Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Goodbye Chu Hong, Storm and Thunder Tribulation, Fire Tribulation

Ten square formations of heaven and earth artifacts, this is the method of using the power of the ten artifacts!

Everyone looked at the huge formation, and their eyes couldn't help showing an unexpected look. They didn't expect that Fuxi descendant could really find a way to restrain the madman of Chu.

"Ha, with this battle, maybe we can really deal with Madman Chu!"

The East Prince God Child was a little excited.

And beside him, the goddess' eyes flickered slightly.

"There are only seven artifacts here, plus the Haotian Tower that hasn't come, and there are only eight. Where are the remaining two?"

Shi Jiuqiao asked curiously.

"Fuxiqin is in the hands of the madman of Chu," Hua Xi said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone's mouth twitched.

The Goddess of the Great Si Ming even sneered, "Then what is the formation, don't tell me, do you have a way to **** Fuxi Qin from the hand of Madman Chu?"

"Fu Xiqin's matter, I will handle it myself."

The descendant of Fuxi said indifferently: "As for the last artifact refining demon pot, I have already calculated its whereabouts, and it is in Qishan!"



The birthplace of the Ji family.

It is said that there are many treasures hidden in this secret realm, among which there are even the inheritance left by the first emperor of the Ji family.

Just after the Ji family was destroyed, everyone in the Ji family who was developing the Qishan Secret Realm also scattered and fled, causing the Qishan Secret Realm to be completely exposed in the fairy world.

Many people went to check it out.

Madman Chu also had some interest in this secret realm, so he took Gu Linglong to go.

On the battleship.

Madman Chu was playing with a jade slip in his hand.

A message came from above.

After reading the message, Madman Chu couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Gu Linglong was a little curious beside her.

"It's nothing, just suddenly some fun is coming."

Madman Chu smiled.

"Have fun?"


Madman Chu handed the jade slip in her hand to Gu Linglong. After she looked at it, she was a little surprised, "Husband, they seem to be very prepared to deal with you."

"Ha, it doesn't matter."

Madman Chu took out the Fuxi Qin, flicked his fingers across the strings, calculations in his eyes.

Flick the strings with your fingertips.

A sound of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers echoed for a time.


Qishan is majestic and majestic, with peaks one after another, ravines crisscrossing, and countless beasts lurking in them. Naturally restrained in the mountains and forests, a faint light permeates.

Vaguely, one can see the evil spirits of Tianjiao who came here to explore.

And Madman Chu, Gu Linglong also came here.

A huge immortal consciousness surged out, and most of the secret realm of Qishan was shrouded by it.

"According to the jade slips of the Ji family, there is a Nirvana spring in the secret realm of Qishan. It is the most precious place in Qishan. However, there is a test set by the ancestors of the Ji family. No one in the entire Ji family has been able to pass. "The Madman Chu thought secretly.

He didn't care about the other treasures in Qishan anymore.

Only this nirvana fountain of good fortune can still enter the eye.

It is said that this spring is formed by the condensing of Phoenix essence and blood, and possesses the magical effect of improving aptitude.

He intends to take it for Gu Linglong to use.

The two swept all the way in the direction of the fountain of good fortune of Nirvana.

At this time, a burst of phoenix sound suddenly sounded.

Not far away, a familiar energy wave came, and Madman Chu's eyes flashed, "This power is...Xiaohong."

not far away.

Several figures are intertwined.

Among them was a fiery red figure holding a spear, and the phoenix fire roared around his body, and the sharp phoenix scream resounded everywhere.

It is Chu Hong.

And the two figures who fought with her were a man and a woman. It is worth mentioning that the auras of these two people are extremely curious, and they have faintly restrained Chu Hong's power.

"This power is the breath of robbery."

In the Pangu universe, there is a layout left by the Tianyuan universe.

That is the egg of the void.

Madman Chu killed a Void Egg Yin Yang Tribulation before.

But now it seems that the rest of the void eggs have hatched one by one, and it is two of them who are now attacking Chu Hong.

"Chu Hong, with the joint hands of the Fierce Fire Tribulation and the Wind and Thunder Tribulation, you can survive till now. Among the 72 Immortal Pride, you should be among the best!"

A big man in a red armor said with a smile.

This person is the raging fire robbery.

"Hmph, you still dare to show up in Ten Tribulations, you really don't know how to live or die."

Chu Hong said coldly.

After the Yin Yang Tribulation appeared, the existence of the Void Egg was completely exposed.

Everyone also knew about the existence of the Ten Tribulations, and knew that these people were a threat to the Pangu universe, so once they found out, they would join forces to deal with them.

It's just that the Ten Tribulations do not belong to the existence of this universe.

Their fate trajectory is difficult to deduce, their whereabouts are erratic, their own strength is extremely powerful, and they are full of catastrophes, which allowed them to get away with it to this day.

"Hey, Chu Hong, you are alone, why don't you dare to show up?"

Lihuo Jie stared at Chu Hong, with a greedy look in his eyes, "You are the flame beast of this universe. As long as you swallow you, my way of blazing fire will surely rise to a higher level. At that time, even if it's a Dzogchen pro So, why am I afraid?!"


Chu Hong waved the spear in his hand, and the phoenix fire roared out.


The woman next to Lihuojie, that is, Feng Lei Jie gave a cold cry, hurricane and thunder surrounded her body, and it was about to erupt in the next instant.

But suddenly, a figure in white clothes walked up not far away, and the air of the catastrophe in her body was trembling, as if she was in fear!

"This kind of strange fluctuation, it's him!"

Feng Lei Jie seemed to have thought of something, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Between the ten calamities, the hearts are interoperable.

They felt something about what Yin Yang Jie had experienced, and naturally knew the existence of Madman Chu.

Know that in this universe, they are the robbery of other people!

But Madman Chu is their robbery!

"No, Fire Tribulation, leave!"

Feng Leijie didn't want to face Madman Chu directly, and after seeing him, he immediately left.

However, when they moved something, they saw a terrifying big Luo Yi suddenly appeared in the void, and the void was actually stagnated by this force!

This is the big Luo Yi of time and space!

The two only felt that their bodies were plunged into a huge quagmire, and their movements became extremely slow.

They used their own great calamity energy to attack this great Luo Yi.

Using this universe's great calamity energy to deal with this cosmic monk has always been unfavorable, and even people with Da Luo Yi stronger than them will be restrained.

But today, the unfavorable atmosphere of catastrophe has expired!

The air of great calamity hit this great Luo Yi, and did not exert its due effect, not only did not restrain the opponent, on the contrary, he was suppressed!

"This big Luo Yi does not belong to this universe?!"

Feng Lei Jie judged Chu Madman's self-improvement and invincible Da Luo Yi characteristics, UU reading was extremely horrified.

And Madman Chu had also walked in front of the two of them, and between raising his hands, the terrifying Xianyuan wave spread out and turned into a huge Xianyuan hand.

Naturally, the two would not be willing to catch it.

"Wind and thunder endless calamity!"

"The fire burns the heavens!"

The two urged their strength to the extreme, the wind and thunder rolled, and the fire burned into the sky, turning into an astonishing energy and blasted towards Madman Chu.

The two teamed up, and the combat power was close to Dzogchen.

However, under Madman Chu's Xianyuan master, it was directly disintegrated and could not play a blocking role at all!

The two of them were caught by Xianyuan's big hands, and it was immediately difficult to move!

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