Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The other one I should come forward, strange forces, weird fog

For a long time, the name of the Heavenly Sword has moved Tianyuan Universe.

In the eyes of countless people, Convenience is the pinnacle of kendo, the only existence that may be stronger than the Nine Kings.

It's a true sword world myth!

But now, the Heavenly Sword disappointed Chi Shenyu and others.

Although Ye Zhu and others are strong.

But compared to the nine kings, there is still a big gap.

But the Heavenly Sword couldn't even deal with them, so how could it be the opponent of the Nine Kings? It seemed that this reputation was spread by mistake.

With such a reputation and strength, it's unreasonable.

This also caused Akakami Yu and others to have some different thoughts in their lives.

For example...Kill the opponent!

The Heavenly Sword and the Dao King's clan are not in harmony, and the evildoers of the Dao King's clan who died in the hands of the heavenly sword are not few.

If he could kill the opponent, he would be regarded as the Dao King clan removing an obstacle, and he could step on the opponent to become famous.

The most important thing is to be able to get the Hedao fragments in the opponent's hands.


Madman Chu looked at the group of evildoers in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Heaven does iniquity, you can live, you do iniquity, you can't live."

The eyes of Chi Shenyu were cold.

A demon snorted coldly, "The strength is such a dish, but the tone is quite big, let you see what is truly powerful!"

As he raised his hand, Horror Xianyuan blasted towards Chu Madman.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

Seeing Xianyuan burst into pieces, the evildoer who shot at Madman Chu turned into a blood mist and exploded on the spot, disappearing in smoke.

This scene changed the faces of the rest of the people slightly.

They didn't even see how the other party made the move!

This strength is more powerful than when Madman Chu fought with Ye Zhu and the others just now, but the opponent has been hiding his clumsiness all the time? !


"Heaven Sword, why did you show mercy to the people of Pangu Universe just now? What are you thinking about?!"

Chi Shenyu questioned her voice, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

Does the other party have any connection with Pangu universe?

"You don't need to know."

Madman Chu didn't say much, the sword's fingers condensed, and the overwhelming sword intent enveloped all sides, and then smashed toward everyone!

"not good!"

"Quick, shoot!"

The expressions of Akakami Yu and others changed drastically, and they took action to resist.

But the sword will transform the sword energy, wherever you go, the rain of blood will fly!

"Heavenly Sword, we are all members of the Tianyuan Universe. At this time, in the void battlefield, we can't fight inwardly. Please stop!"

Chi Shenyu was a little panicked.

The true strength displayed by Madman Chu was above his imagination, and it was not something they could resist.

But Madman Chu ignored his words.

Almost instantly.

Most of the evildoers in the field died.

Can't fight inward?

Just kidding, he was not from Tianyuan Universe.

Even Akakami Yu had a bad heart first.

"Blood God!"

Seeing Madman Chu didn't stop, Chi Shenyu roared, urging his power to the extreme, and blood appeared behind him.

A huge **** law condenses, and a domineering bloodthirsty intent fills the audience in an attempt to resist sword intent.

But compared with Madman Chu, this power is really too bad.

Just a moment.

The law phase shattered, and Akakiniku was strangled into dregs by Jian Qi on the spot!

Madman Chu reduced his sword intent, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly found a piece of jade slip floating in the field.

There was a shimmering flicker.

"Oh, some kind of communication thing?"

Madman Chu showed some interest.

He took the jade slip and wanted to see what the news was.

The jade slip flickered, and a few lines of small print appeared.

"I wait for Yin Honghua, the owner of Ssangyong Power, and Yuzhi, the descendant of Queen Mother of the West, to wait for the enchanting position, and I will hunt and kill them!!"

This piece of information caused a cold color to pass through Madman Chu's eyes.

"Okay, this idea has hit someone next to me."

He locked the location of the transmission and stepped out.

However, his current identity is Heavenly Sword, if he wants to help Lan Yu and others, it will inevitably lead to doubts.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to sit back and watch.

"So, the other me, it's up to you to come forward."

Madman Chu whispered.


Pangu universe.


Madman Chu had already handled most of the things in the same way, and Gu Linglong was also standing by to help with the rest.

Suddenly, his eyelids twitched, and there was an induction.

That's the other one calling him.

"Oh, is anyone going to attack Lan Yu and others?"

Madman Chu's eyes were cold.

He confessed a few words to Gu Linglong.

Then, looking out of the fairy world, stepped out.

In an instant.

The immortal world trembled, and countless people looked somewhere.

"This wave of volatility... The Immortal King is out of Immortal Realm."

"Is he going to the void battlefield too?"

"Tsk, if the immortal king is in the immortal realm, he is invincible, but if it is out of the immortal realm, the power of the immortal king is difficult to use. There are not a few people in this universe who can kill him..."

"The fairy king, if you leave the immortal world this time, can you come back safely?"

In the fairy world, many people are secretly trying to figure it out.

An immortal king can make the entire immortal world peaceful and peaceful, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment, which is an excellent thing for most people.

But there are very few restless people who don't want to see this situation.

They are all looking forward to the fall of the fairy king!


A figure came out of the fairy world.

In the universe, all forces are paying attention.

"The fairy king is out."

"Is he finally unable to hold back?"

"Ha, great, if he has been in the immortal world, no one can help him, but he is going to the void battlefield. Now, those enchanting Tianjiao and even Hedao will have a chance..."

Madman Chu flew all the way towards the void battlefield.

Can suddenly.

Several figures stood in front of him.

Each of these people is the realm of Dzogchen Dzogchen.

Blocking him at this time, it was filled with cold murderous intent!

Madman Chu glanced, all of them were strange faces.

"Oh, which power is this from?"

His eyes, but the people who came here didn't want to say more, so he started directly.

These people have a tacit understanding between the shots, and Da Luo Yi echoed each other even more, forming a stronger force.

"Interesting, strangers, strange forces, it seems that there is a lot of fun hidden in this universe."

Madman Chu said coldly.

If it were other times, he might be interested in playing with these strangers, trying to find out the details of each other.

But now, he rushed to the void battlefield.


His Xianyuan surged to the extreme, and the terrifying power of the Xianyuan poured out, and the sixth step was a big Luo Yi, flowed to the extreme!

One punch!

The power of reincarnation of life and death is transformed into a black and white Tai Chi diagram and rolled out.

It is the power formed by the fusion of several physique and supernatural powers.

boom! !

These few Daluo reached a complete success and were directly bombarded and killed.

And on them, there was a flash of black light.

No blood splashed.

These people turned into a cloud of mist and dispersed.

"Huh? Not a body of flesh and blood, but turned into a mist after death?"

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

Are there such strange races in the Pangu universe?

He ignored it and wrote it down secretly.

On an unnamed ancient star.

A figure wrapped in a black robe looked at the direction Madman Chu was leaving, with a different color in his eyes, "Madman Chu, you are indeed the enemy of my Wuzu in occupying this universe."

He took out a jade slip and recorded the moves, cultivation bases, magical powers, etc. used by Madman Chu just now.

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