Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : The famous grass has a master, are you really the chief? ! Counterattack the Ji Fam

In the hundreds of academies, with the fall of Ji Wuming, the lord of the Ji family, the morale of the Ji family's millions of soldiers has been lost!

Under the distraction of the Eight Great Wars, Lu Zi, Cao Yun and others seized the opportunity to directly kill one, and the remaining seven also began to flee in a panic.

"Haha, Ji's lackeys, aren't you trying to destroy my college?! Come on!"

Wang Shentian laughed, extremely excited.

Holding an overlord halberd, he single-handedly rushed into the army of millions, covered in blood, every halberd waved out, and a large number of soldiers fell!

Madman Chu stood in the same place, his expression was indifferent, he did not pursue the seven generals, nor killed the soldiers, he just looked into the distance with calm eyes.

Far away, on a mountain peak.

A young man was holding a big seal in his hand, his eyes were indifferent, and he was looking at the Madman Chu in the distance.

The big seal in his hand is the Kongtong seal.

It was the thing that was beaten by the madman of Chu before.

He looked at Madman Chu and murmured, "Is this the Madman who has been in the fairy world for decades? It is indeed a peerless style."

After speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared.

"The familiar breath belongs to Xianting." Madman Chu whispered.

Unfortunately, the omniscient little love is not there.

Otherwise, he would be able to directly analyze the young man's message.

But he didn't care. He could still roughly perceive the cultivation base he had dealt with, and it was not a big threat.

Looking at the Ji family warships that fled in a panic, Chu Madman's sword fingers condensed, and Da Luo Yi poured out, a most amazing sword, powerfully cut out!

The domineering power directly shattered the void of all directions, and the battleships turned into ashes!

With this sword, Wang Shentian couldn't help but swallowed.

He killed seven in and seven out in the army, but the results were far less than half of this sword.

"Tsk tusk, how amazing is the strength of the chief executive?"

Wang Shentian was amazed.

The Ji family's army fled in embarrassment, and the strength of the madman Chu was also understood by people from all sides through this battle.

For a time, countless people were silent for it.

"The strength of this monster is even more terrifying."

"Compared to the previous year, he is now at least ten times stronger. In the past few decades, where has he gone, how can he make such progress?"

Some evil spirits are desperate.

The familiar feeling, the familiar madman, the nightmare in their hearts, are back.

"I don't believe he is invincible!"

"Yes, our strength is stronger than it was decades ago. No matter how strong he is, he also has weaknesses."

"I don't believe he is really invincible."

Some people still dissatisfied.

Especially the evildoers who have just appeared in these years, they have not yet faced the madman of Chu, and they are even more arrogant.

As for these people, they just lacked a severe beating.


"Chief, welcome back!"

"Chief, it's great that you can come back."

"The son..."

Cao Yun, Wang Shentian and others stepped forward, looking at Chu Madman with excitement.

Although Fuyin is not a member of the academy, she is also a follower of the Mad Man of Chu, and she is also very happy.

But suddenly, next to Madman Chu, she saw a stunning woman in a gorgeous long dress with an extravagance between her eyebrows.

The other party stood very close to Madman Chu.

At that distance, only Lan Yu and Chu Hong were in Fuyin's impression.

The relationship between this woman and the son is definitely not simple!

Not only Fuyin, but the other female cultivators in the academy also keenly sensed the unusual atmosphere between Chu Kuangren and Gu Linglong.

"My son, this girl is..."

Fuyin looked at Gu Linglong and asked curiously.

"Linglong, my wife."

Madman Chu didn't hide it, and admitted it generously.

And at the moment when his words fell.

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Madman Chu, they couldn't believe it, the appearance was even more shocking than seeing Hun Yuan.

"Chief, you, you say it again, who is this girl??"

"My wife."

"Impossible, are you really the chief?" Wang Shentian still couldn't believe it.

Madman Chu has a wife?

The only madman in the ages has a wife. Can anyone imagine him as a husband? ?

The eyes of countless female sisters in the college were dull.

At this moment, they felt that the sky was falling.

"Woo, the chief has a master, my heart is broken..."

"It's impossible, I must be dreaming, yes, I must be dreaming, haha, the weather is really good today..."

"The chief's wife... ooh, I feel like I'm dying. Hold on to me soon."

Fuyin and the others were bleeding from heartache.

They had never thought that in this world, there was actually a woman who could be loved by Madman Chu.

"My son, when did you marry the young lady?"

"It's very early, I got married before I became a fairy."

Hearing this, everyone felt better.

It turned out to be something before I met them.

It's no wonder that in these years, I haven't heard of any woman the chief has an affair with, and no one can make him treat him differently. It turns out that the chief is a person with a family.

In the fairy world, there are so many noble gods and fairies who have not entered the eyes of the chief Dharma.

But he was willing to put a heart on Gu Linglong.

Thinking of this, they looked at Gu Linglong with deep envy in their eyes.

After recounting the past with everyone, the Madman Chu said lightly: "Next, I plan to go to Ji's house."

"I'll go with you."

An indifferent voice sounded.

Not far away, a man holding a donkey came slowly, looking like an elegant scribe.

But when Lu Zi and others saw this, they all saluted.

The person here is Zhang Zi.

He is also the only monk in the academy.

"I'll accompany you to Ji's house!"

Zhang Zi said loudly.

The Ji family wanted to exterminate the academy and the human race, this matter has completely violated his bottom line.

Even if he spared his life, he would make the Ji family pay the price!

"There is a monk in Ji's house, I can help you hold him."

"it is good."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

"Let's go too!"

"Can't let the Ji family look down upon my college."

"Come and not go indecently, the Ji family dare to hit the academy, then they should also try to be hit by someone."

Zhang Zi, Cao Yun and others spoke out one after another.

After some preparations, everyone in the academy except for Lu Zi left to guard the base camp.

The rest, UU reading, headed to the academy under the leadership of Madman Chu, Zhang Zi.

The offensive and defensive momentum of the Ji family and the academy changed in an instant.

This incident also surprised many people.

"Hundreds of academies attacked Ji's house in turn?!"

"Kuangren Chu has made a move. It is indeed extraordinary. The Ji family can be regarded as an iron plate this time."

"Oh, this is not just a battle between the Academy and the Ji family, but also a game between Xian Ting and the Human Race. Once everyone in the Academy headed by the Madman Chu loses, the Xian Ting Fengshen General will have no obstacles. In the future, the Human Race will only I am afraid that I will become a vassal of Xian Ting forever."

"This battle between the Academy and the Ji family is of great concern."

Everyone is watching this battle.

In the Ji family, the Seven Great War generals who fled in embarrassment also informed the Ji family's high-level leaders of the defeat. For a while, the entire Ji family was in an uproar.

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