Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Protecting the country, madman Chu, you bastard

Latest URL: "It's him, he's back!"

Taiyunzi, Yue Wufang and several people looked at the white figure on the statue, and their eyes showed unspeakable horror.

They are too familiar with this figure.

Back then, this person led the human race against the divine power, and they admired his demeanor when he fought **** battles outside the territory.

But at that time, they were nothing more than trivial people in the eyes of the other party.

"How is this possible, you have already fallen, how come back, how is it possible!"

Taiyunzi's face was incredulous.

But the moon is nowhere, and the Daoist and others are also dignified.

"Is he the king of the human race?"

Daoist Green Carp said with jealousy that he had come to the Sky Star from outside the region in recent years and had not seen Madman Chu, but he knew much about the other party's rumors.

Especially the power that seemed to freeze time and space just now made him feel incredible.

Is that really the power that people can display?

"It seems that the news of my fall has led to a lot of ghosts and monsters."

Madman Chu disappeared again.

In the next instant, he appeared on the iron sword that was inserted into the ground, which was considered by everyone as a failed forging soldier.

It's just that when Madman Chu arrived, this rusty iron sword hummed spontaneously, as if excited and leaping for joy!

This kind of vision makes everyone feel incredible.

"what happened?"

"What did he do? Isn't that a rust sword?"

Madman Chu glanced at the iron sword and held it. In an instant, the endless pressure of the sword spread, and on the rust sword, celestial glory bloomed.

In Xianhui, the rust gradually cracked.

A white body of the sword appeared, and countless mysterious characters were engraved in it.

After seeing this sword, Taoist Green Carp felt a kind of palpitations.

In particular, Yue Wufang, who is known as the first person in the sky star kendo, shrank his pupils, and Jian Xin trembled involuntarily.

"The Guardian Warrior... It's done!"

Gu Linglong murmured.

It turned out that the guardian **** weapon did not fail in refining, but the artifact self-destructed, and only truly capable people can exert the power of this sword!

"It just so happens that I don't have any weapons to take advantage of, this sword, not bad!"

Madman Chu held the guardian **** soldier in his hand and flicked his sword on his body.

The crisp sword roar echoed.

Wherever the sound of sword chants went, the monks who came to the imperial palace, regardless of their cultivation level, turned into a cloud of blood and exploded!

The power that was too strong to resist caused the hearts of Tai Yunzi and others to twitch fiercely, as if being grabbed by an invisible big hand, almost suffocating!

"This power..."

Tai Yunzi had guessed what the strength of Madman Chu had reached.

But with a single sword chant, he killed so many people in seconds, which still surpassed his imagination.

That king is ten times stronger than before, a hundred times stronger!

Even more!

They still have nothing but looking up.

Madman Chu held the guardian **** soldier in his hand and smiled with satisfaction, "From now on, your name will be called...Dingtian!"

One sword can set Jianghe Sheji and set the universe!

The sword body trembled slightly, as if responding.

Immediately afterwards, on the sword body, the word Dingtian appeared spontaneously!

Madman Chu was more satisfied.

The Wudao Sword is in Tianyuan Universe, and Kunwu, in order to prevent getting lost in the unknown void, is also there.

So Kuangren Chu didn't have any sword weapons to take advantage of. The Scarlet Blood Sword was good, but after all, it was just a big compass, and it was a bit low for him now.

And this Dingtian is very peculiar.

Used countless rare gods of iron and immortal gold, and even faintly connected with the fortune of the sky empire, its growth potential is extremely high.

In the future, it is almost a certainty that it will become a combiner.


After seeing Madman Chu show up, Tai Yunzi and the others did not have the slightest love to fight, and turned around to leave.

Although I don't want to admit it, the other party impressed them too deeply and is almost invincible.

Who do they think they are facing now?

This is the greatest king in the history of the sky empire!

"Want to go, did you ask me for my consent?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He casually waved the Dingtian Sword in his hand, and a cold sword intent spread out in an arc.

Wherever he went, the void stagnated.

A group of true immortals and even golden immortals found that the immortals in their bodies were actually stagnated and unable to use them, and they fell from mid-air one after another.

Some fairies panicked and scratched in the air.

Bang bang bang...

On the ground, blood mist exploded.

The dignified fairy fell to death!

It is estimated that few people believe it.

Only Taiyunzi, Yue Wufang and a few cultivators with fairly powerful physical bodies are still alive, but they are also half dead.

Seeing Madman Chu, they trembled all over.

It froze all things at will, and even made their immortal yuan out of control.

In front of each other, they are like clay figures one by one, and they can only let each other hold their hands!

"Wang, Wang, let me go."

"I was wrong, we don't dare anymore, all of this is the master of Tiandaozong behind."

Yue Wufang crawled to the heels of Madman Chu, no longer the dignity of the first sword repair in the sky.

But Madman Chu didn't even look at him, and he slashed with his sword.

The moon has no direction, and the body and soul are turned into ashes.

Then, he looked at the other people, and just when he was about to do it, Gu Linglong walked up, "Wait."

"What's wrong?"

"I want to know how many chess pieces they have placed in the imperial capital."

Gu Linglong gave Chu Madman a white look, "Originally, I wanted to delay for a while, and wait for all the chess pieces they placed in the imperial capital to show up. But I didn't expect you to come back. This time, it is estimated that those people will not be easy. Showed up."

When Madman Chu came back, although her tone was restrained, she still trembled.

Obviously, her mood is not as calm as she appears.

"Want to know how many chess pieces have been placed, this is simple."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he raised his hand to grab Taiyunzi's head, and directly urged the Soul Search Dafa.

A lot of information flooded out.

Madman Chu sorted out the information and turned it into a jade slip, "It's done."

Taiyunzi had already turned into dementia with dull eyes and drooling due to his domineering soul-searching method.

Gu Linglong took the jade slip, looked at it, and then handed it to the Nangong warlord next to her, "Warlord Nangong, the next thing is up to you."

"Okay. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

Nangong nodded slightly.

He looked at Madman Chu with excitement in his heart. He had countless things to say, but he decided to solve the hidden dangers of the empire first.

"As for your husband, follow me."

Gu Linglong took Chu Madman back to the imperial palace and dismissed all civil and military ministers and court ladies.

"Linglong, you are..."

Madman Chu still wanted to say something, when Convenience had already plunged into his arms, Nephrite was in his arms, and he subconsciously hugged the person in his arms.

"Madman bastard!"

Gu Linglong's slightly crying voice sounded.

At this moment, she was no longer the high-ranking empress, but a fragile woman who needed the comfort of her lover.

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