Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : 10 square artifacts shake the sky, Qinglian's destructive power, extremely rus

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Within the ten square array of heaven and earth artifacts.

The madman of Chu fought alone on the ten great arrogances and the artifacts they held in their hands.

The bells of the Eastern Emperor's Bell echoed, matched with the sound of the piano, and were infinitely powerful. Pangu was overbearing with axe and axe, almost breaking the ground!

Madman Chu didn't retreat and couldn't avoid it, his eyes showed war spirit!

Nine golden flying dragons suddenly broke out all over him, and the terrifying coercion contained them.

Surrounded by Kowloon, the Madman Chu's combat power soared.

With a sword cut out, the sound of the piano, the sound of the bell, the light and the sword aura exploded, and billions of brilliant lights enveloped the heaven and the earth, shaking the Immortal King Terrace!

Madman Chu flew upside down, standing still in the sky with his hands in his hands.

"Since I returned to the Immortal Realm, this battle is the only one that can be regarded as a battle that makes me enjoyable. You should be honored for this!"

There was a smile on his face.

"It is an honor for you to be defeated by the top ten artifacts!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a huge tower descending from the sky, seeming to be wrapped in the power of billions of stars, containing an extremely terrifying force of suppression!

This power makes one's heart palpitating.

But the corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, the Dingtian Sword Peak in his hand deflected, and a huge sword shadow shot out!

Peiran's sharp sword aura, with endless killing and destruction!

It is the final form of Zhuxian Jianqi!

The sword domain collided with the Haotian Tower, and the huge was lifted off.

Haotian Shaoyu looked at Madman Chu with a serious face. He was suddenly a little grateful that Fuxi Shaoyu could think of these ten magical methods.

Otherwise, with their power, they would not be an opponent of Mad Man Chu.

Such a monster can't be easily summed up with taboo at all.

"Shennongding, come out!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a great cauldron rolling out towards the Madman Chu, it was the Shennong cauldron!

"Heh, Human Emperor Sect, there are really a lot of good things hidden."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

He blasted out with a punch, and the surging power exploded directly, hitting the Shennong Cauldron, and blasting it away!

"Strengthen the power of a divine weapon with a physical body, this guy is really a monster."

The descendants of Shennong secretly stunned.

"When I have time, I will personally visit Human Emperor Sect. I hope you can welcome it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Hearing what he said, the cultivators in the Human Emperor's Sect couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths, their eyelids twitched, and instinctively felt that there would be no good.

"You want to master the emperor, I'm afraid there will never be a chance!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan roared, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand suddenly cut out, the overbearing sword shadow, mighty, seeming to cut the world!

"On Jian, you can't even beat Brother Ye, and dare to compare with me?"

Madman Chu cut out with a sword, and Zhu Xian finally tore his sword energy.


Sword Qi crashed, and the world was turbulent.

The descendant of Xuanyuan vomited blood and flew upside down.

Upon seeing this, Huaxi quickly treated him with Nuwa Stone.

Ten artifacts, take turns to attack.

Madman Chu had a sword in his hand, cracking them one by one.

It seemed that even these ten great artifacts could not help Madman Chu.

But some people noticed.

The attacks of Fuxi and others continued to intensify.

"The ten square array of heaven and earth artifacts is extremely mysterious. I'm afraid that compared with the Zhoutian star array, the immortal sword array is not much different from the ancient peerless array like the Zhuxianjian array. The Fuxi inheritors and others have obviously mastered this array for not long, and they are using it. Madman Chu practices his hands."

"Now, they have become more and more proficient in the use of divine tools, and the ten great divine tools resonate with each other, endlessly, in the big formation, the immortal essence in the body will be continuous and endless, and the madman of Chu Strong, there are limits!"

"The result of this battle is destined!"

There is a kind of existence who thinks that Madman Chu can no longer win.

And this time.

On the stage of the immortal king, the power of the immortal essence of the descendants of Fuxi and others soared, and the power of the terrifying artifact erupted, directly knocking Madman Chu into the air!

Behind him, the nine emperor golden dragons were also broken one by one!

That huge power is heart palpitating.

"It's such a terrifying power of an artifact, even Madman Chu is not an opponent."

"They have gradually brought out the true power of the magical array."

"Yes, Madman Chu, we are going to lose."

Inside the great array of artifacts.

The descendant of Fuxi gave a long roar, and Fuxiqin made frantic sounds in his hands.

"Kuangren Chu, the next step is the most powerful blow of the Divine Weapon Array. Can you stop it?!"

The majesty of the artifact, mighty.

Hundreds of millions of brilliant lights flickered.

Madman Chu stood with a sword, even if he fell below, he did not change his arrogance, "Come and try!"


The descendant of Fuxi shouted, and Fuxiqin's power was mobilized to the extreme by him, soaring into the air, Dao Yun manifested!

The other nine people also used their power to transform the artifact.

Pan Gu axe, the ultimate strength, the axe light flow, seems to be breaking the world!

Kunlun Mirror, the power of time and space evolves, and the mystery is endless.

Nüwa stone, colorful and brilliant circulation, contains the energy of good fortune.

Kongtong seal, refining demon pot, Donghuang Bell, Shennongding, Haotian Pagoda, Xuanyuan Sword each blooming in celestial glory, hovering in mid-air, ten artifacts, resonating with each other!

A huge colorful vortex formed in the void.

This is the ultimate power of the ten great artifacts, possessing the divine power to change heaven and earth and subvert the universe!

Even if the existence of Hedao sees this power, he can't help but admire it.

"The power of the divine tool is really extraordinary."

"Yeah, I can't think of how Madman Chu would win?"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in hand.

On the forehead, the green lotus imprint circulated the mysterious Taoist rhyme.

"Chaos has green lotus, palm creation and destruction!"

"Qinglian, the power of destruction!"

At this moment, Madman Chu urged Chaos Qinglian's destructive power to the extreme that can be used at this stage!

An appalling force of destruction flows.

This power already existed at the beginning of the chaos before the heavens and the earth were opened!

The power of a divine tool that is enough to change the world, and the power of destruction that already exists before the world is opened!

These two forces are shining each other!

They are all incredibly powerful, and their energy fluctuations spread, eclipsing the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon are dull!

The complexions of all the evil spirits around Tianjiao changed drastically.

"Ten-square artifact, shaking the sky!"

The descendant of Fuxi roared.


With a shock, the power of the divine tool vented towards the Madman Chu.

And Qinglian's destructive power has also rushed out.

The moment the two forces collided, the surrounding void began to collapse silently. The strength of this force directly affected the deepest void.

This blow revealed the enchantment of the great array of artifacts, madly impacting the entire Immortal King Terrace.

At this moment, the Immortal King Terrace, which has been ravaged by countless Tianjiao unscathed, has cracks, almost falling apart!

Not just the entire Xianwangtai.

The entire battlefield of mountains and seas is shaking, the mountains and rivers are broken, the sea is boiling, the storm is sweeping, and everything is falling apart!

And when the energy dissipates.

I saw the fairy king stage, UU reading www. flew upside down one by one, crashing on the barriers of the great array of artifacts.

It is the descendant of Fuxi, the descendant of Xuanyuan and others.

Under the extreme impact, they couldn't save their lives, and they were traumatized one after another!

"The impact shared by the ten of us has all been severely hit, and Madman Chu alone bears all the impact. I see him, his life will not be long!"

The descendant of Fuxi wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth and snorted coldly.

But seeing the energy flow in the big formation, a figure in white clothes stands proudly.

"This, how come?!"

The faces of several people in Fuxi's ancestor changed slightly.

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