Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Emperor 0 Autumn, do you want to be a follower? Guiding Luo Xue

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"The last fragment is here!"

In the golden palace, the blond youth showed a strange color in his eyes.

He sensed it for a while, then looked in one direction, and muttered: "There is...the ancient road of the Star River God King, actually there."

"Come here."

After a while, monks in golden armor came to the young man. There were many of them in the realm of Da Luo, but each of them showed great respect for the blond young man.

Just because the person in front of me has a name... Emperor Qianqiu!

Emperor Qianqiu, the number one in the gods list!

"The last fragment I was looking for has already appeared, and it's in the ancient road of the Star River God King. Look for it, and bring it back in whose hands it is."


A group of golden armored guards nodded slightly, and then left.

After the many golden armored guards left, several figures reappeared. Among these people, there are males and females, with extremely strong cultivation bases. If there are people familiar with the evil spirits of the gods here, they will definitely be able to recognize them, these people, All are the evildoers who are extremely high in the list of gods.

The leading one is still seventh in the list of gods, the emperor of the emperor clan!

"The last fragment has already appeared, won't you shoot it yourself?"

Di Liufang was a white-haired young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if there was nothing in the world that could be taken care of by the other party.

"I'm ready to break through the Five Qi Realm. It's not convenient for me to shoot for the time being. In addition, the Tianyuan Ancient Star is about to open, so I have to prepare."

"Oh, the last fragment has appeared. It seems that it is finally possible but a wish."

There was a hint of excitement on Di Liufang's face, "After so many years, he can finally recover his whole body."

Not only him, but the evildoers behind him also showed smiles.

the other side.

In the stars.

Madman Chu was sitting on the battleship, and he followed two battleships not far away.

It was Feng Qingxue and Luo Xue.

For some unknown reason, they actually followed after the trial of the Star River God King’s Old Way.

"Do you want to be a follower like that?"

Madman Chu said lightly, his voice passed into Luo Xue, and a red glow appeared in Feng Qingxue's ears, even if it was them.

At the same time, he was also a little embarrassed.

You know, they are all famous goddesses in the Tianyuan Universe.

In this weekday, high above, I don’t know how many men willingly bow down under their pomegranate skirts, but now, they take the initiative to follow, and they are actually rejected by the other party? ?

Is there any reason for this? ?

"This Heavenly Sword, isn't it full of brains, except for the sword, there is nothing else, right?"

Feng Qingxue muttered to herself.

She took out a mirror and looked at the face in the mirror with a smile.

"This face, this skin, this eyes, how many women in this world who are as charming as me? Is this guy really unmoved at all?"

Unlike Feng Qingxue, who is showing off in a beautiful way, Luo Xue seems a lot more indifferent. She is cold-tempered. Apart from the sword, she doesn't understand the emotions. This time, the active follower Chu Kuangren behind is also because the opponent's kendo is really good. It's too attractive to her.

"Heaven Sword, I want to discuss with you this time." Luo Xue directly expressed his intentions.

Madman Chu glanced at her, knowing that if he didn't agree, the other party might follow him when he nodded, "Yes."

The words fall.

Luo Xue's figure disappeared and came to the starry sky.

With a clanging sound of a long sword on her waist, it suddenly unsheathed, and the endless wind and snow swept out, freezing the void.

Unlike Leng Wufeng's path of cold ice, although Luo Xue's path has something to do with the cold attribute, it is more of a cold sword intent!

"Please enlighten me!"

There was a sense of excitement in Luo Xue's eyes, her body was stretched straight, her jade legs moved, she held a long sword in her hand, and the human sword merged into one, turning into a sword light and flew towards the Madman Chu.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast and extremely powerful.

Even a swordsman like Ling Fei couldn't see the movement of this sword, let alone resist it.

But Madman Chu slowly stood up from the battleship, his sword fingers condensed, the sword light of his fingertips flowed, and he lightly tapped in a direction in the void.

With a clang, the tip of the sword directly collided with the tip of the finger.

One after another, Qi Xianhui burst out.

"Your sword is fast, but the power is not enough."

Madman Chu said lightly, with a move of his sword finger, a stronger sword aura gushed out from it, and Luo Xue easily pushed back in the blink of an eye.

"Come again!"

Luo Xue was holding a long sword in her hand, and her sword moves were endless, pouring out one after another towards Madman Chu.

Endless cold air enveloped this void.

But seeing that the madman of Chu moved his sword, the light of the sword moved instantaneously, and his gestures were impeccable, and Luo Xue's sword was easily dismantled one by one.

Not far away, Han Xingyu watched the battle attentively.

She is the Frost Sword Body, the most suitable one is the Frost Sword Dao, and Luo Xue's Dao is somewhat similar to hers, this battle will be of great benefit to her!

Ling Fei did not dare to be sloppy, observing the actions of Madman Chu.

"The way of the heavenly sword is indeed supreme, and any sword technique has reached the point of superb skill in his hands."

"No, this is no move, no way."

Ling Fei looked at Madman Chu with an epiphany.

This battle lasted for an hour, and Luo Xue almost used all the moves he could use, but he could never hurt Madman Chu a single cent.

But she was not discouraged at all, on the contrary, she was extremely excited.

Because of this battle with the Madman Chu, she had a lot of insights, and her understanding of her own swordsmanship increased to another level.

"Thank you Heavenly Sword for your guidance."

Luo Xue put away the long sword and said to Madman Chu.

"With a little effort, I look forward to you becoming stronger and able to bring greater fun to the sky."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing what he said, all the people present couldn't help but startled.

"Heaven Sword is cultivating opponents?!"

"The ability of the Heavenly Sword is unpredictable. Among the younger generation, there are few invincible opponents, so is he planning to cultivate opponents for himself?"

Several people in Ling Fei thought to themselves.

You know, everyone wants to be invincible in the world and have no opponents.

But the Madman Chu did the opposite, cultivating opponents for himself. Such a mindset really convinced them.

"The Heavenly Sword not only has the ability to do more than the sky, but also has the mind of the sky!"

Ling Fei sighed with emotion. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

And Luo Xue took a deep breath and solemnly said: "I will not disappoint you. One day, the sword in my hand will surely make you amazed!"

"God, looking forward to it."


Luo Xue arched his hands and turned to leave.

Seeing her leaving behind, Madman Chu's eyes were indifferent, and then he looked at Feng Qingxue, "The old way is over, do you want to follow?"

"The wind clan and the sword spirit clan have always had a good relationship with each other, so don't see Tianjian like that."

Feng Qingxue put away the mirror in her hand and showed a beautiful smile to Madman Chu.

It's a pity that Madman Chu turned a blind eye, "It's up to you."

After speaking, he turned and left, and came to a loft on the battleship, preparing to retreat and practice.

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