Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Fighting the emperor 0 autumn, and then to the emperor again, what is the emperor

Pangu universe evildoer encounters Emperor Qianqiu and others besieged and killed.

The rune barrier opened.

Just when everyone was in danger and the war was about to start.

In the void, a white figure slowly descended, a celestial splendor circling, dazzling, surrounded by big Luo Yi, extremely domineering.

It seems to be detached from everything and suppress all souls!

His posture is aloof, just like a fairy king!

His attitude is indifferent, watching the world!

The moment his toes landed on the rune barrier, the entire barrier collapsed and vanished!

This scene severely stimulated the nerves of the evildoers in the Tianyuan Universe. They looked at Madman Chu with amazement.

"I can't believe that besides the Heavenly Sword, there are actually such otherworldly people in this world."

"What is his background?!"

"Madman Chu, he is Madman Chu..."

The evildoer of Tianyuan Universe guessed the identity of the person who came.

Feng Qiyu and Emperor Qianqiu looked at Madman Chu with solemn eyes. The aura permeating the other party's body actually made them feel pressure on these taboos.

In the Tianyuan Universe, apart from the Heavenly Sword, no one has ever been able to give them this feeling.

Originally, when they heard about the record of Madman Chu, they didn't believe it. How could there be anyone in this world like a heavenly sword?

But now, they have to believe it.

"In the Pangu universe, there is such a monster!"

"It's troublesome now."

"Can Emperor Qianqiu handle this person?"

Many evildoers are thinking secretly.

After the Madman Chu arrived, he looked at Di Qianqiu, Di Liuyun and the others glanced, and waved his sleeves, "Wait, let's go together."

Di Qianqiu glanced at the Di Liuyun next to him, and the other party immediately understood it, and then immediately shot.

"Arrogant, let me try your jinliang."

boom! !

The majestic imperial aura burst out instantly, turning into a huge palm print, crushing towards the Madman Chu.

"Useless tricks!"

Madman Chu waved his sleeves, and the powerful Xian Yuan whistled, blasting the giant palm to pieces on the spot in the blink of an eye!

Di Liuyun was the first to bear the brunt, his face changed, and the whole person spit out a mouthful of blood, flew out, and hit the ground.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the emperor Liuyun at the moment had broken bones and bones, and the immortal body Dao pattern was almost completely wiped out. It fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, and breathed in.

It was just a trick to destroy Emperor Liuyun? !

Such terrifying power makes people horrified.

Emperor Qianqiu's double pupils couldn't help but shrink, and the imperial aura on his body instantly agitated.


With an order, everyone attacked.

Behind Chu Kuangren, a group of evildoers were not to be outdone, they violently collided together, fighting together, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

In this chaotic scene, Madman Chu and Emperor Qianqiu stood in the air, facing each other.

The breath of the two of them was flowing, and during the collision, Xianyuan whistled, and the surrounding void was twisted and burst apart for it.

"You are very strong and an opponent worth fighting."

"I don't know how high the sky is, so you want to fight me?!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

That posture inexplicably reminded Emperor Qianqiu of Heavenly Sword.

The tone of these two people is almost the same.

The same is boundless arrogance.

Is this the commonality of evildoers?

Emperor Qianqiu thought to himself, and then, he shot, the imperial aura on his body surged to the extreme, the Dacheng emperor body urged, and once he shot it was the best immortal law that fits the emperor's body, "The imperial prisoner's finger!"

The golden giant finger fell from the sky, imprisoning the world!

Madman Chu raised his hand to hold the sword, and slashed out at will is the sword spirit full of killing and destruction!

Sword Qi broke through the giant finger, and swept toward Emperor Qianqiu, and the opponent raised his hand with imperial aura to condense a shield to block it.

"So strong, his sword aura is not far from that of the sky sword." Di Qianqiu exclaimed again.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor's physical powers were displayed fiercely.

"The Emperor's Seal!"

The boundless imperial aura condenses into a huge imperial seal, and the moment it falls from the sky, it seems to be wrapped in a sky.

"Life and death, reincarnation!"

The madman of Chu urged the gods and demons, the reincarnation body, and the two major physique supernatural powers exploded at the same moment. The power of life and death reincarnation turned into a wheel of life and death of all realms, and the brilliance reflected, as if to destroy all realms!

The void bursts inch by inch!

And that emperor seal is no exception, gradually turning into ashes.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Qianqiu let out a long roar, and the emperor canopy rose from his body, and his aura became stronger.

This is the second magical power of the emperor body!

Immediately afterwards, the imperial aura on him rose to the sky, and gradually condensed into a series of mysterious runes in the air.

The runes gather, like a huge decree.

It is the imperial edict of the imperial body!

"Your physique has indeed brought you a lot of power, but it's a pity that the people who use it are too useless."

A huge black hole appeared around Madman Chu, and the emperor runes rolled around were absorbed one by one.

Countless emperor runes have collapsed one after another.

"Try this again!"

Emperor Qianqiu remained unmoved, his eyes condensed, and the double pupil exploded with a terrifying emperor's air.

In this emperor's air, there is the meaning of life and death!

The emperor's double pupil is on!

Not only that.

This emperor's double pupil is matched with the Dacheng emperor's body, and its power is even more terrifying than the emperor's hundred.

"The emperor's first calamity, reincarnation calamity!!"

I saw that Emperor Qianqiu burst out with a robbery light, which contained a majestic power of reincarnation of life and death.

Madman Chu looked indifferent, "Are you also worthy of reincarnation?"

The fixed-sky sword's edge in his hand deflected, and the same power of reincarnation of life and death was accumulated in the sword's edge, and he drew his sword!

The sword meets the divine light, and Emperor Qianqiu is shaken back hundreds of feet.

And at the moment when he was flying backwards, there was a stronger meaning of life and death in his eyes rotating The second calamity, the heaven and the earth! ! "

The heavy pupils flowed, and the divine light shook again.

The world is shaking, and it seems that it will collapse under this power!

"Da Luo Shenquan!"

Madman Chu put away his sword and shook his five fingers.

Endless Xianhui shot out from it.

A kind of big Luo Yi intertwined and flowed, condensed in the fist.

Fists gushed, smashing the meaning of life and death that flooded the world. With this blow, Emperor Qianqiu was blasted back again!

The people in Tianyuan Universe were shocked.

Who is Emperor Qianqiu?

The fourth sequence of the Tianyuan Temple, although its strength is not as strong as the sky sword, it is also the top taboo in the universe. Such an existence has been repelled again and again!

This madman of Chu is so tyrannical!

And Di Qianqiu was also extremely angry, except for the Heavenly Sword, he had never suffered such a big loss in the hands of anyone else.

He roared, the emperor's aura moved to the extreme, the celestial splendor of his eyes was extremely charming, "The third calamity of the heavy pupil, the calamity of the heavens!!"

The heavens are robbered, the world is disturbed and shakes.

A divine light seems to destroy all things in the world!

Madman Chu saw him, but he still didn't retreat.

"The next trick will let you understand what an emperor is!"

He stepped forward in one step, and the surrounding aura flowed, and there was actually a golden dragon's aura rising up into the sky, condensing into nine emperor real dragons!

Under the blessing of Kowloon, the emperor's power is revealed!

Cut out with one sword, the mighty sword aura, shatter the universe!

The whole continent is in turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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