Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The power of the emperor slashed the fourth sequence, Qinglian changed

Dacheng overlord body, Dacheng emperor body!

The two physiques merged into one. This kind of situation, unprecedented in the past, the appearance of the Mad Chu, made the monks of the two races feel incredible!

"Anomaly, anomaly!"

"Emperor and hegemon are one, how terrible this person's future achievements are, I can't imagine."

"too strong."

Everyone talked a lot, and they were all shocked to the point.

What was even more shocking was that Emperor Bai, who faced the madman of Chu, could even feel the terrifying power.

"Damn it, even if it is one of the emperor and hegemony, I am one of the nine kings, the destined darling of this era, you must give me defeat!!"

The emperor gave a long roar, and the light in his eyes flashed, and the emperor's double pupil urged again.

One shot is the second calamity, heaven and earth robbery! !

This move, coupled with the blessing of the King's Mark, is even more frightening than before.

But Madman Chu raised his hand and blasted out a punch, the imperial aura and the domineering entangled together, forming a torrent that slammed on the divine light fiercely.

Peiran's divine light, the imperial spirit of life and death was disintegrated!

Emperor Baishi was blasted out hundreds of feet, his face pale as paper.


When Emperor Bai wanted to make another move, he saw that Madman Chu on the Heavenly Battle Peak had disappeared.

"Where have people gone?"

Emperor Baishi's face changed slightly.

"Behind you."

A calm voice came from behind. When he turned around, a huge force suddenly came, and the whole person was flying backwards uncontrollably.

In the eyes of others, Emperor Bai was kicked onto the Heavenly Zhan Peak by the madman of Chu.

The entire Tianzhan Peak was shaken out of a huge pit, and the Emperor Bai was lying in the pit.

"Heavenly Tribulation!!"

Emperor Baishi got up and broke out the third calamity, which was also the strongest move after integrating the mark of the king.

"Oh, then please try this trick."

Madman Chu slowly raised his hand, the imperial spirit and domineering entangled in his hand, turning into a spear of purple, red, gold and three colors!

There are countless ancient runes permeating it, and more mysterious Taoism echoes.

"This is the Overlord's Spear?"

Liu Bawang's eyes condensed, "No, this is the Overlord's Spear that is formed by integrating the imperial aura of the Dacheng Emperor's body!!"

This is the Spear of the Emperor! !

Whoosh! !

The spear of the emperor burst out of the sky, engulfing a supreme mighty power that tears everything apart!

In just an instant, the robbery of the heavens was torn apart by the spear!

But Emperor Bai was unable to dodge this spear at all, his chest was directly pierced, and his whole person was nailed to the ground, and this was not over!

The terrifying power of the emperor was constantly vented from the spear.

The terrifying power caused the entire strengthened Tianzhan Peak to burst continuously. This Tianzhan Peak, which was claimed to be unbreakable under the God King, directly shattered and disintegrated in the air!

Tianzhan Peak, once again broken! !

Emperor Bai was pierced by a spear, nailed to a fragment of the Tianzhan Peak mountain, floating in the air.

At this moment, a figure flew out from the starry sky of Dao Ze.

It's Di Hong!

It is impossible for him to watch the emperor's double pupil of the emperor clan, the fourth sequence of the temple just died.

"You can't save him!"

Madman Chu said lightly, his five fingers squeezed slightly in the void.

The energy in the emperor tyrant’s spear was triggered and exploded on the spot, exploding the emperor’s body into a cloud of blood!

The fourth sequence of the temple, fallen! !

Di Hong blocked the vented energy, his face was hard to see the extreme.

He stared at the Heaven Sword, "Heaven Sword, you have cut another temple sequence. You act so arrogantly and domineeringly, aren't you afraid of attracting public anger?!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Everyone is angry? God, isn't it already your thorny eye?"


The God King Emperor Hong wanted to kill the Madman Chu here, but there was God King Sagong and King Liu Ba, which was impossible to do.

Moreover, Madman Chu also possessed a great imperial body.

This makes him very concerned.

"The fourth sequence is dead, it depends on who is the next person to chase the sky."

The madman of Chu flicked his sleeves, his eyes swept across the void, stunned, and looked down upon the world.

In the void, immortals and knowledge converge.

But no one stood up.

Obviously, Madman Chu demonstrated strength this time far more than any previous one, making everyone present dare not act rashly.

"Oh, God, good at waiting."

"But I hope you, don't let the sky wait too long."

Madman Chu stood with his hand held up, the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, and then he stepped away in the air.

The white dress is as white as snow when it comes, and it is still immaculate when it goes, its style is peerless, and it makes people's mind swaying.

At this moment, they seemed to have a glimpse of the real heaven!

Unattainable, no way to surpass!

"I didn't expect that Heavenly Sword actually had two physiques. It was incredible."


"The fourth sequence, in the face of the power of the emperor of the sky sword, is completely vulnerable to a blow."

After the fierce battle, all that was left to everyone was infinite reverie.

And Emperor Qianqiu stood on the spot, looking at the back of Madman Chu leaving, and took a deep breath. It was because of his supreme divine king's Taoism that he could not help but feel a little turbulent.

Does this kind of existence really have any hope to surpass?

"Hey, wait, that's..."

Suddenly, Emperor Qianqiu noticed something.

I saw Di Hong in the distance put away two things in the battlefield, a pair of eye pupils, and a...the mark of the king!

That is what the Emperor Baishi left behind after his death.

Madman Chu didn't take it away, because he knew that Di Hong would definitely stop him.

In his situation, some hole cards are not suitable for exposure now.

Forcibly confronting a **** king is not wise.

In addition, the two things, the Emperor's double pupil and the mark of the king, were of little use to him.

Heavy pupil?

Is there a strong imperial hegemony?

The mark of the king?

He didn't merge, and he also had one in his hand.

But Di Qianqiu was different. After seeing these two things, his mind suddenly became active.

"I have a Dacheng emperor body. If I can refine this emperor's double pupil and add the mark of the king to become the Nine Kings, it may not be comparable to the Heavenly Sword!"

Di Qianqiu was full of expectation in his heart.

He was not reconciled to be under the madman of Chu all the time.

As long as there is a chance, he will seize it!


Inside Tianjian Peak.

After the battle with Emperor Baishi, he also understood the power of this Emperor Hegemony.

not bad.

Although not as good as one's own original body, in this Tianyuan Universe, there are few physical strengths that can be compared.

"The remaining thing is to figure out who the other sequences are, and there are a few nine kings."

Temple sequence, Nine Kings, if nothing else, these will be the mainstays of the Tianyuan Universe in the future, and they are even expected to impact the existence of The so-called hero of that, my enemy.

These people are the pillars of the Tianyuan Universe's future, but they are also the enemies of the Pangu Universe.

Seize the opportunity to kill a few or a few.

"But it's not in a hurry now, just look at these people, who can't help but jump out first."

A few months later.

The chaotic green lotus in Madman Chu's body seemed to move.

His eyes lit up, "The time has come!"

His figure flashed, disappeared in place, left the Tianyuan Temple, and found an unmanned ancient star in the Tianyuan universe to fall.

At the same time, he spent several months setting up countless prohibitions near the ancient star.

After everything was ready, he released Chaos Qinglian.

(End of this chapter)


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