Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : I don’t want to believe, I can prove that there will be no more heavenly Taoism in t

The latest website: the starry sky, a dead silence!

Even the extremely confident veterans of Madman Chu, Murongxuan and others couldn't help being shocked when they saw Madman Chu's sword.

Kill a million soldiers with one sword!

Cut the starry sky of tens of millions of miles to nothingness!

You know, among these millions of soldiers, there is no shortage of golden immortals, but these golden immortals are still vulnerable under the sword of Madman Chu.

You know, there are a lot of stars in the void of tens of millions of miles.

But it still turned into nothingness, as if it had never happened before.

With this sword, Murongxuan and others couldn't think of any words that could be described.

After the deathly silence, everyone burst into cheers.

"King! King!"

"Long live my king, long live my king!"

Madman Chu glanced at them, his figure flickered, and he came to Murong Xuan and looked at these familiar faces, his eyes could not help showing nostalgia.

Murong Xuan, Shang Qingxue...

These people were all disciples of Xuan Tianzong.

"I have seen the king."

Murongxuan and Shang Qingxue were half kneeling on the ground, respecting Chu Madman from the bottom of their hearts.

"No need to be polite, thanks to you for protecting the empire over the years."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.


"Next, I will go to the Heavenly Dao Sect. I still have trouble for you to sit here."

"Wang, you are going to Heavenly Dao Sect, do you want to bring more people?"

Murong Xuan said.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "No need, a small Heavenly Dao Sect, I am enough."

His figure flashed and disappeared in place.

"Wang, as always," Murong Xuan said with emotion.

"Yeah, as handsome as ever."

Shang Qingxue said drunkly beside her.

"Okay, the king has left, don't be idiots."

"My name is appreciation."


The old man who had followed Tian Daozi to fight before was desperate and used several treasures before reluctantly escaped back.

"Sect Master, the big thing is not good!"

The old man said in a panic.

"What makes you panic like this?"

"Could it be that some changes occurred in the battle of the sky empire?"

In the Heavenly Dao Sect, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the elders and controllers of the eight major factions of the Sun, Moon and Universe appeared one after another.

Sect Master Tiandao looked at the old man, his eyebrows frowned, and he was quite dissatisfied with the other party's such flustered attitude. After all, their Tiandao Sect was also a first-class force in the Pangu universe. In addition to those overlords and the restricted area, a few people could make them. fear?

An empire in the sky?


Even if something happens, it should be calm and self-assured. This kind of mind is unbearable.

It seems that the position of this elder should be given to others.

Sect Master Tiandao thought to himself.

"The army heading to the Sky Empire is annihilated! Tian Daozi, dead!"

With these two news, everyone couldn't help their faces sinking.

However, the old man's next sentence shocked their bodies on the spot, and their pupils shrank sharply.

"It was made by Madman Chu!"

As soon as the three characters of Madman Chu came out, a powerful momentum burst out, locking the old man.

"What a joke! Isn't he dead already?!"

"Yes, if he is immortal, why has there been no news for decades? Don't talk nonsense here!"

"Madman can't be him!"

Even the calm Heavenly Dao Sect Master's face changed drastically, and a hint of panic appeared vaguely.

It can be said that Tiandaozong and Chu Madman are old acquaintances.

After all, the eight Daozi of Tiandaozong who used to fight for the position of the realm, all died in the hands of the opponent.

Later, when they heard that Madman Chu had fallen, let alone how happy they were!

But now, the old man tells them that the other party is not dead? !

How dare they believe this!

In other words, I don’t want to believe it!

"I don't have a lie, I really am a madman of Chu, I can see clearly! I swear to heaven!"

The old man raised his hand and said.

"It's him, what he said is true, I can prove it!"

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, something was wrong, besides himself, did anyone survive?

Why is this voice so familiar?

The old man shook his whole body when he thought of something, then turned and looked behind him.

I saw the clouds surging in the sky, and the ancient star where Tiandaozong was shook frantically, as if feeling a great pressure!

In the clouds, a white figure slowly descended.

Xianhui is brilliant, surrounded by runes.

Holding a long sword in his hand, the pressure on his body is overwhelming, covering all directions, like a supreme fairy king!

It is Chu Madman!

"How did he find here!"

Doubts appeared in the old man's mind, and then he wanted to understand.

It's me!

He came with Madman Chu himself!

The reason why he survived was not because he escaped fast, but because Madman Chu needed to bring him to Heavenly Dao Sect by himself!


Madman Chu landed on his toes, his majestic sword energy swept across all directions, and the entire ancient star burst directly, almost splitting into two halves.

While everyone in Tiandaozong looked at each other, they only felt that the power of the heavenly way in their body was shaking involuntarily, as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

"Thanks for leading the way."

Madman Chu glanced at the old man and smiled faintly.

Then, he ignored the other party’s pig liver-like face, his eyes were torch, and he swept over everyone present, and smiled faintly, “Heavenly Dao Sect, this is the first time, but I believe this will be the last time. After all, after today, in the universe, There is no more Heavenly Dao Sect!"



"Chu Kuangren, you really value yourself too much, even you, wanting to destroy my long-standing Tiandao Sect is just a foolish dream!"

Everyone in Tiandaozong's complexion changed, and they were furious.

Among them, a man in a golden robe shot instantly. He was the master of the Kuntian line in the universe of the sun, the moon, and the universe.

A palm blasted out, and the power of Huanghuang Heavenly Dao turned into a huge palm and rolled out!

Madman Chu stood in place, his sword fingers condensed, and he stroked his hand casually.

With a sound of Sla's huge palm, it was easily cut open and disappeared.


The face of the man who shot changed.

You know, he is the great Luo Jinxian of the Heavenly Dao Sect. This trick, he didn't keep any hands, and it would be easily resolved!


At this time, Madman Chu disappeared in place.


The man's immortal knowledge surged, and he wanted to search for Madman Chu.

But the next moment, his neck was locked by a huge force, and the whole person was lifted in the air!

He was caught by Madman Chu without a reaction!

This strength is far above me!

"too weak."

Madman Chu looked at the man who was lifted in the air, UU reading shook his head and said.

In the past, Tiandaozong was a tricky opponent in his own eyes, after all, the opponent had a strong Da Luo.

But now it seems that it is nothing more than that.

The surging immortal yuan surging, his heart moved slightly, swallowing the gods to display!


I saw the power of heaven in the man's body, pouring out like a flood, and being sucked into the body by himself!

And the power of the sky and the heavens, also long-lost for joy.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "If you can use the power of your heavens to grow the sky, then you are not useless."

"Damn, what did he do?"

"This kind of weird technique, it's no wonder that the power of heaven in my body will be shaken by it. It turns out that it is because of this strange technique."

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