Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : One trivial matter, Tianyuan Ancient Star opens

In the starry sky, on the warship.

Madman Chu condensed the breath of the overlord body, feeling the abundant power in his body, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

The Heavenly Overlord's body with the ten shackles completely liberated is very terrifying. Madman Chu can feel the terrifying power contained in it. His physical body is already extremely powerful, but now because of this Overlord's body, it has skyrocketed several times again, compared to the zombie. The female ghosts in the restricted area are much more terrifying.

Physical strength is one of the specialties of the Heavenly Overlord Body.

But the power of this physique is more than that, the overlord body has its own domineering and three kinds of supernatural powers.

These are all waiting for Madman Chu to gradually become familiar.

"I just converged in time, this overlord's breath shouldn't be noticed by too many people, right?"

Madman Chu whispered.

The power of this overlord body was indeed beyond his expectations, and he did not expect that the power during liberation would actually break all the restrictions set by him.

Fortunately, he converged in time, otherwise most of the Tianyuan universe would have known it.

Outside the pavilion.

Several people in Ling Fei slowly stood up from the deck, looking at the Madman Chu who walked out of the pavilion, with a look of shock in their eyes.

"Heaven Sword, what was that power just now, so terrifying?!"

"It's a trivial matter."

The Heavenly Overlord's body, with all the ten shackles untied, is so powerful that it can be regarded as one of Madman Chu's trump cards at this stage.

He hasn't announced the world's ideas yet.

Let it appear at the right time.

After hearing what he said, the corners of Ling Fei's mouth twitched.

A trivial matter?

My goodness!

Such coercion is actually just a trivial matter? Is there any mistake?

Is it really worthy of being a heavenly sword?

Madman Chu didn't say anything, and a few people didn't continue to question.

And on the other side.

On an ancient star of the emperor's clan.

Di Qianqiu looked at a jade slip in his hand with a deep gaze, "Tianhong and the others failed. The last fragment was in the hands of the sword that day, which is interesting."

at this time.

A figure rushed in, his face was a bit unsightly, but it was the second evildoer in the emperor's clan, Di Liufang.

"The Great Overlord of Heaven has manifested in the world!"

Di Liufang said solemnly.

Hearing this, Emperor Qianqiu couldn't help his eyes flashing, and then he chuckled, "It's really interesting, Heavenly Sword, Dacheng Overlord Body, unexpectedly appearing one after another in this era, is this a signal? Seven stars linked with beads, nine kings return to the throne Will it be fulfilled in this era?!"

Seven stars in a row and nine kings return to their thrones. This is an ancient legend circulating in the Tianyuan universe.

According to rumors, in a certain era, there will be nine sons of the Great Dao that emerged in the Tianyuan Universe, and they will lead the Tianyuan Universe to a more glorious era.

Those nine sons of the Great Dao are also known as the nine kings of the future of Tianyuan Universe!

They will surpass all existing **** kings!

"Aren't you worried? Once this powerful Heavenly Overlord body grows up, it is not a big threat to us."

Di Liufang said worriedly.

"It's okay, the most important thing now is to find the last fragment. When we are back intact, we will have the opportunity to break the ten chains and become the Emperor of Dacheng. With the experience of the previous life, even if it is the Emperor of Dacheng, it is not to be afraid!" Qianqiu spoke lightly, with self-confidence in his words.

As if being infected by him, Di Liufang gradually calmed down, "The last fragment, there is news."

"In the hands of Heavenly Sword."

"How could it be him, this person is unpredictable in strength, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle."

"It's okay, he can't manipulate the remnant soul in that fragment for the time being, it won't be too late to get it back after the ancient star of Tianyuan opens."

"Alright, let us do this."

Di Liufang said lightly.

Time passed, months passed.

In the past few months, a piece of news has spread in the universe, that is, a great master of heaven has manifested in the world!

This news is extremely scary.

Compared to the Heavenly Sword, it’s no more concessions. Dacheng's Heavenly Overlord Body is rare in the ages and is a taboo figure who can break the rules of the Great Dao!

In addition, some news also spread.

For example, Luo Xue of the Luo King clan successfully challenged the evil eye clan of the tenth gods list, the evil spirits of the evil eye group, and successfully squeezed into the top ten!

This news caused quite a stir.

After all, for many years, the top ten of the gods list has hardly changed.

But recently, there have been changes repeatedly, first Mo Wuji was defeated by Heavenly Sword, and now Zhuo Ming was defeated by Luo Xue.

There is also the Wuyou of the Pluto clan who has obtained an inheritance on a certain ancient star, and his strength has greatly increased. Some people say that he also has the top ten combat power of the gods, compared to the strongest evil in the Pluto clan. Ranked fifth on the list of gods, Wu Tianming, who is known as the son of the gods, is only half way behind.

In the wind clan, the storm queen Feng Qiyu also appeared after a long retreat and began to walk outside.

Also, Ji Feiyun, the sixth-ranked enchanting Daozi in the Divine Machine Clan, has also left the pass.

The eighth dragon girl has also appeared, and threatened to find the Heavenly Sword to settle accounts!

The reason was that Madman Chu had severely injured the red dragon shadow, and the red dragon shadow happened to be the elder brother of this dragon girl.

In short, Tianyuan Universe has been extremely unstable recently.

The enchanting Tianjiao from all walks of life was born one after another, and some people speculated that the ancient Tianyuan ancient star was about to open.

Two years later.

The depths of the Tianyuan universe.

In an ancient starry sky, there are seven stars in disorderly surrounding.

And just today.

The seven stars actually started to connect together.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable rhyme permeated from these seven stars. The entire universe was like a lake, and these seven stars were like stones falling into the lake, rippled and spread gradually. , And there was a burst of Taoism sang out, and the power of the entire universe was sensed.

"This breath is opened by the ancient star of Tianyuan!"

The ancient power opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light.

For a time, the entire Tianyuan universe was shaken.

Countless forces all acted.

Starry sky.

On a warship, two people were fighting swords.

These two people, a man and a woman.

The sword intent of the man is extremely harsh, and although the sword intent of the woman is not as sharp as that of the man, it is full of coldness.

The two of you come and go, and you don't give way to each other, and they collide with each other.

These two people are exactly the two followers of Madman Chu, UU Reading www. Ling Fei still has a cold star rain.

"Xingyu, your cultivation base has made rapid progress."

Feng Qingxue said with a smile.

Today's Han Xingyu is no longer the little golden fairy that she used to be. Today, she has successfully realized Da Luo Yi and became a great Luo golden fairy.

Although he hasn't qualified to be on the Celestial List, he is not far behind.

"Thanks to Heavenly Sword's guidance."

Han Xingyu smiled faintly.

At this moment, there was a strange wave in the distance, and the three of them looked at each other, all in awe.

On the battleship, a pavilion suddenly opened.

A figure in white clothes slowly walked out, looking into the distance, with a faint smile in his eyes, "Heh, it's finally opened, Tianyuan Guxing."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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