Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : He Dao shot, the Ji family was destroyed, and the restless forces

Whether it is the first flower from the other side of the world, the flower of love, or the flower of desire, which is the origin of the world of desire, the strengths of the two are extraordinary, and they are both powerful enough to reach the goal of Dzogchen. They took action and immediately caused the battle. A huge change.

The flowers of the other shore bloomed in the void, the power of reincarnation was permeated, and the soldiers fell one after another and fell into reincarnation.

And there are countless vines spreading out of the flower of desire. Between the vines, the soldiers are caught in the whirlpool of desire and cannot extricate themselves.

Flesh and desire are successively swallowed by the flower of desire and turned into nourishment.

The power of the double flower rages on the battlefield, almost no one can beat it.

With the help of the army of the underworld and the shady figurines, the 80 million army of Xian Ting was defeated like a mountain and was quickly wiped out.

This battle.

Xian Ting is defeated!

"Now, it's your turn to die!"

The madman of Chu looked at the four heavenly kings of Xian Ting, the power of Nine Dragons surrounded his body, and he slashed out from the sky in his hands.

The sword light rotates, the sword intent is magnificent!

Mo Liqing was the first to bear the brunt, and the sword in his hand clanged and broke directly, and the immortal body was torn by this sword and fell directly!

"Big Brother!"

"Damn it, Madman Chu, I'm fighting with you!"

The other three were desperate and indignant, urging Xian Yuan to the extreme, desperately launching a suicide attack on Madman Chu!

Even if they die, they will pull the madman from Chu together!

"To die together, you are not worthy!"

Madman Chu cut out with a sword, and the biting sword light flashed one after another, and the remaining three people were disintegrated by the sword energy one by one.

Just now.

In the distance, the clouds are surging, and the roads converge, turning into a huge golden hand, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, shattering the void, and grabbing towards Madman Chu!

That terrifying power made the Quartet turbulent.

Xian Ting Hedao couldn't help but make a move!

Dao blends together, and this force is unity. Under unity, it's hard to resist!

But Madman Chu narrowed his eyes and looked at this palm without fear.


There was a cold voice.

In the void, a spirit of gods and demons burst out, and a huge black palm, wrapped in a dark and deep force, attacked the big golden hand!

One black, one gold.

The two big hands were bombarded together, and the tens of millions of miles of void burst into a sudden burst.

Countless space cracks spread out.

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, and he couldn't be more familiar with the spirit of gods and demons. It was Bei Ming's power.

Bei Ming made a move.

"Wu Ming Immortal Emperor, you are really shameless, dignified and dignified against a young junior?!"

"The Emperor cannot stay!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Wuming Xiandi, one of Xianting Hedao.

And at the moment his words fell, those broken roads gathered in the void, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the madman Chu!

"Trick in the middle! Immortal Emperor Wuming, good means!"

Bei Ming's voice was a little angry.

He wanted to stop the blow for Madman Chu, but it was too late.

That streamer flew towards Madman Chu at an extremely fast speed. Although the power was not as strong as one-thousandth of that big hand just now, it was after all a combined blow. It was extremely powerful and definitely not a monk in the realm of Da Luo. Blocked.

Madman Chu's whole body space was locked by Dao Ze, and he couldn't dodge at all.

"Ghost Emperor!"


Yin Honghua, the generals in the underworld couldn't help but shrink their pupils, and their faces were full of horror.

However, he saw Madman Chu holding Dingtian in his hand, and on his forehead, the green lotus mark bloomed with brilliant light, and the destructive power of the green lotus melted on the sword's edge and burst out!

boom! !

The power of Jianguang and Dao Ze crashed!

The powerful force caused Madman Chu to fly upside down, smashing dozens of peaks one after another.

Everyone looked at the distant mountains with solemn eyes.

"Is he dead?"

"Although it is not Hedao's full blow, but after all, Hedao shot, no matter how strong his strength is, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop it."

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Many people are expecting that this move can kill Madman Chu, even if it is a heavy blow.

But when the smoke dissipated.

A figure in white clothes slowly walked out of the smoke and dust.

Dressed in white as old.

The ancient sword in his hand trembled.

Madman Chu walked out with his head raised, his expression was indifferent, he looked at the direction of Xianting in the distance, and said indifferently: "I've taken this blow!"

He actually blocked Hedao's blow!

Not only that, he looks unscathed!

"So strong!"

"How terrifying is his strength?!"

Able to block a Hedao attack, even if it was not Hedao in its heyday, but the power of this attack is not something that Dzogchen can easily take!

A faint sigh came from the fairy garden in the distance.

"What a madman, what a man, I Xianting looks forward to confronting you next time!"

The Emperor Wuming said lightly.

Immediately ordered to retreat.

With the Chu Madman, the Ji family can't keep it, but with Bei Ming and other seven gods and demons, they can't move the Chu Madman.

"no no!"

"Xianting, my Ji family has done so many things for you, are you going to abandon us now?!"

One of the Ji family elders looked at the retired Xian Ting, shocked.

But no one paid any attention to his rant.

For Xian Ting, Ji's family is just a relatively handy tool. Although it is a pity to discard it, it is not indispensable.

If you continue to fight against Madman Chu, Xian Ting's losses will continue to increase.

Today, the list of gods has been destroyed.

The Ji family is no longer useful. Instead of continuing to fight for them and the Chu Madman, it is better to stop the loss in time.

"Xian Ting, you are so cruel!"

The elder of the Ji family screamed, furious.

The rest of Ji's family are also full of frustration.

Madman Chu's expression was indifferent, and while waving his hands, Yin Soldiers charged, and wiped out the Ji Family and the Xian Ting army that had not completely retreated one by one!

This battle.

Madman Chu showed extremely powerful personal strength and influence.

Even the Ji family, who is backed by the two immortal courts, is destroyed if it is destroyed!

At this point, Madman Chu has completely established his prestige in the immortal world, not only his personal power, but even the background behind him cannot be underestimated.

"What a madman of Chu, no one among the younger generation can compete with him!"

"He is still a Jiezi, and with his strength in this Jiezi fight, I am afraid that it is a sure thing to win the position of the lord of the immortal world."

"Yes, this immortal world, I am afraid that in the future, it will become the utterance of this Madman of Chu."

After this battle, many people are thinking about something in their hearts.

Especially some forces that are at odds with the mad people of Chu are even more worried. UU Reading

"This purple star, the underworld, is the help he developed decades ago. Only the foundation of these decades ago can compete with the fairy garden. Now he has returned and if he continues to develop, he will become the lord of the fairy world. , Just around the corner, my Dragon Palace will be in danger by then."

"My soul forbidden zone is established in the immortal realm. We have a deep hatred with the Madman Chu. If he becomes the lord of the immortal realm, where is there a place for us to live?"

"Da Leiyin Temple, I'm afraid he will also be targeted."

"Mad Chu...With this person, I can't sleep and eat well, but with Wutian's current strength, I am afraid that there will be death or no life against him..."

A madman of Chu has become a hanging sword of giant forces, and this sword will fall down at some point.

This makes them restless.

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