Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: :Emperor 0 autumn gathers all the remnants of the soul, Dacheng emperor body

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"Haha, finally succeeded!"

After absorbing the jet black air current that escaped after the ring was broken, Emperor Qianqiu couldn't help laughing wildly, with incomparable pleasure in his eyes.

Madman Chu glanced at him, his eyes flashed slightly.

Xiao Ai has already begun to analyze each other.


Di Liufang was also full of excitement, and in the next instant, only to see Di Qianqiu making an unexpected move, he actually punched Di Liufang with a punch.

In the face of this attack, Di Liufang did not resist.


The enchanting evildoer, who is the seventh highest on the dignified **** list, was blasted into a cloud of blood mist with this punch!

In the escaping blood mist, a black air curled out and merged into Emperor Qianqiu's body.


The breath of Emperor Qianqiu began to rise steadily!

This scene made many people dumbfounded and puzzled.

"What is this Emperor Qianqiu doing? Isn't he crazy? Why kill Emperor Liufang?!"

"That black air, what is it?"

Everyone is puzzled.

Only a handful of people noticed that, apart from Di Liufang, on the battlefield, the body of the Shanyinxiu of the Geocentric clan, the Red Fairy of the Peony clan, and the corpse of Liu Chuanxing, who was nailed by an arrow on the mountain peak far away, were black on the battlefield. Qi escaped and gathered towards Emperor Qianqiu.

Some magnates looked at the air currents, and there was some uncertainty in their eyes.

"What is this?"

"There seems to be some kind of soul fluctuation in this."

"Is this some kind of soul matter?"

Everyone was amazed.

In the distance, Feng Qiyu also noticed this weird scene, with a hint of thinking in her eyes, and then suddenly said: "That's it."

As a rebirth power, she has the memory of her previous life, and her experience is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

"what happened?"

Nearby, Feng Qingxue and Xiang Tiancang were a little confused.

Why can't they see anything?

"Emperor Qianqiu is not Emperor Qianqiu!"

"What do you mean?"

"Di Qianqiu should be a powerful rebirth body, but when this great power was reborn, there was a little accident, but his soul was divided, and several individuals were regenerated, such as Di Liufang, Emperor Qianqiu and Liu Chuanxing are all part of that mighty power."

Speaking of this, Feng Qingxue paused for a moment, and continued: "As for the ring in Heavenly Sword's hand, it is also part of the opponent's remnant soul deposit!"

Hearing this, the two of them were a little startled.

"It's no wonder that Emperor Qianqiu is so obsessed with the ring, wait, if Emperor Qianqiu was only reborn from a remnant soul, wouldn't his strength be stronger now that he is fully restored?!"

Xiang Tiancang's face changed slightly.

Feng Qingxue next to him looked at Madman Chu in the distance, and her eyes were even more worried.

"It’s no wonder that when I met Emperor Qianqiu before, I felt that the breath of rejuvenation on his body was very weak. It turned out to be because of the remnant soul. It’s just that a remnant soul can become the top of the gods list. Before this great power is reborn, I’m afraid Unbelievable, now that he is fully restored, he doesn't know what strength he can display."

Feng Qiyu thought to herself.

In her opinion, the battle between Madman Chu and Emperor Qianqiu was already a battle between rebirths.

Inside the King of God's Pit.

The actions of Emperor Qianqiu surprised countless people.

But what shocked them even more was that Emperor Qianqiu's aura was several times stronger than before!

The opponent's body is surrounded by the aura of the gods, the golden fairy radiance is dazzling, and the ancient runes surround the body like a galaxy, mysterious and extraordinary.

"The remnants of souls have gathered, and now I can break the shackles!"

Di Qianqiu's eyes burst out with a bright light.

I saw two golden shackles faintly appearing on the surface of his body, they were the shackles of the innate emperor's body!

"Break it for me!"


A shackle exploded, and the aura on Emperor Qianqiu's body skyrocketed again!

"Hi! He is breaking the shackles of the innate emperor's body!"

Someone took a breath of air-conditioning, and his eyes were full of horror.

The innate emperor body and the heavenly overlord body, these are the two magnificent divine bodies of the Tianyuan Universe. It is said that these two physiques are too powerful, so they are born with ten great yokes!

The fewer the shackles, the stronger the talent!

Emperor Qianqiu has been hailed as the emperor's unsurpassed qualification since the tenth year of the emperor clan. The most important reason is that he broke the eight shackles innately!

Such an emperor is extremely terrifying!

Now, he broke another one, making him, who was already terrifying in aptitude, now even more perverted.

"One more!"

The emperor Qianqiu gave a long roar, the whole body was surging, the aura of the **** king rolled, and an ancient emperor phantom faintly appeared behind him!

The emperor phantom also has a shackle on his body, and at this time, the emperor grabbed the shackle with both hands, and screamed up to the sky, the horrible power fluctuated, and madly spread out!

"He wants to break this last yoke too!"

"Oh my God, he wants to be the Emperor of Dacheng, this is a Dacheng Emperor that hasn't seen a few cases in the past!"

Someone swallowed wildly, staring at the emperor phantom.

In the void, you are all looking forward to the great abilities, especially the great abilities of the emperor clan.

Dacheng emperor body!

Only a few cases of Dacheng emperor body have appeared in the history of the entire emperor family?


And no surprise, when this Dacheng emperor body grows up, it will be the most brilliant and brilliant era of the emperor clan, suppressing the ten thousand clan, and the glory is infinite!

"Di Qianqiu, you must succeed!"

"The hope of the emperor family's future lies in you!"

Under the gaze of the great powers of the emperor clan, the aura on Emperor Qianqiu's body is getting more and more terrifying!

I saw him standing in the air, the golden fairy shining on the past and the present!

"Previous life! I failed to attack Hunyuan, and I was forced to rebirth with a secret method to endure the pain of soul separation!"

"In this life, my remnant souls have gathered, and I must use the power of this past life to achieve a great emperor body, and achieve the supreme Hunyuan position throughout the ages!"

Emperor Qianqiu's eyes were extremely firm.

He believed that if he had a Dacheng emperor in this life, he would definitely not defeat Hunyuan like the previous life!

"Break for me!!"

The emperor Qianqiu let out a long roar, and the terrifying emperor's aura came out, and the last shackle that bound the emperor's phantom was exploded!


The shackles burst, and the Emperor Dacheng's body blooms endlessly!

The entire emperor clan was shocked, feeling their blood trembling, celebrating the birth of the emperor!


"Emperor Qianqiu succeeded, hahaha, this is Dacheng's imperial body, my emperor family will suppress this world, just around the corner!"

The emperor clan was extremely excited. UU reading

The faces of the rest of the royal family were not so good.

The emperor's clan was originally an ancient royal family, extremely powerful, and now there is another Dacheng emperor body. When the emperor Qianqiu grows up, the other party will definitely act more unscrupulously.

At that time, where can they have a good life?

Especially the overlord family.

These two races have always been rivals, and they have been fighting endlessly.

Now, the emperor clan has developed a great imperial body, which is not a big blow to the overlord clan.

"No, you must find the Dacheng Overlord's body that has recently emerged as soon as possible. Only he can compete with this Dacheng Emperor's body!"

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