Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : One of 9 Kings, beheading Gu Qingshan, the act of the Sword God King

According to rumors, in this era, the nine kings will return to their throne, and there will be a king's mark on the nine kings to show their identity!

The rune in Gu Qingshan's eyes is the mark of the king!

"Interesting, I didn't expect to meet one of the nine kings here."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

And Gu Qingshan, who urged the mark of the king, increased his momentum, and the horrible sword intent swept the world!


Without saying a word, Gu Qingshan once again killed the Madman Chu.

When he raised his hand and grabbed it in the void, a sword fell into his hand, and it came to Madman Chu like lightning. It cut out with a sword, and the biting sword aura was like a hurricane!

Madman Chu doesn't retreat, he can't avoid his long sword!

With a clang, sword energy burst out!

Madman Chu easily blocked Gu Qingshan's attack, and said lightly: "Use your best to let the sky see you, what can you do?"


Gu Qingshan let out a cold snort and waved the long sword in his hand, bringing all kinds of swordsmanship at his fingertips.

He has a deep understanding of the swordsmanship. Among the young generation, no one can compare except the Madman Chu, even Luo Xue is slightly inferior.

With the blessing of the King's Seal, his current cultivation base has skyrocketed to the point of Dzogchen.

One move and one style, all have supreme power!

Swords and swords are intertwined and collided, and the momentum is huge, and everyone is dazzled.

"What a powerful swordsmanship!"

"This is not a sword technique. Many sword techniques in my sword spirit clan have been used to the fullest in his hands!"

Some people marveled at Gu Qingshan's swordsmanship.

But on the Peak of Shenjian, the Sword God King looked at Madman Chu, but he was even more shocked, "What a heavenly sword!"

Everyone also saw the clue.


Gu Qingshan's swordsmanship attacks were huge, but varied and dazzling, but his attacks were completely dismantled by Madman Chu.

The opponent's hand is innocent, without any exquisite swordsmanship.

It's just the most basic sword styles of stabbing, slashing, smashing, drawing, etc., but it is these most basic sword moves that disintegrate Gu Qingshan's countless exquisite sword moves!

"What is the point of his kendo cultivation?"

The sword spirit patriarch couldn't help but exclaimed.

The King of Sword God only slowly said, "There are no moves, no styles, and even endless moves, endless styles!"

This kind of kendo cultivation is not necessarily comparable to him.

Clang, clang...

The sound of gold and iron strikes constantly resounded throughout the world.

Gu Qingshan almost tried his best, his sword moves were unpredictable, fast or slow, or thunderous, or insidious...

I don’t know how many swords I have replaced, either heavy swords or soft swords...

But no matter what tricks he used, what sword he used, he was easily blocked by the Madman Chu, and he couldn't hurt half of his hair at all!

On the contrary, he cut out with a single sword, but Gu Qingshan was shocked!

"Swordsmanship, cultivation base, you are not as good as the sky, what do you use to win the sky?"

The sword in Madman Chu's hand deflected, and the biting sword intent poured out, pushing the opponent back!

And Gu Qingshan let out a long roar, and the rune in his eyes became brighter.

The eyes seemed to release infinite celestial splendor!

I saw him with a long roar, and his sword aura rose to the sky, and this time, his sword aura was actually filled with a faint blood light!

"The extreme of the sky sword, blood stains the sky!"

Gu Qingshan let out a long roar, his power mobilized to the extreme, and even burned the essence of life, releasing the strongest sword!

Seeing this, Madman Chu raised his hand and waved innocently.

"One sword is invincible!!"

Cut out with one sword, the sword of invincibility shines in all directions, and the bright light of the sword obscures the sky!

Two sword shadows collided in the air.

In the next instant, I saw Gu Qingshan flying upside down like a piece of rags, falling to the ground, blood dripping, covered with sword marks.

He was defeated! !

He was lying on the ground with a confused and unbelievable face.

Isn't he a heavenly sword?

Aren't you the Nine Kings?

Why do you still lose? And still lost in the kendo that he is most proud of! !

Where is this wrong?

Da da da……

With the sound of footsteps, Madman Chu slowly walked towards him.

The calm and indifferent gaze made him shiver involuntarily.

He noticed that the other party's killing intent!

In the distance, the faces of the Sword God King and others also changed slightly.

The moment Madman Chu raised his hand.

"not good!!"

The sword spirit patriarch and the others just wanted to stop them, but they were not restrained by an invisible force.

Yes, the King of Sword God! !

what happened?

The head of the sword spirit and the others were puzzled. Why did the Sword God King stop himself and others from saving Gu Qingshan?

That's the evildoer of the sword spirit clan!

Moreover, it is still very rare, and the Heavenly Sword that can fight the madman of Chu, let alone one of the nine kings!

Sla said.

A sword light flashed by.

Gu Qingshan's vision was gradually flooded with sword light, and then he completely lost consciousness.

And everyone just saw Madman Chu waved Wudao, and Gu Qingshan's head was thrown high and fell to the ground!

Gu Qingshan, fall!

Since then, there is only one Heavenly Sword in the world, Madman Chu!

In the distance, on the Peak of God Sword, the Sword Spirit Patriarch regretted it, that was one of the Nine Kings!

It is the nine kings of the sword spirit clan!

Just die in front of them, if the other party does not die, he will definitely be the mainstay of the sword spirit clan in the future!

"Sword God King, why?!"

The Sword Spirit Patriarch looked at the Sword God King in a puzzled manner. He wanted to rescue him just now, but was stopped by the Sword God King.

"Can't save."

The King of Sword God said lightly: "Because of this, you and the Heavenly Sword have already had a rift, and Gu Qingshan wants to kill the Heavenly Sword, and he fights back. As expected, if you save him again, it will be against the sky. The sword tore my face completely, it would be harmful to my sword spirit clan!"

He saw it clearly.

There can only be one Heavenly Sword in the sword spirit clan!

And Gu Qingshan just played all the killers. With the character of the Chu madman, he would definitely kill the opponent, and no one could stop it!

To stop him is to force him to break with the sword spirit clan!

One is Gu Qingshan, and the other is the Heavenly Sword whose strength is far above Gu Qingshan. How to choose it is very easy.

In other words, that is the talent of the Madman Chu is far above Gu Qingshan!

The sword spirit family thought about it carefully, and understood it, but still extremely deplored, "After all, that is one of the nine kings!"

"It's okay, the sword spirit clan will give birth to a better nine kings!"

The Sword God King said confidently.

He looked at Madman Chu's back and looked forward more and more, "The posture of the heavenly sword, plus the mark of the king, this person's future achievements will be far above me!"

Madman Chu also noticed some abnormalities on the Shenjian Peak.

"Oh, don't stop me from killing people, Sword God King, you are a good fortune teller."

Madman Chu’s evaluation of the Sword God King has improved a little No wonder the sword spirit clan who can sustain the aftermath of the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation does not fall from the position of the royal family with one person's power, their eyesight, and the overall situation are not. The sword spirit patriarch can compare.

Not only that, Madman Chu is now more than just a heavenly sword.

It is even more overlord.

If used properly, he will be the bond between the sword spirit family and the overlord family!

Believe this, the other party has also considered it.

at this time.

From Gu Qingshan's corpse, a white light floated up.

In that light, there is a very mysterious rune.

It is the mark of the king!

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