Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Searching for the soul again, the sword of military disaster, no murder

  Chapter 1755 Searching for the soul again, the sword is not allowed to kill

  Ten thousand swords trembled, and the sound of sword chants lasted forever!

  In the starry sky, a figure in white clothes was shrouded in the fairy glory, walking slowly, the sword intent flowed, shocking everyone!

  Ling Fei, Luo Xue and the others looked at the incoming person, and their expressions were joyful.

  The man who came was Chu Madman.

   "God, give you a chance to tell everything you know about the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation, you can save your life."

  Chu madman said lightly.

  He is also very interested in what happened to the sword spirit family.

   "Oh, it looks like you are the heavenly sword in their mouth!"

Luo silently looked at Madman Chu, the sword intent on his body also flowed, his eyes condensed slightly, revealing a dignified color, "It is not difficult for you to know the Myriad Sword Tribulation, as long as you defeat me, you want to You know, I will tell you naturally!"

  After finishing speaking, with a clang, the long sword around his waist suddenly came out of its sheath!

   Sword Qi rises to the sky!

   Luo silently stabbed a sword at the Madman Chu, which was full of endless sword aura, and the mighty power made the Heavenly Sword evildoer on the scene look at him?

  This sword is already comparable to the top ten existence on the list of gods.

   But seeing Madman Chu standing in place, without avoiding it, he slowly raised his hand.


  Only heard the sound of sword air strikes.

  The sword in Silent's hand was actually clamped tightly by Madman Chu with two fingers, and the sword energy in the sword's front was unable to shoot out in front of those two fingers!

   "Use a sword in front of the sky, you are too arrogant."

  Chu madman said lightly.

  When he heard what he said, the corners of many enchanting Tianjiao's lips twitched.

   Speaking of arrogance, who in this world is more arrogant than you, a self-proclaimed person?

  Everyone thought to themselves.

   Silently, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and the blade turned, he wanted to cut off Madman Chu’s fingers with the sharpness of the blade in his hand.

   But no matter how he used it, the sword remained motionless between Madman Chu's fingers!

   "His power is so powerful?!"

   Luo Silent face changed slightly.

   Immediately afterwards, he gave a long scream, and the sword energy gushed out of his body endlessly, pouring towards Madman Chu!

  The whole sword was trembling constantly because of this powerful sword aura.

   "Do you want to get the sword back? God, how about you?"

  The madman Chu's fingers pressed slightly.

  Sword Qi burst out!


  I saw that sword was broken into two pieces directly!

   Silently, under the impact of the violent sword aura, he flew upside down, looking at the broken sword in his hand, shocked.

"how come…"

   Luo swallowed in disbelief.

  He has full confidence in his own strength, and he thinks that he is recovering in this era, and he is definitely a leader among the younger generation of this era!

  Even in Kendo, he thinks that few people can compare with him!

  But I didn’t expect that I would be taught to be a human being not long after my debut!


Luo Luo's face sank silently, and his heart was unwilling. He urged the cultivation base to the extreme, raised his hand and interrupted the sword, and endless sword intent spurted out of it, shaking all directions!

   "No life sword, silent sword!"

  A sword was cut out, and the huge sword shadow fell across the sky, wherever it went, the stars died silently!

  This is the purest sword of killing!

  Born to kill!

  And the Madman Chu still stood still, and in front of everyone, slowly placed his hands behind him, standing with his hands behind him, blocking the move with his body!

  Sword Qi collided violently with Madman Chu's body. In the silence of everything, everyone only saw the brilliant divine light bursting out of Madman Chu's body. It was the interweaving of Jian Qi and Jian Qi!

  He, the body guard sword energy derived from the operation of the fairy yuan, easily blocked the silent ultimate killer!

  This is more than defeating him head-on, and it makes Luo Silent unacceptable!

   is just the sword energy generated by the movement of Xianyuan, and he can easily block his ultimate killer move!

  If it is a shot, wouldn't it be a matter of raising your hand to kill him?

   "Your sword disappoints heaven."

  The madman of Chu ejected the cutting sword in his hand at will.


  The broken sword is like a meteor, piercing the sky!

   噗噗噗, the blood mist spurted!

  The broken sword pierced directly into Luo Silent's chest, and came out, making him unable to help howling.

   Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu disappeared.

When    reappeared, everyone only saw him pinching his silent neck, standing volley in the air, as easy as he was carrying a chicken.

   "Now I can answer my question, what happened to the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation?"


   Luo silently coughed up blood, but saw that there was sword energy in the blood, shooting out towards the Madman Chu!

   Take blood as a sword!

  This sword energy is extremely depleting life!

  The madman of Chu frowned slightly, and the sword energy in his body spontaneously, he easily blocked the blood sword, "It is against the sky, it is unwise!"

  Chu madman's heart moved, and his soul power spurted out!

  Countless fine soul needles pierced into the silent head, and he couldn't help howling miserably!

   "Ah ah ah!"

  The horrible howl, resounding through the stars, made everyone shiver.

   "What exactly did Tianjian do to make a monster Tianjiao make such a scream?"

   "Tsk, it's better to not provoke him less in the future."

  Everyone looked at Madman Chu with fear in their eyes.

  The scream continues...

  After a while, Luo Silence was like a noodle, standing vertically in the hands of Madman Chu, dying of breath.

   "Soul Search!"

  Seeing that the time was right, Madman Chu directly used the method of searching for souls!

  The method of soul search is extremely overbearing!

  The terrifying soul power almost poured into the already sluggish Silent body like a broken bamboo. The memory in his soul has no secrets for Madman Chu!

   "So that's it..."

   Soon, Madman Chu learned the course of some things.

  This is silent, it comes from a mysterious race whose name is called...a family of disasters!

  This race is very peculiar.

  They can absorb the grievances and evil spirits of weapons to strengthen themselves, and many years ago, this race focused on the sword spirit family in order to strengthen its strength!

  Because everyone in the sword spirit clan uses swords, and they believe in swords!

  Destroy them, the resentment and evil spirits that the sword in their hand can erupt will be a great help to the soldiers and disasters!

  So, they planned the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation!

  The entire sword spirit family was hit harder than ever before. UU reading and the soldiers calamity family also collected a large amount of sword grievances and evil spirits in the process, thus creating several terrifying evildoers!

  They are called the Sword of Disaster!

   will awaken in this era and bring complete destruction to the sword spirit clan!

The    army disaster clan will also collect the resentment and evil spirits of the sword again in this process, and grow again!

  The madman of Chu couldn't help but sneered when he learned about it, "Well, co-authoring is to treat the sword spirit clan as leeks, and cut one after another."

  The sword spirit family is still useful to him.

  He wouldn't care about it, and he would also be interested for a while.

  Heaven Sword vs. Fierce Sword?

  Perhaps, this will be an interesting thing.

   "Assessment begins, here, no murder is allowed!"

  At this time, an indifferent voice sounded, and a man dressed in gold armor slowly walked out of the Tianyuan Temple, and he showed an emperor's air.

  This is a strong man of the emperor clan!

  (End of this chapter)

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