, it is better not to be too arrogant as a human being, otherwise, you will have it!"

The Golden Cannon man spoke indifferently, with a threatening expression in his words.

But Madman Chu heard this, UU reading www. seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world, and smiled up to the sky, "It's ridiculous, have you heard that the heavenly sword is even above the sky! Heaven, how can you take me?!"

Endless sword pressure, spread out, shocking the world.

In the void, a group of mighty immortal consciousness looked at the madman Chu, whose immortal posture was extraordinary, and who claimed to be outside the sky, couldn't help but feel very emotional.

"The Heavenly Sword, which has been legendary for countless years in the sword repair world, really has its extraordinary features."

"Yes, maybe, the sword spirit clan will really have another sword **** king in the future, even a more terrifying existence than the sword **** king!"

"Could it be that the sword spirit clan is going to rise again?"

Numerous great powers talked about it, and they were a little worried about the future of the sword spirit family.

Obviously, they didn't want to see the re-emergence of the sword spirit clan, the resources of the universe were limited, and another powerful royal clan would compete with them for resources. How could they be willing?

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