Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: :The **** king quarrels, asks the heart, the **** king feels ashamed

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"Bold Heavenly Sword! How dare you kill the chief examiner of the temple!"

A cold snort sounded.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely magnificent aura swept out from the temple, and then, an imperial aura swept out, the target was the Madman Chu!

Imperial spirit, and Taoism...

There is no doubt that this is a **** king of the emperor family!

Facing the **** king, with the current strength of the madman of Chu, he could not resist it at all unless he used the Chaos Supreme Treasure like Chaos Qinglian.

But Chaos Qinglian was born in the Pangu Universe as the most precious treasure, and it must not be easily exposed!

And he didn't mean to use Qinglian.

In the face of the roaring imperial spirit, he stood in place, standing with his hands holding hands, extremely indifferent.

The next moment.

In the temple, there is another extremely powerful aura pouring out, this is a domineering!


Domineering and imperial spirits converge and impact, while Dao is intertwined and collides.

A starry sky collapsed in an instant.

It's just that all of this didn't have much impact on Madman Chu. Obviously, he had long known that someone would take action to deal with the divine king of the emperor clan.

If you think about it carefully, too.

This is the Tianyuan Temple, and not the Emperor's Palace. Naturally, the emperor family cannot be the only one.

"Di Hong, this is the Tianyuan Temple, who allowed you to kill and test Tianjiao without authorization?"

An old man's voice sounded.

Although the voice was old, it contained and overbearing.

"Bawang Liu, this Heavenly Sword killed the examiner and blatantly provokes my temple. Shouldn't it be killed?"

Nadi Hong said, killing intently.

"Hmph, it's obviously that the examiner of your emperor clan has selfish intentions. For the Heavenly Sword, who is he to blame for his death?"

"Even if he is a little selfish, he can't be guilty of death. The Heavenly Sword is not right to kill people!"

"Oh, then you can just kill someone from your emperor's clan. It's wrong for someone else to kill you? Put your mother's shit!"

The two were arguing loudly, and no one could convince anyone.

And the power escaping from the two quarrels made everyone present feel a nearly suffocating pressure.

As expected to be the King of Gods.

"Even the breath that escapes during a quarrel is so terrifying."

Ling Fei said with surprise.

There are only a handful of enchanting Tianjiao who can rest in this breath.

"All right."

At this time, another indifferent voice came from the temple.

As soon as this voice came out, the coercion escaping from the quarrel between the two gods gradually dissipated.

Everyone was surprised.

who is it? Can he understate the anger when the two gods quarreled?

"In this matter, the chief examiner is wrong, and Heavenly Sword has no fault."

The indifferent voice continued.

It sounded like the voice of a middle-aged man, who didn't speak hurriedly, giving people a sense of spring breeze.

In a daze, the image of an elegant scribe appeared in front of everyone.

"God Sagong, if he doesn't deal with it, he might damage the face of the Tianyuan Temple."

Nadi Hong said reluctantly.

"What do you want?"

"Refused the Heavenly Sword to enter the temple!" Di Hong said lightly.

"Fart, we all said, if there are many talents of all races, and even such an excellent person as Tianjian can't enter the temple? What qualifications do other people have? Is it your emperor Qianqiu? People are defeated by Tianjian, and It’s better to cheat less and get beaten up."

"You just fart!"

Di Hong was so shocked that he exploded.

Everyone felt a little palpitating and trembling, wouldn't the two **** kings rise from each other to pinch each other?

If there is a fight, will they have time to hide now?

"Well, they are all the gods of the temple, how are you in style!"

The King Sagong said indifferently and stopped the two of them.

He continued: "Well, let me set up a questioning path. If the Heavenly Sword can walk through the questioning path, he can enter the temple, how about it?"

"God Sagong, this is not great."

Bawang Liu has an opinion, "This Heavenly Sword is correct."

"God Sagong, just asking for his thoughts is not enough, I think we should add the Void God Slaying Array!"

"Void God Slaying Formation? The sixth-ranking killing formation of Tianyuan Ten Formation, you are testing the God King, Di Hong, your shamelessness refreshed my understanding of you."


Seeing the signs that the two rival **** kings were about to quarrel again, the **** king Sikong directly spoke out and stopped the two of them, "Just one way to ask, don't have any more opinions!"

The two **** kings were also silent.

And Madman Chu stood in the starry sky, listening to the voice from the temple, it seemed that scenes of several **** kings arguing appeared in his mind, which was quite interesting.

"A few of us are arguing about your problem here, and you have become a theater."

God King Sikong said lightly, with a slight dissatisfaction in his tone.

"If you can't enter the temple, Tian doesn't care. It's the way you ask your heart, which arouses Tian's interest."

"Then get on the road!"

King Sagong said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the gate of the Tianyuan Temple, a ladder like a pile of white jade spread out, and countless runes were engraved in it, which was mysterious and extraordinary.

"Oh, is this the way to ask?"

"Ask your heart, a clear conscience, before you can go on the road. This is a road that tests your mind. This road will reflect the past in your heart. If you have a little guilt, you will not be able to pass.

This sounds very simple.

But in reality, there are many difficulties.

For hundreds of years, mortals dare not say that they have a clear conscience in this life.

But how long can a monk have lived for not knowing how long he has done, how dare he say that everything is worthy of his heart?

"Sikong God King's questioning road, since the day it was formed, there are not many people who can be completed, and this Heavenly Sword will definitely not be able to go through."

Di Hong said lightly.

"That's not necessarily true. I dare to claim to be the heavens, his state of mind can be seen."

Liu Bawang retorted.

"Ask your mind and test your state of mind? It's really boring."

Madman Chu shook, and then he stepped forward.

In an instant, countless illusions rushed toward his face, affecting his state of mind.

But his heart is like a rock, unshakable.

Madman Chu didn't know how many years he had not experienced the test of Dao Xin.

He step by step, not hurriedly or slowly.

From the time he embarked on the road to ask the heart, his expression remained unchanged. After most of his walk, he remained the same as usual, even his feet were steady, without slowing down or getting faster.

This caused Di Hong's face to change slightly.

This kind of mind is astounding!

After a while, the whole questioning route was over.

Madman Chu came to the gate of Tianyuan Temple and said indifferently: "The way to ask the heart is to ask the ordinary heart, but the will of heaven is unpredictable, and the heart of the sky is difficult to understand. Is it just to ask casually?"

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I saw the white jade stairs click, and there was a crack.

Click, click...

The crack gradually expands

In the end, it turned into countless star points and dissipated in the starry sky.

Divine King Sikong was silent for a while, then sighed quietly, "I'm not as good as the Taoist Heart of the Heavenly Sword!"

As soon as this statement was made, the crowd fell silent.

Everyone wondered if they had heard it wrong.

The dignified **** king is actually ashamed? !

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