Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Xiang Tiancang, Feng Qiyu, Ji Feiyun, Heavenly Sword is here

Starry sky, on the battleship.

Madman Chu walked out of the pavilion, looking at the starry sky in the distance, his mouth was slightly tilted, "The ancient star of Tianyuan has opened, and the show has begun. It is really exciting."

"Heaven Sword, shall we rush over now?"

"This is natural."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Tianyuan Guxing, such a peerless opportunity, he would not easily miss it, and he also wanted to see how powerful this top evil evildoer in the Tianyuan universe was.

Seven stars in succession, the wind is surging!

The enchanting Tianjiao from all sides swept in the direction of Tianyuan Guxing.


Above the ancient star, there was a batch after batch of people ushered in.

Every day, there are new evildoers on the stage, which is amazing.


A purple streamer glided across the void and came to the sky above Tianyuan Ancient Star, a man in a black robe.

It's just surprising that there was a purple nick on the man's forehead, and an extraordinary Taoist rhyme permeated from it, which was surprising.

"That's the turbidity of the evil eye clan!"

Someone recognized the man and couldn't help taking a breath of air, shocked.

The Evil Eye clan is the top royal clan of the Tianyuan Universe. Although it is not as good as the ancient royal clan, it is also extremely terrifying, and Zhuo Ming is the most outstanding evil in the Evil Eye clan generation.

Tenth God List!

To be precise, it was the tenth place before, because Zhuoming had recently lost to Luo Xue, who was eleventh on the Celestial Ranking.

"Tianyuan Guxing, Luo Xue, Tianjian, wait for it."

The voice hummed softly.

He didn't have any good feelings about Luo Xue and Madman Chu.

Two years ago, Luo Xue approached him, challenged him, and defeated him. This made him very surprised and annoyed. He actually lost to a woman? !

And Luo Xue's progress shocked him.

Under questioning, the other party said that he had received the guidance of the Heavenly Sword to make such an entry, which made him secretly hate the Heavenly Sword.

It's just that he didn't make a rash move either. After all, Luo Xue was able to defeat him, let alone the Heavenly Sword that Luo Xue could admire.

"The ancient star of Tianyuan is the place to cultivate all the gods, and there are countless opportunities, and there are even the gods leaving a legacy here. A **** king of my evil eye clan has left a legacy here, if I If you can get it, your cultivation level will definitely be powerful. When the time comes, why can't you deal with Luo Xue or even the Heavenly Sword?"

"Don't say that the gods list is tenth, I can even break and stand, and then set a new high!"

Zhuoming thought confidently, and then swept towards a Tianyuan ancient star.

In addition to Zhuo Ming.

There are also some top evildoers, gradually coming.

Hum! !

Just today, a burst of domineering domineering sweeps across the world, wherever the domineering goes, stars burst one after another.

I saw a man in a pitch-black armor stepping into the air.

"It's Xiang Tiancang!"

Someone gasped.

Xiang Tiancang, the strongest evildoer of the overlord clan, has an unfathomable cultivation base and ranks second on the list of gods, second only to Emperor Qianqiu.

After Xiang Tiancang appeared, in another starry sky, a beautiful woman walked slowly, surrounded by endless fairy radiance, and invisible air currents hovered all over her body.

That is the wind of nothingness!

Wherever he went, the void collapsed silently, and the stars died in silence.

Very scary!

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "No. 3 on the list of gods, Queen of Storms, Feng Qiyu!"

Some people were extremely shocked, and others looked at Feng Qiyu with obsessiveness in their eyes.

Feng Qiyu looks extremely beautiful, looks stunning, and looks alluring.

The skin is snow-white, and the posture is like a willow of Fufeng.

A woman who looked weak and weak, but her body was filled with a terrifying breath.

In Tianyuan Universe, Feng Qiyu's admirers are no less than Luo Xue's.

"You came."

Xiang Tiancang glanced at Feng Qiyu, her resolute face didn't move at all.

The opponent is extremely beautiful, but he is obsessed with the Tao and never values ​​beauty. Feng Qiyu can put him in his eyes only because of the opponent's strength.

"I am not the only one here."

Feng Qiyu smiled faintly.

"Except for you and Emperor Qianqiu, the others have never been in my eyes!"

Xiang Tiancang said indifferently, one sentence was extremely domineering, as if among the younger generation, in addition to the first and third on the list of gods, the rest were worthless.

"Oh, is it so?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sound of Tao, and a young man in white came slowly in the starry sky, and on him, there was a great rune circulating, very mysterious.

"The gods list is sixth, Ji Feiyun of the Shenji clan!"

Someone's eyes constricted.

The Shenji family is an extremely special ancient royal family.

They are extremely low-key, hardly participating in any competition, and only appear when there is a major change in the Tianyuan Universe.

In recent years, the Shenji clan has taken a lot of actions.

For example, Ji Feiyun ranked sixth on the list of gods, or secretly planned the two-world channel...

"Your breath..." Xiang Tiancang glanced at Ji Feiyun, his eyes condensed slightly, and then he smiled, "Interesting, you broke that barrier!"


Feng Qiyu also smiled faintly.

Breaking the rules of the avenue and condensing the three flowers of the big Luo above the twelfth rank is one of the manifestations of taboos.

In the top ten of the gods list, there are only a handful of taboos.

Only Feng Qiyu, Xiang Tiancang, and the three of Emperor Qianqiu.

Now, there is one more Ji Feiyun.

"Although you have broken that barrier, it is a pity that you still can't wait with me for your combat power. Let's grow a little bit more."

Xiang Tiancang said lightly.

"Oh, it's interesting, if it weren't for the ancient star of Tianyuan, I would like to compete with you."

Ji Feiyun said.

"There are opportunities." After Xiang Tiancang said, he stopped staying and entered Guxing.

Feng Qiyu, Ji Feiyun glanced at each other, and then entered.

汜豜汜. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com came to Tianyuan ancient stars more and more evildoers, and some people even heard that the seventh Emperor Liufang and the first Emperor Qianqiu appeared.

When these two appeared, the magnificent aura directly shocked the whole ancient star.

It was like the arrival of the emperor, shaking the sky and the earth.

But after these people entered Guxing, there was no news.

And just today.

When many evildoers on the ancient star of Tianyuan were active, they suddenly felt feelings and looked towards the starry sky.

The swords in the hands of some sword repairers were already buzzing and trembling.

"This kind of breath...He's coming!"

There was a swordsman who stubbornly held the sword weapon in his hand, and a look of shock passed in his eyes.

this moment.

On the seven ancient stars of Tianyuan, the long swords in the hands of hundreds of millions of sword repairers were buzzing and shaking, making the sound of sword chants soaring into the sky.

It seems to be welcoming Wanjian Supreme!

Everyone turned their eyes to the stars.

I saw a warship coming, and on the warship, a world-shaking sword pressure suddenly swept across the nine heavens and ten earth, shaking the seven stars of Tianyuan!

The sound of sword chanting soaring into the sky is even more astonishing!

Accompanied by the sword pressure of the sky, a figure in white clothes like snow and aloof demeanor slowly walked out of the battleship, like a **** descending, onto the ancient star of Heaven.

At the moment it landed, endless sword pressure directly caused a continent to collapse and disintegrate!

This sword pressure comes fast and goes fast.

After the white figure descended, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Mi He Mi. If it weren't for the trembling long swords in the hands of some sword repairmen, they even thought that the sword pressure was just an illusion.

But everyone knows, Heavenly Sword, here comes!

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