Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The four heavenly kings of Xianting, but so, 80 million Xianting aid...

The true dragon of the emperor's path reappears in the world, each with a giant of a million feet, and the terrifying coercion makes the surrounding void constantly distorted!

And the aura of Madman Chu had reached its peak at this moment!

"This is the emperor's stunning art!"

Everyone's pupils shrank, and they were no strangers to this special technique for the emperor.

"The million-meter-long Emperor Dao true dragon, where did he get such a human luck?!"

Mo Liqing said very solemnly.

The Human Sovereign Shocking Technique requires a lot of human luck to practice to the extreme.

But in the immortal realm today, the human race is controlled by the fairy court, where did Madman Chu get so much human luck to cultivate this technique to such a level? !

"Outside the immortal world, I heard that he created an empire outside the immortal world. It seems that this is true!"

Mo Lihong said.

"No matter what, everyone is careful."

With the blessing of the true dragon of Emperor Chu, the madman of Chu is so terrifying that he has reached the limit of Dzogchen!

With every move, Xianhui whistled like a flood, and could easily smash the stars.

Like a supreme emperor, suppress everything!


The purple golden flower fox mink beside Mo Lishou screamed, and his body swelled, and then bite towards Madman Chu.


Madman Chu snorted softly.

I saw the emperor real dragon behind him suddenly moved.

The Nine Dragons came out together, and the mighty power was vast. Compared to this flower fox sable, I don’t know how terrifying it was. Almost in the blink of an eye, the flower fox sable was blasted out of pieces by the might of the Nine Dragons!

"Ahhh, my flower fox mink!"

When Mo Lishou saw this, his eyes were bloodshot and red.

Huahu Siao has depended on him for many years, but now the other party has died tragically in front of him. How can he accept this? !

"Mad Chu, I want you to lose your life!!"

Mo Lishou roared, his figure turned into a flash of lightning and rushed out, all kinds of immortal methods were urged one after another, and his brain whistled towards the madman of Chu.

Madman Chu was unmoved.

Between raising his hands, Xianyuan surged, dyed with a layer of golden light, and poured out under the blessing of the emperor's real dragon!

All kinds of immortal magical powers are easily crushed!

Although Mo Lishou is also Dzogchen, it is still not enough to see in front of this power. The whole person is blown upside down, and the blood is spitting wildly.


Seeing this, the other three also displayed their abilities.

Mo Liqing held the sword in his hand, and the sword light cut out one after another. Amidst the wind and fire, thousands of spears and golden snake flames were engulfed.

"Your sword is miscellaneous and impure, useless and useless!"

Madman Chu held his hands tightly, immortal yuan surged, cut out with a sword, the sharp and domineering sword light shrouded in Mo Liqing from all directions.

Zhuxian Jianqi, sink into the immortal!

Sword Qi and Jian Qi intertwined and collided, but Mo Liqing fell into a disadvantage!

Sword Qi raged on him horizontally and horizontally, tearing out dozens of blood stains, and the blood was flowing like a fountain!

After a while, Mo Liqing seemed to have turned into a **** man.

"Mad Chu, Hugh is crazy!"

Molonghai held the jade pipa in his hand and kept playing. The sound of the pipa was like a big bead and a small bead falling on a jade plate. The power of earth, wind, water and fire rushed towards the madman of Chu frantically.

"It's ugly!"

Madman Chu curled his lips, then raised his hand and cut, his sword aura whistled out.

Ground wind, water and fire, was easily broken!

Mo Lihai's face changed drastically, and he was struck by the sword aura. The jade pipa in his hand made a clanging sound and the string broke!

Just when Madman Chu was about to take advantage of the victory, a large shadow suddenly rolled away above his head, drowning the sky!

That is Hunyuan Umbrella!

The Hunyuan Umbrella unfolded, as if it turned into a sky, covering the Mad Man Chu completely.

"Zhu Xian!"

When Madman Chu raised his hand, Zhu Xian's sword energy was finally displayed in one go.

Under the blessing of Jiulong, the power of this sword surged like a tsunami-like big Luo Yi, and the brilliant sword light turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky!

Only heard a roar, heaven, burst!

That Hunyuan Umbrella was actually tore a huge hole abruptly!

Mo Lihong felt distressed, "My umbrella!"

The four heavenly kings made successive shots, all of them were wounded one after another, the flower fox mink died, the string of the pipa was broken, and the umbrella was torn...

Such a tyrannical strength made everyone moved and frightened.

Seeing the Madman Chu who stood in the air and surrounded by Nine Dragons, his eyes were shocked, jealous of all sorts of emotions.

At this moment, they seemed to see the return of the ancient emperor!

In the hearts of countless human races, there was a touch of emotion.

Madman Chu stood in the air, looking at the wounds, the wounded four heavenly kings, the immortal weapon was wounded, his expression was as cold as ice.

The Dingtian sword in his hand deflected, and the runes on it were flowing with mysterious brilliance.

"The Four Heavenly Kings in the Fairy Court, but so."

Madman Chu said indifferently, he wanted to kill the four heavenly kings here!

Available at this time.

A huge crack suddenly appeared in the void, and within it, there were waves of golden and iron horses.

Warships flew out of the void, and the soldiers in battle armor looked solemn.

Among them, there are military formations or surging violent thunder power, or hurricanes surrounding, or blazing fires, or floods!

This is the four armies of Xian Ting!

In the army, there are actually several terrifying Da Luo who is no weaker than the four heavenly kings.

They glanced sharply across the scene, and finally locked on Madman Chu.

On the other side, another space crack opened.

I saw the mighty army walk out, wearing armor engraved with runes, or riding a chariot, or riding a fierce beast...

The momentum is magnificent, no less than the four armies of Xian Ting!

This is the Imperial Spirit Army of the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting!

The four armies of Kunlun Fairy Court, the Eastern Emperor Fairy Court Imperial Spirit Army, a total of 80 million troops, came to the scene, and the coercion of the army formation made every spectator feel as though they were suffocating.

"Haha, reinforcements are here!"

Mo Liqing laughed, and the Ji family's senior management was extremely excited.

"Such an army, even if it is in the restricted area, I dare not despise it." Brother Daluo in a restricted area couldn't help but said in shock.

The others looked at Madman Chu and couldn't help shaking their heads with emotion.

"With such a large army, even if the Madman Chu has the ability to reach the sky, I am afraid that this time he will not be able to destroy the Ji family."

"Unless he can let the seven gods and demons take action, but then, Xian Ting Hedao will never sit back and watch. That will only make the situation worse."

"All said, this is not just a battle between the Academy and the Ji family, but a battle between Human Race and Xian Ting!"

The discussion continued.

Everyone looked at Chu Kuangren with curiosity in their eyes.

What will the other party do next?

"Madman Chu, just grab it with your hands!" Mo Liqing shouted loudly.

"The 80 million army... Oh, it seems that Xian Ting really values ​​the Ji family, but I still said that. Today, I will destroy the Ji family!"

The madman Chu's words fell, and he saw a huge star blooming brilliantly above the nine heavens.

A beam of light projected from the stars and came to the sky above Ji's house.

One figure came out of the beam of light, but it was the purple star force led by Absolute Wushen, UU Reading www. The number of is no less than tens of millions.

The monks in the line of gods and demons were also among them.

Before everyone was astonished, the madman of Chu flicked his sleeves, and a vast ghost gate appeared majestic, and endless Yin Qi gushed out of it.

One by one Yin soldiers rushed out like a flood, cold resentment and lifelessness filled the sky above Ji's house.

"My Mengyi, I am willing to charge for the king!"

A roar came out, and the millions of Qin Emperor Yin figurines led by Meng Yi stepped out!

Every yin figurine has a sense of war on the face!

This is an army of tigers and wolves created specifically for killing and destruction!

Although there are only one million, its power is not inferior to the 80 million Celestial Army!

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