Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : 3 flowers blend together, impact 5 qi? Inner universe

  Chapter 1751 Three flowers blend together, impact five qi? Inner universe

  The method of cursing is one of the best methods of the Hades family.

  And as the **** king of the Hades family, he is also proficient in cursing.

  Not only that, he is not only cursing the soul, but the body can also be cursed, and the curse totem is one of the curses he is best at!

  In his time, no one could get rid of this kind of curse. In his opinion, Madman Chu was extraordinary, but it was no exception.

  Until he took out a sword.

  A pitch-black iron sword, and on that iron sword, are engraved with mysterious runes.

   And when this sword slashed on the cursed totem under him, his proud totem was broken with a click!

   "This... how could it happen? 1"

  The King of Dark Spirit was stunned on the spot.

  I have worked hard for countless years, and no one has ever been able to crack the curse totem, but it was easily broken by the madman of Chu with an iron sword.

  This is no more shocking than the madman of Chu possessing the 21st grade soul flower.

   "It's impossible, it's impossible, how did you do it? What exactly is that sword?"

  Mingling God King looked at Chu Madman, unbelievable.

   But Madman Chu did not answer him, and his soul power had almost dissipated. He would never get an answer to this doubt.


  The soul and body of the King Underworld exploded, leaving a pitch-black cube in place.

  "Is this the opportunity left by the King of Underworld?"

  Chu madman whispered, putting away the curse-breaking sword.

  Curse Breaking Sword, a god-level reward that was previously drawn specifically to break the curse.

  Even the curse of Pangu universe soul supremacy can be broken, and the curse of the Hades God King is even more trivial. Use the curse to deal with him, the Hades God King chose the wrong method from the beginning.

   Then, he stepped forward and took the black cube in his hand. Then, countless information poured into his mind.

  It is about the experience of the spiritual **** king and several soul practices.

  In addition, this black cube is called the Soul Cube, which is part of the essence of the Underworld God King. Absorbing and refining it can quickly strengthen the soul.

  Compared to those practice methods, this Soul Rubik's Cube is obviously something that Madman Chu needs more.

   "With this Soul Rubik's Cube, my soul power should be raised to Rank 24."

  The Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction. He looked at the dying Minglingdongtian, his figure flashed, and he left here.

   Outside the cave, the people of the Hades have already left.

far away.

  Wu Tianming has been paying attention to the movement of Dongtian.

  After seeing the collapse of the sky, he couldn't help sighing, a little unwilling, "It's a pity, if I can get the inheritance of the Underworld God King, it will be a huge benefit to me."

   However, although he didn't get the chance, he was quite satisfied to be able to kill such an enemy as Kuangren Chu.

  Yes, in his opinion, Madman Chu should have died in the Heaven of the Spirit Cave.

  After all, there is the home ground of the Dark Spirit King, and the Dark Spirit King wants to kill the Madman Chu at any cost, even if the opponent is strong, it is definitely not the opponent's opponent in terms of soul.

   "Heaven Sword, although you are dead, you are still a memorable opponent."

   "I will always remember...what?!"

   Just when Wu Tianming was feeling that he was missing another strong enemy, suddenly, he saw a figure in white clothes slowly walking out of the collapsing Mingling Cave in the distance.

   is not the heavenly sword in his mouth, who would it be?

  At this moment, Wu Tianming was in a circle!

  Heavenly Sword, is it still alive? !

   And when Madman Chu gradually turned his gaze to his side, Wu Tianming took a cold breath and turned around and ran immediately.

  The Pluto clan around him are a little speechless.

  I was still cherishing the memory of losing an opponent just now, and then he immediately ran away when he saw the opponent?

  You are also called an opponent?

  Even though everyone thought so, they didn’t dare to say it, because they had to follow along!

  Like Wu Tianming, they are equally afraid of Madman Chu.

   "This is impossible, this is impossible!"

   "Why didn't the King of Underworld kill the Heavenly Sword? Couldn't he even kill the Heavenly Sword?"

   "Then, didn't the inheritance he left was taken by the Heavenly Sword?"

  Wu Tianming was thinking as he ran, his face grew gloomy and terrifying.

  I don’t know how long he ran. After he was sure to get rid of the Madman Chu, Wu Tianming stood there. At some point, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his back.

  He, is so afraid of Heavenly Sword?

   "Damn it, can't even the King of Dark Spirit kill the Heavenly Sword? Then it seems that we can only find another way."

   Wu Tianming meditated.

  Suddenly, he thought of a curse in his own clan.

  It is a forbidden curse. If a practitioner is not careful, he will be backlashed, and he will die.

  But in order to compete with the Heavenly Sword, he seems to have no choice.

  "Rather than living in the shadow of the Heavenly Sword forever, I would rather take the risk, Heavenly Sword, wait for me, the shame you gave me will surely be doubled in the future!"

   Wu Tianming said in a deep voice.

far away.

  The Madman Chu glanced at the direction Wu Tianming was leaving. The distance was too far, so he didn't deliberately pursue it.

  Moreover, he has more important things now.

  That is to refine the Soul Rubik's Cube in your hand, and completely raise your Sanhua to the twenty-fourth rank realm, and then you will be able to hit the Daluo Five-Qi Realm!

   Thinking of this, he found a hidden place in the ancient star of Tianyuan, and after setting numerous restrictions, he began to refine the Soul Cube.

  This process went smoothly.

Shortly after.

  His soul flower broke through to the realm of Sanhua smoothly!

  In a space.

  The madman of Chu sat cross-legged, above his head, three magnificent flowers blooming slowly, each with twenty-four petals!

  This is the flower of his fairy yuan, the flower of longevity, the flower of the soul!

   "Now, by combining the three flowers, you can break through the realm of five auras!"

   "I don’t know, what kind of realm will this unprecedented three twenty-four-pin wonderful flowers blend together?"

  Chu madman is a little curious.

  Five Qi Realm, what is Five Qi, Tai Yi, Tai Chu, Tai Shi, Tai Su, Tai Chi!

  This is the five qi.

  And these five qi also refer to an evolutionary process of the universe.

  The three flowers blend together, using the huge energy contained in the three flowers to open up an inner universe in the body. UU reading

  At this time, the inner universe is in a state of undivided Yin and Yang, thus deriving the Qi of Tai Chi.

   Immediately afterwards, borrowing the Qi of Tai Chi, reversely deduced the inner universe, going through the five universe states of Taisu, Taishi, Taichu, and Taiyi, and at the same time derives these four auras.

  The five qi is in the body, and the inner universe is cyclically changing. At that time, it will be Dzogchen!

"let's start."

   Chu madman whispered.

  I saw his mind, and the three flowers above his head entered the body, began to revolve in the body, and gradually merged.


  At the moment when the three flowers merged, an extremely terrifying force swept out in an instant!

  At this moment, in his body, he was experiencing an unprecedented huge change. The three twenty-fourth-grade strange flowers merged together, which was unprecedented.

  Boom, boom, boom!

  Just like opening up the world, the qi sea used by the madman of Chu to store immortality is expanding at an extremely crazy speed, and an inner universe has gradually formed!

  (End of this chapter)

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