Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Raising your hand is a good fortune, and you will be close to the emperor

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In the mountain and sea battlefield, the madman of Chu won the position of the immortal king with great spirits.

All the Tianjiao evildoers are no longer able to compete with them.

"Friend Chu, congratulations."

Yuzhi, Ye Zhu and others stepped forward to congratulate you.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and several people exchanged greetings.

Then, Madman Chu returned to the academy with Gu Linglong and others. In the process, the fact that he became the fairy king has been completely spread, and almost no one in the fairy world knows.

Hundreds of colleges.

Zhang Zi, Lu Zi and others led the academy with no mathematics students. They waited in the academy. When they saw the return of the madman of Chu, their eyes lit up.

"Congratulations to the chief for becoming the fairy king!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

But the Madman Chu smiled faintly, and between raising his hands, the surrounding spirits flowed, the power of the fairy king exploded, and the sky was actually blooming with golden lotus.

In that golden lotus, the extremely rich aura is contained in it.

Jin Lian fell into the bodies of the students, which caused their immortal yuan to be restless, and they rose rapidly.

Between raising your hands, it is a good luck!

The power of the immortal king made everyone present incomparably amazed, and the madman Chu's eyes were filled with incomparable enthusiasm.

This is the power of the fairy king!

"The fairy king, I don't know what you plan to do next?" Zhang Zi stepped forward and asked curiously.

The position of the immortal king has been established.

The current Madman of Chu is undoubtedly standing on the top of the immortal world, even if he is in harmony, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with him.

So far, the cultivation base can be called the highest.

Even in the fairy world, it is not unreasonable to call the first person under Hunyuan.

And I don't know if there is Hunyuan in the fairy world.

This can be said to be the highest achievement of a monk in his life.

"Since I am the king, the human race should be self-reliant. The human race has been suffering from the fairy garden for a long time. It is time to overthrow these two fairy courts."

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, looking into the void in the distance.

His words made everyone extremely excited.

"I'm willing to listen to the immortal king's dispatch." Zhang Zi said, arching his hands.

As a member of the human race, Zhang Zi and others do not have a half-hearted impression of Xian Ting. They only think that these two Xian Tings are extremely obtrusive.

Madman Chu returned to his residence in the academy, thinking about his next move.

Now, he has become the fairy king, and now he can do many things that he couldn't do before.

For example, overthrow the fairy court, integrate the yin and yang realms, let the sky empire settle in the fairy realm, etc...

However, the road has to be taken step by step.

These things need to be prioritized, not in a hurry.


At this moment, a figure appeared beside Madman Chu.

This is a person who looks almost exactly the same as him, and this is a clone made by him using the wood puppet technique.

After he went to Tianyuan Universe, this clone remained in the fairy world.

And has been collecting all kinds of information for him, secretly layout.

Now, he has become the fairy king, and everything should be when the net is closed.

"Is the investigation clear?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Well, at Xian Ting Station, Daluo's previous master list and background have been investigated, but now there is a problem."

The clone said lightly: "Thirty-third Heavenly Formation!"

Upon hearing this, the two looked at each other.

Kunlun Fairy Court, Eastern Emperor Fairy Court, these two fairy courts have been able to stand in the fairy world for many years and become the overlord, and their backgrounds are naturally extraordinary.

Among them, the 33rd Heavenly Formation of Kunlun Fairy Court is even more astonishing.

This large formation can enable Xian Ting to build thirty-three fortifications, and it can also isolate the location of Xian Ting from the fairy world, thereby isolating the power of the rules of the fairy world.

Madman Chu's power of the fairy king is the same as the power of the ghost emperor of the underworld.

Can only be used in the fairy world.

And once Xian Ting isolated the rules of the fairy world, his power of the fairy king could not be used, then he was just a slightly stronger Dzogchen.

"It won't be so easy to deal with Xian Ting. This has long been expected."

"But, I have just become the fairy king, and I need an object to stand up for. Xian Ting is the most suitable stepping stone."

Madman Chu still did not give up the idea of ​​subverting Xian Ting.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Array is indeed a trouble, but it is not without a solution.

His clone has been in the immortal world for a long time, can a big formation be able to stop it?

"You have all the right to prepare for the war. I will first refine the Three Treasures of the Immortal King, and then I will visit a few places."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"I get it." He separated his mind and body, and disappeared instantly.

The refining of the Three Treasures of the Immortal King went smoothly.

A few months later, the Three Treasures were completely refined by him, and this immortal king power was completely mastered by him.

The madman of Chu now feels that he has the terrifying power to subvert Xuanhuang in his gestures!

"So strong!"

"Now I, even in the face of a Hedao, I am confident that I can overcome it!"

Madman Chu spread his five fingers and held it slightly in the void.

As if the world is in the palm of your hand.

"According to the information collected by the clone over the years, as far as Kunlun Xianting is concerned, there are at least three Hedao, and Donghuang Xianting is not too bad. It is conservatively estimated that there are two Hedao or more. In other words So, in this battle, I have to face at least five Harmony Realms!"

Madman Chu never thought that if he went to fight a fairy court, the other fairy court would just stand by.

Although these two immortals inevitably fought openly and secretly on weekdays, in the face of the emperor, they could always wear the same pair of trousers and deal with him together.

Madman Chu estimated his own combat power...

He didn't count the gods and demons in the line to subvert Xian Ting. He wanted to use his power, and this was also an opportunity to test these powers in his hands.

One in the academy, three in the underworld...

In addition to the immortal king, with the blessing of the immortal king's power, he alone can top at least three hedas.

It seems that it is one's own side that has the advantage.

But Madman Chu knew that this was not enough.

I need more combat power.

For this, he had already planned.

Then, he refined all the ten square artifacts.

As for the formation of the ten square array of heaven and earth artifacts, the goddess had already secretly recorded it in the process of her practice, and handed it over to him.

With his talent and strength, it is a bit difficult to manipulate ten artifacts by himself, but it is not impossible.

This is another killer feature.

The ten-point magical array of heaven and earth is extremely tyrannical, and Fuxi's successors and others have not taken it to the extreme.

"Well, it's time to visit those places next."

Madman Chu whispered.


the other side.

In a magnificent giant city, various palaces and pavilions, one after another, all kinds of fairy mountain peaks, towering majestically.

The magnificent weather is like a place where human luck is concentrated.

And here, it is the Emperor of Humanity.

It is said that in addition to specializing in cultivating the descendants of the human emperor, this emperor's emperor also established himself as an orthodox emperor, collected the luck of the human race, and created the nine realms of the emperor's path!

These nine true dragons encircled the sky above the giant city, magnificent.

People outside the emperor.

Dozens of patrolling disciples are discussing recent events in the fairy world.

"I heard that Madman Chu has now become the Immortal King, and he will be at war with Xian Ting soon."

"Yes, I also received news."

"Human emperor's fate, the **** of the immortal king, what a transcendent existence is this, such an existence, it is estimated that we may not be able to reach it in our lifetime."

A disciple said with emotion.

at this time.

The entire human emperor sect seemed to be affected by something, and it shook crazily. In the high sky, the dragon energy condensed by the luck of the nine human races roared to the sky!

An unprecedented change has enveloped the entire human emperor.

"what happened?!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically.

But one of the disciples on the patrol suddenly shrank his pupils and pointed to the distance, "Look, there..."

Everyone looked in the direction pointed.

I saw my eyes everywhere, dressed in white, stepping slowly, surrounded by Taoist rhyme, dragons and phoenixes were auspicious, unicorns stepping on the sea, Hundred Saints worshipping and other visions continued to reflect!

The supreme immortal, the emperor among the people!

Be close to the emperor!

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