Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 179: : 2/3 Sword Qi Slash Supreme, Sword Tower is open

   Kunwu sword trembled lightly, revealing half of its blade.

   Immediately, an extremely terrifying sword rhyme permeated, and a clear sword light shot out from the sword body.

   Jianguang locked Murong Feiyu on, making it difficult for him to dodge.

"not good!"

  In an instant, Murong Feiyu made a judgment, the long sword in his hand was unsheathed, the rhyme of Tao was filled, and the sword was cut out, and the billowing heat surged out!

   But Jianguang tore through the fire wave, fell on his body, tore his spiritual shield, and blasted him out dozens of meters.

   "How is this possible!!" Murong Feiyu vomited blood, lying on the ground pale, eyes full of horror.

   Lan Yu glanced at him, then shook his head, "This is only one-third of the sword energy of the son, but then you can't take it anymore. Why challenge the son? Leave."

   Lan Yu finished speaking, and turned and left with Kun Wu, who had already returned.

   "This is the Murong Family's Sword Master? But that's it."

   "It's too miserable, come to challenge them, but they can't even hold the sword aura. This Madman Chu is really terrifying."

   "Could it be that Murong Feiyu is too weak?"

"Also a possibility."

   Listening to the whispers around, Murong Feiyu's face became more and more ugly. Even Chu Madman was easily defeated without seeing his face. The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, and the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he became.

   "You stand still and keep the sword!"

   Murong Feiyu yelled, he actually flew away, the whole body of the sword was filled with rhyme, forming a raging fire wave towards Lan Yu.

   At this time, Lan Yu was facing away from him.

   When everyone saw this, they couldn't help cursing shamelessly.

   "I want to grab the sword if I can't beat it, it's too shameless."

   "Sneak attack from behind, is this Murong's style?"

   Some people also closed their eyes, and couldn't bear to watch such a beautiful lady like Lan Yu disappear like this.

   At this time, Kunwu trembles in Lan Yu's arms, and he unsheaths again with a clang, an unparalleled sword light suddenly cut out.

   Sword Qi engulfed an extinct sword rhyme and directly tore the fire wave.

   A cloud of blood exploded in the air!

   I saw that Murong Feiyu was cut in half by Jian Guang.

With a buzzing sound, the Kunwu Sword returned to its sheath again, the rhyme of the sky of sharp swords disappeared, and everything returned to peace.

   If it wasn't for Dina Murong Feiyu's corpse, everyone wondered if they had hallucinations.

   "This is the remaining two-thirds of the sword energy. The sneak attack from behind is disgusting, and you are more than dead."

   Lan Yu finished speaking, and left without turning back, holding the sword head.

   Everyone who originally planned to watch a good show was stunned on the spot, and couldn't help taking a breath of air, shocked.

   I used a sword gas twice.

   One-third defeat the Supreme, two-thirds cut the Supreme!

   Damn, what is this operation?

   is too scary!

   "People didn't show up, and just a sword aura had such terrifying power, to what extent did Madman Chu's strength reach?"

   "It's too strong, it's not a joke that the sword is the first."

   "Niu Bian Niu Bian."

   "Among the arrogant talents who came to Zangjian Gorge this time, it is estimated that the madman of Chu is ranked first in strength, terrible."

"I think so too."

   Jian Xiu who was observing secretly was very surprised.

   Unexpectedly, there was a supreme dignified, who didn't even see Madman Chu's face, so he was easily killed by the opponent's sword energy.

   Such strength is too shocking.

   Inside a room, the atmosphere was a bit solemn, and a series of fine sword qi flew in the room, destroying everything around it, wine glasses, tables, etc. were all spared, and the walls were also cut with sword marks.

   And these sword auras all originated from a young man in the room.

   This young man is wearing a black robe, his black hair reaches his waist, and his eyebrows are narrow and mean, his face is full of haze at the moment.

   "What a madman of Chu! Even my people dare to kill!"

   This person is Murong Feiyu's follower.

   Murong Yu, the young emperor of Murong's family!

   "Young Emperor, do you want to deal with this person now?" Behind Murong Yu, a gray-robed old man said with a cold expression.

   That Murong Feiyu followed Murong Yu with him. The two had a good friendship. Now that he was killed, he also resented the Madman Chu.

   "The Sword Tower will be opened soon. I have to recharge my energy and prepare to attack the Sword Tower. The revenge can only be slowed down."

   Murong Yu gritted his teeth and said.

   The sword building is very important. The sage in the family once said that there is a great opportunity hidden in the last floor of the sword building.

   Compared with that opportunity, revenge seems trivial.

   "Damn, I wanted Feiyu to test the strength of this Madman Chu, but I didn't expect it to be such a result."

   "This Madman of Chu is really a rival!"

   Although Murong Yu hates him, he still has to admit the strength of Madman Chu. If he is right, he may not be able to beat the opponent.

   "By the way, Shao Di, there is another news."


   "Someone saw Young Master Murong following by the Madman Chu, and his identity at this time is the Taoist Xuantianzong."

   Hearing this, Murong Yu's eyes were surprised, and then he sneered: "It's really an unexpected gain. I didn't expect that the **** had not heard from him for so many years. It turned out that he had gone to Xuan Tianzong."

   "This trip to the sword tower is getting more and more.



   There are more and more forces in the Hidden Sword Gorge.

   One mountain, one sect, and two sword repairmen came one after another. In addition to these four most famous kendo forces, some other top forces also sent their representatives.

   These sword repairers gathered together, and although there were occasional conflicts, there was not much fighting.

   Everyone is waiting, when the sword tower opens.

   And Madman Chu was also leisurely these days, after he killed Murong Feiyu automatically, no one would challenge him anymore.

   Although there are occasional controversial remarks about him, the number one in the hundred swordsman spectrum, but they are harmless and can't affect him.

   Boom! !

   Just today, a sword aura suddenly hit the sky.

   For a time, the entire Tibetan Sword Gorge shook, and the Dao Yun in the countless sword marks trembles, as if to gush out from the sword marks.

  All Jian Xiu felt in his heart and looked in the direction of Jianlou, it was opened! "

   One by one the monks swept towards the sword tower.

   And the vast majority of Jian Xiu was pushed out by an invisible force field when they were near the sword tower, unable to enter.

"what happened?"

   "Why can't I get in."

   Many people's faces changed, and they were surprised.

   Some supreme people do not believe in evil, and want to break through this force field forcibly, but they are blown away by an invisible force.

   "Oh, this is a restriction laid down by a few saints, and even a mere supreme wants to break through?" Someone couldn't help laughing.

   "Is it a saint?!"

   "Yes, this is the saint behind a mountain and a family, preventing us from entering the sword building. Every time the sword building is opened, there are only 30 places that can enter. How can some small fish and shrimp get their fingers?

   Jian Xiu who knew the inside story sneered.

   "This is too domineering, why can they occupy the sword tower and not allow us to enter?" Some Jian Xiu said dissatisfied.

   "Why? People are saints!"

   When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being silent.

   This world is like this, weak is the original sin.

   Only with a big fist can you make sense. Most mortals are like that, let alone monks who admire strength.

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