Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Fengshen list is open again, I am the chief of the academy

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Within the fairy world.

In a country.

Madman Chu and Gu Linglong were walking on the street.

The return of Madman Chu attracted the attention of many people, and everyone was wondering what action he would take next.

It's just that no one thought that now he was shopping with Gu Linglong.

As Gu Linglong who came to the fairy world for the first time, she was too curious about this place, but after playing for a few days, she discovered that the fairy world is actually no different from the empire, but the people here are stronger and more emphasis on the weak and the strong. That's all.

But because she was with Chu Kuangren, and was free to travel around the mountains and rivers with her loved ones, she felt happy wherever she went.

"Have you heard? Xianting's Conferred God List has appeared again."

"What? Conferred God List?"

"Yeah, I don't know who will be selected this time."

"Tsk tsk, I heard that Xianting's list of gods is extremely mysterious. Once you are selected, you can join Xianting and become the superior Xianting official."

In a restaurant, several monks talked.

One of the monks showed longing on his face.

But when the next golden fairy heard this, he sneered, "Stupid!"


The monk's face changed, and he just wanted to do it, but he couldn't help swallowing his saliva after he noticed the golden nature circulating on his opponent.


Can't afford to provoke.

"I don't know what this predecessor means. I'm on the list. Isn't it good to join Xian Ting? That's the only overlord in the fairy world."

The Jinxian sneered when he heard the words, "Only you will believe in the Conferred God List. You know, the true Conferred God List is just a cage!"

"What do you mean? I would like to hear the details."

Several monks glanced at each other, and then asked for advice.

"Those who are on the list can join Xianting and become Xianting officials. This is true, but from now on, the souls of the people on the list will always be constrained by the list of gods, and they will never be able to escape. To become a fairy official in the fairy court, in fact, to become a slave to the fairy court!"

"If you do it well, Xian Ting will reward you for a little bit of food. If it's done poorly, you will erase your name from the list with one stroke, and you will die."

"Are you still on this list of Conferred Gods?"

Jin Xian looked at a few cultivators whose faces were pale in fright, and said lightly.

After hearing his words, everyone shook their heads quickly.

After killing them, they didn't expect that there is such an inside story in this list of gods!

On the list, I couldn't help myself from life and death, and became a slave.

It is terrible.

"I thought it was a chance, but I didn't expect it to be like this. I won't be on the list if I was killed."

"Wrong, if you are targeted by the Conferred God List, then I persuade you to be on the list yourself." The Jin Xian said lightly.


If you are on the list, you will be a slave to Xian Ting, so why do you still need to be on the list?

"Because if you don't want to be on the list, Xian Ting will take coercive measures to kill you, then forcibly restrain your soul and put you on the list of gods!"

"What, this is too overbearing! This Xian Ting doesn't treat people as human beings too much."

"Humph, otherwise do you think Xianting can become the overlord of the fairy world? It's because they don't treat people as human beings!"

The Jinxian sighed, and there was a touch of sorrow in his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, everyone looked at each other.

"This senior, I don't know the name of Gao?"

"Pan Yunlong,"

"Pan Yunlong... this name is a bit familiar. I remember that some time ago, the Ji family released a list with your name on it. You are the one on the list!"

A monk looked at Pan Yunlong in surprise.

The Ji family is the executor of this time. They made a list not long ago, that is, the immortal official who is going to be on the list of gods this time.

Pan Yunlong is one of them.

Combined with what the other party said just now, everyone knew why the other party felt sad.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other with some pity.

not far away.

Madman Chu and Gu Linglong heard everything about the conversation between them, and their eyebrows frowned.

Gu Linglong is the queen of the sky star and has learned about the age of the gods of the sky star.

The gods of that era, in order to reap the power of faith and strengthen themselves, they raised the human race like cattle and sheep.

And what Xian Ting did, in her opinion, was not much different from those gods.

They all regard the human races as slaves and work their lives for them.

"Husband, it is true that the matter of conferring the gods?" Gu Linglong asked.


Madman Chu nodded slightly.

There was also a cold color in his eyes.

Last time, the two immortal courts made the human race no longer have an emperor, but now, the other party wants to do it again.

It seems that it's really time for him to come back.

"I surrendered to the list. It’s not bad. Do you know that some people don’t want to be on the list. They are already on the kill list. They plan to kill them, and then put their spirits into the list of gods. Most of them are people from a hundred academies."

Pan Yunlong continued.

The Hundred Colleges are the most holy place for the Human Race, to save the fire for the Human Race, and it is a place for the cultivation of human talents.

But now, Xian Ting has focused his goal on a hundred academies this time, and it is self-evident that they will once again defeat the human race.

Last time, they defeated the Emperor.

This time, they want to destroy the academy, and the family will be completely cut off, and there will be no way to give birth to a person who opposes them.

In the restaurant.

The crowd was silent.

Everyone had guessed the purpose of Xian Ting, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

"Damn it! Are you going to let Xian Ting go on doing things like this?"

"What can we do? How could we possibly be the opponent of the Ji family, besides, behind the Ji family are two immortal courts."

The Ji family was originally the top force in the human race, not to mention, it was backed by Xian Ting.

Their background is profound, the former emperor Xin was also defeated by the opponent, and there is no emperor in the immortal world ever since.

Not to mention them?

Besides, they do not have the leadership of the emperor, they are like scattered sand, unable to unite at all.

At this time, the jade slip on Pan Yunlong's waist was shocked.

His face changed slightly, "I just received the news that the Ji family's army has already marched towards the academy. It seems that they are going to carry out the matter of enshrining the gods."

Everyone's complexion changed.

"How many people were there? Who led the team?"

"Ji Wuming, the head of the Ji family, personally led the team, a total of one million troops, including the 36th road vanguard of the Ji family, the eighth war general, and three thousand emperor guards!"

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

"What a big battle!"

"The Patriarch is dispatched, the army of one million, UU reading, the 36th Route Pioneer, and the eight war generals, all of these eight people are in the realm of Luo!"

"The college...can't stop it."

at this time.

A figure in white clothes slowly stood up and walked towards the restaurant.

It is Chu Madman.

"Husband, are you going to the academy?" Gu Linglong asked.

"Heh, Linglong, I forgot to tell you. In fact, your husband is still from the academy...the chief!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

When some monks next to him heard the words, Zeng stood up directly, with a shocked expression on his face, "The chief of the academy!! You, you are... Madman Chu!"

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