Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The two of them are too alike, Liu Chuanxing takes action to cut Wuyou

"Now, it's me!"

   The madman of Chu drank indifferently, his sword fingers condensed, and his sword energy swallowed at his fingertips.

  The sword trick has not yet been released, and the surrounding wind is roaring, the wind and the clouds are changing, the big earthquake is shaking, this world is shrouded by a terrifying sword!

   "Sword, reincarnation!!"

   Chu Madman's sword pointed towards Wuyou, and the sword aura spurted out!

   The violent sword light engulfed the meaning of reincarnation of life and death almost turned into substance, making Wuyou plunged into unprecedented fear!

   How could there be such a terrifying sword! ! !

   This sword is more powerful than the former Shen Feihu and his ilk! !

   "Block me!!!"

   In the face of an unprecedented threat of death, Wu You gave a long whistle, grabbed the black halberd next to him, and urged the power of the fairy to the extreme, a halberd blasted out, and the halberd light burst out 1

   Not only that, but the shadow of Hades behind him also moved.

   The shadow of the gods transformed into both palms, swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy, and blasted towards Madman Chu's sword!

   Amidst the roar, the surrounding void burst into pieces one after another, and the world is like the end of the day!

   The halberd light burst into pieces, and the shadow of the gods dissipated!

But the sword that contains the cycle of life and death is like a broken bamboo, and it fell on Wuyou's body abruptly. The dark armor on his body immediately burst out with a dazzling divine light. The endless Dao patterns contained in it, releasing power, this is one A very high-level defensive weapon.

   "Block me!"

   Wuyou hissed.


   But at this time, I saw the Dao pattern on the armor gradually dimmed, and the armor began to break!

   is just a moment, this big compass, broken! ! !

   At the juncture of life and death, Wu You abruptly deflected his body, almost avoiding it with his sword qi.

   But even if he avoided most of the sword energy, part of his body was still hit, and he was cut off by the madman of Chu in the passage between the two realms. The arm was finally repaired and broke again!

   Not only that, a lot of sword energy is eroding his body, causing him to squirt blood.

"Son of a bitch!!"

   Wuyou roared, looking at Madman Chu angrily.

   Since returning from the two-world channel, he tried this kind of aggrieved feeling of being hit on the ground for the second time.

  He is one of the top monsters on the list of gods!

  Moreover, he is stronger than when he went to the two-world corridor, why, why is he still so aggrieved, or is he beaten so badly one after another? !

   For some reason, fighting against the Heavenly Sword in front of him always reminded him of the passage between the two realms.

   Think of the madman in the Pangu universe!

   These two people are too similar, the same powerful, the same defiant.

   Could it be...

   Wuyou suddenly had an absurd idea in his mind, but then he shook his head and put the idea behind.

   "If you don't die with one sword, you have indeed grown up."

   Chu Madman said lightly.

   If it was Wuyou in the passage between the two realms, the sword just now was enough to kill him to the point where there was no dust left.

   "Damn it, Heavenly Sword, if you dare to kill me, the Hades will not give up!"

   "That's really exciting."

   Chu Madman smiled faintly.

  He came here to hunt Tianjiao, how could he be shaken by Wuyou's words.

   The figure flashed, and he came to Wuyou.

   The sword finger condensed, and he nodded towards the opponent's forehead, but at this moment, an arrow flew out in the distance!

   Arrows contain endless wind and thunder power, extremely terrifying!

   This arrow is even enough to kill a powerful person in the Da Luo Five Qi Realm.


   The madman of Chu frowned slightly, and the sword pointed at Wuyou hit the arrow!

   The sword finger collided with the arrow, and the wind and thunder were raging, the earth shattered, and the infinite energy tore the void!

  The power of horror blasted a radius of tens of thousands of miles!


   And Wuyou took advantage of this moment, his figure almost turned into a stream of light, disappeared in place, and quickly ran away!

   The madman of Chu stood on the spot, looking at a mountain in the distance, and there was a man with a longbow on his back and his eyes like a falcon looking at him.

  Fifteenth on the list of gods, Liu Chuanxing of the Tianlei clan!

   Only this person can shoot such a powerful arrow outside of Madman Chu's perception.


   "But, it's not interesting enough!"

   The madman of Chu looked at Liu Chuanxing on the distant mountain peak, his sword fingers condensed, boundless spiritual energy gathered and stood, and a sword gas turned into streamers and shot out fiercely!

   The sword is like a shooting star, flying millions of miles in the blink of an eye!

"not good!!"

   Liu Chuanxing's face changed abruptly, and he evacuated quickly.

   Accompanied by a earth-shattering roar, the mountain on which he stood has been turned into ashes!

   As for people, they are gone.

   The Madman Chu glanced at the direction Wuyou was escaping from, his figure flashed and disappeared.


   Escape, run away!

Only this thought was left in Wuyou's mind, and the figure quickly moved away from the battlefield.

   When he thought of Madman Chu's sword, his eyes couldn't help showing a look of horror. With his current strength, he was not his opponent at all!

   "Heaven Sword, you wait for me!!"

   "One day, I will make you pay the price. That monster in the Pangu universe is dead. If you provoke me, you will die too!!"

   Wuyou whispered.

   For some reason, he always associates Heavenly Sword with Madman Chu.

   These two people are so alike.

   The defiant eyes and the arrogant posture of ignoring everything are too alike.

at this time.

   A white figure suddenly appeared in front of Wuyou.

"How can it be!"

   Wuyou's pupils shrank, and his face was full of horror.

   That person is not someone else, he is the Madman Chu! !

  He is catching up!

   Liu Chuanxing, that useless fellow, can't it be delayed for a while? !

   Wuyou didn't hesitate, turned around and dashed away in the other direction, but at this time, two sword energy swept across.


   Sword Qi passed through his and he couldn't help falling to the ground, howling miserably.

   "Heaven Sword, you really want to kill them!!"

   Wuyou roared.

   "You can only die."

   Chu Madman said lightly.

  Wuyou fought him in the two-world passage. Although he pretended to be perfect, he should kill the uncertain factors like Wuyou.

   "Heaven Sword, you bastard, there is a kind of you let me go, give me a hundred years, I will surpass you!!"

   Wuyou roared.

   "I have let you off once, but unfortunately, you are not up to date. In my hands, you are still so... vulnerable!"

   Have you let it go once?

What does    mean?

   Wuyou is a little confused.

  At this time, the madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and his sword energy condensed on the sword fingers.

   His figure overlapped with the Madman Chu in Wuyou's memory, and that absurd idea resurfaced.

   "Impossible, impossible!"

   "You are dead, how could this happen, Chu..."

  Wu's quiet words haven't been finished yet, the sword energy has passed through his body and exploded in his body, completely strangling him into a cloud of blood.

   Even the soul did not let go.

   After all, who knows if there is a rebirth world like the underworld in this Tianyuan universe?

   After killing Wu You, Madman Chu turned and left.

Shortly after.

  He came to a ruin, where Liu Chuanxing was.

   On the ground, there was a pool of red blood.

   The madman Chu looked at the blood stains, expressing thoughts.

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